Chapter 1- The Deal

988 Words
*Piper POV* "Five years ago, I had a choice. I could do the easy thing or the right thing. I fought for the right thing. I fought for you. Five years, Victor. And yet you still act as though loving you is wrong somehow. As if it is something that was forced upon me. You made it so hard to love you, you wouldn’t let me love you. And yet you still sit here and think you forced my hand?” I breathed heavily, looking desperately at Victor. I could tell he was trying to decide how to respond, but I didn't give him the chance. “Victor, I love you. I don’t love you because of our mate bond, I don’t love you because of Ivan. I love you because of you Victor. We have three beautiful babies to show for it. We survived a war together. You’ve seen me at my worst, just as I have seen you at yours. I love you. I chose you.” I peered deep within his eyes, willing him to believe me this time. “I just..sometimes I feel as though you and Ivan are though he’s the one you really want, and I’m” He choked out. “Oh Victor, no my love. I love you both equally, I really do. The truth is, I always compared you and Ivan when we were first bonded. You wanted nothing to do with me, remember? I had to put him on a pedestal in order to get through your rejection. I had to make him seem better in my head so I wouldn’t crave you as much. But that was so long ago, and I haven’t felt that way since you first let me in. Because the truth is, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t convince myself to reject you, or more to accept your rejection. I would never be satisfied with just Ivan, as much as I love him. I need you both. I love you both. Please don’t shut me out again.” I begged, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. He pressed his lips together in a hard line as he raked his hand through his hair, his eyes fixated on my face. He stared at me as if his heart was willing him to respond, but his mind wouldn’t release him. He broke his attention with a deep breath before glancing down at his feet. He dragged his beautiful blue and brown eyes up to mine once again. A slight flicker of emotion reflected in them for a second, but another soon replaced it that was much more controlled. “The decision has been made Piper. It is the only way to keep you safe. He said if one of us fought him, he would split the pack land with the other and leave you and the kids alone.” He said sternly. “Just let me try to talk to him! He’s your brother! I know you and Ivan haven’t seen him since you took the pack over from your father, but he is still your brother. If we all just talk-“ “NO! You will not speak to him. Peter hasn’t been our brother in a long time. Piper, two things can come from this fight. I could win, in which case you will be protected. Or I could lose, in which case you and Ivan and the children will receive half the pack lands as per the agreement with Peter, and you will still be protected. If I don’t fight him, he will come after you. I won’t let that happen.” He gripped my shoulders tightly, looking directly into my eyes. There was no room for debate. I steadied myself as I realized nothing I could say would change his mind. He was always stubborn like that. “I still don’t like it. But it’s obvious you and Ivan won’t take my opinion into consideration. I have one request.” I stated, trying to stop my voice from shaking. “Anything for you my love.” Victor said softly, trying to make up for upsetting me. “Before you fight Peter, I want you to read through my journals with me. Both you and Ivan. Starting with the ones shortly before my 18th birthday.” I waited with bated breath for his response. He smiled lightly at me, a flicker of pain showing in his eyes. “Of course my love, we can do that.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled me in to a tight embrace. We stayed like that for a while before finally pulling away. “Well then, let’s get started. Go get Ivan while I grab my journals.” I said, turning and leaving the room. These journals were my most guarded possession, I had never let Victor and Ivan read them before. I didn’t know how they would react to some of the things I wrote, but I needed them to know exactly how I felt from the start of our relationship. Maybe then they would listen to me. I’ve always kept detailed journals, and whenever I could I put pictures in of the moments I described in the journals. It was my way of capturing every moment, creating a space in which I could relive my memories. I know some of the things in the journals will be hard for them to hear, especially from the beginning. But it’s my last chance to convince them not to make this deal with Peter. Not to fight him. I don’t want to lose either of them, and I will fight until the end to make sure I can still sleep with both of my mates every night. Victor and Ivan may be stubborn, but they often forget that I’m stubborn too. And this time, I won’t back down.
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