Episode:-4 Curiosity

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Samar...  I don't know why but I am curious to know about Noor crush. I want to know who is that. And how is he look?. Is he hotter than me?.  Handsome than me?  These are the questions which are moving inside my head.  I don't love her.  obviously not.  I am just curious to know this that's it. I am not jealous not at all.  And why should I ?. She is not mine and we are not in a relationship so I think she can date anyone why I am so curious to know? I  am the one who dates more than two girls at the same time.  I was the most popular person in my highschool and now I am getting famous in my university too. I am Very happy in my life.  And I don't believe in long term relationships. According to me girls are only for fun.  Once I get satisfied with them.  I used to broke up with them. Now I don't believe in love and soulmate kinds of things. Because everything is nonsense. I don't think that true love is exist.  It is just a fairy tale nothing else. And in future if I fall for someone then I wants to love her like a princess and wants to f**k her like a w***e.  This is my  wildest fantasy . But in America I didn't found anyone till now with whom I can imagine my future.  No one is like me. Some are gold diggers and some are sluts and others are not my type of. They are boring and I want a girl with a spark.  I want a confident girl with an attractive personality . " hello tina di" I said to her... " hello samar " she replied.... "  Tina di where  are you now? " I asked her.  "  I am in supermarket .do you want to ask  me something? " she asked me... " yes tina di actually I want to know the name of that boy whom Noor is talking recently" I told her.  " sorry samar I can't tell you this. Because after all she is my sister and she is serious about him. I don't know why you want to know his name. But I can't tell you because I can't take any risk. She liked him and what if you will create some problems between them? ". " then she will become upset and I can't see her sad that's why it's better that you should forget about this and focus in your life. She never interfered in your life then why do you want to interfere in her life? " she told me this and then I understood her point . Because Noor is her sister and she can't see her upset. " okk di I will not interfere in her life " and after saying this I disconnected the call. But still the curiosity inside me didn't stopped. The fact that she is happy with someone else is not acceptable for me.  I thought  that she will not like anyone else excluding me but I guess I was wrong I am not important to her anymore that's why she has move on. And maybe she is right because even I am dating someone else so she can also date someone else.  "So Mr. Samar Malhotra please mind your own business and don't think about her.  She is not yours and she will never be. You both are not made for each other. Enjoy your life with your f*****g girlfriends and just forget about her.  She was just your past nothing else" said my inner voice.  And then I changed my clothes and decided to go club . I took my phone and called my most favourite recent girlfriend Bella and told her to come with me in the club. Believe me she is hot OK I accept that not more than Noor but yes she is hot too.  Noor is smoky hot but Bella is good too. And most important she is submissive and I love submissive girlfriends because I love to dominant them. She never questioned me back and  she always obeys my every Command that's why she is my favourite girlfriend. 
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