
1069 Words
Alexcia's p.o.v I hate it when Alexa comes along. Everything takes so much longer. Mom ends up giving her all of the attention because of her little messed up hip. They get on my nerves with that. Can't they snap it back into place or something? I get to the store and ask them to bring me all of their new dresses. I need to make sure I have enoiugh clothes to always look my best. I have to look beautiful everyday, because one never knows when they will find their true mate. Notice I didn't say fated, it's because I already found him. No-one knows because I can't believe that the moon goddess paired me up with the wrong man. My fated mate is old. He is almost 30. How does that even happen? I just turned 19. I want a 25 year old Alpha. I'm mated to an Alpha's brother. The third son. I don't want him. I have done reasearch on Alpha's and packs around our area, the furthest 2 hours away and I came up with just 1. I have my eyes set on him. He doesn't have a mate yet, but that is where I come in. I sit there for like 10 minutes and finally mom and my dearest sister walk through the door. I glare at Alexa. I hate her so much. I can tell her and mom were talking about the other one. The one that drowned in that accident so many years ago. Why didn't everyone die and just leave me so my grandparents could raise me? I hate being a triplet. First it's the dead one, then the broken one. Atleast my parents got me, the perfect one. But it doesn't matter because they are always worried about everythihng else except me. Yes they give us individual attention and always tried to treat us equally, but knowing mom was always sad about the dead one took a toll on everyone. We always knew mom wasn't the same and she is always sad. Even when she smiles. We always knew. I overheard her and dad some years ago saying that they didn't believe that Alexis was dead because they never found a body. Shìt, I wish they would just leave her wherever she is if she is even alive, which I do not believe it. I think she drowned in that river and her body probably floated away or she was eaten by a bear or a wolf or some other creature. Mom helps my sister sit down . "Rest babygirl, I will find you some dresses" mom tells her and I roll my eyes. "Mom the ladies are bringing everything here. You sit down and I will give you a fashion show" I say, clapping my hands. "Okay babygirl, you to Alexa, go on" mom tells her. I turn around and stomp away. I can't show that they bother me. Mom made us all besides my sister because she can't, learn basic training, but I hate it. I hate shifting into my wolf Ana and I hate anything that has to do with being a werewolf. I love being in my human form. I love my body, being sèxy and all dressed up all of the time. I am looking for a strong Alpha to make me his mate so I don't have to worry about those silly things. I will find a man who can take care of me. A rich mate. At this point a rich human. He doesn't have to be a werewolf. I try on thing after thing and of course everything looks great on me. I walk down the hallway showing off and mom gives a thumbs up for everything. I am looking for the next dress when Alexa comes out in a stunning dress, but I want it for myself. "Eww Alexa, that dress looks hideous on you. You look so fat. Take it off and let me try it on." I say. She looks at herself in the mirror. "Yeah, you are right sissy. It isn't my type." she says. ha! I hate my sister so much because of her hip being hurt in that accident she has gotten extra attention. She had more doctors appointments. She had to get a special bed and rail made. She received special therapies. She has special shoes made. She doesn't have to train. She has got it easy. I don't train either besides the basic training that I was forced to learn. "So what happened last night after I left the party sissy?" I ask Alexa. "Nothing I hung out with Steve for a little bit and that's about it." she says. "Steve. Yuck sister, why are you hanging out with Steve? He is a low ranked wolf. He is a nobody. What if your mate found out?" I tell her. "First of all, someone's rank doesn't matter." she says. Of course she would think that way. "Second I do not care what Ruben says or thinks and third Steve is a really nice guy and any woman would be lucky to have him as their mate." She tells me. I roll my eyes. "Why don't you care about Ruben sissy?" I ask her. Do not tell me that she doesn't want her mate. Then why am I sleeping with him for? I am only doing it to hurt her for making everything about herself. "Ruben and I aren't like regular mates. We don't even speak to eachother. I am sure you have noticed." she says. "ppffttt, everyone has noticed" I say. She looks away embarrassed. "Yeah well I do not know what is going to happen with him, but as of now it doesn't even matter that we are mates honestly." she says. "Do you not want him?" I ask her. She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know right now" she says. Ugh she is probably in love with Steve. Time to ditch Ruben. We decide on what we are taking and mom pays and we walk around and get shoes. "Can we stop at the book store?" Alexa asks mom. "Yes babygirl, go on, I will be there soon." mom says. "Lets get some jewelry babygirl" she says. Now she is speaking my language. Atleast I get to live like a real life princess and I am always spoiled.
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