Chapter 2- Journal Entry 1 & 2

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*Piper’s Journal, Age 17* I’ve replayed the last two weeks in my mind so many times, I would classify them among the worst moments of my life. We came to this pack three weeks ago, having left our previous pack in a rush. Mom and dad have been trying to put on a brave face, but I know they’re stressed. It was my fault we had to leave. Our old Alpha had a son who had just turned 18, and I was expected to marry him. I know he isn’t my mate. I mean, technically I won’t know for sure until I turn 18 next week, but still. There was no way he was my mate. And I believe in marrying your mate. In our old pack mates didn’t matter much. Especially if an Alpha or Beta wanted to marry you. The only choice we had was to leave that pack and join another, which was risky. Luckily the Alpha’s of this pack allowed us to join. Alpha Victor and Alpha Ivan. I haven’t seen much of them actually, but I’ve heard they are ruthless. Hopefully I stay off their radar, I don’t want to risk upsetting them and having my family suffer more because of me. Anyways, the first week of being here was fine. No one really payed attention to me. But the last two weeks…maybe it would have been better to marry my old Alpha’s son. Probably not, but at this point anything seems better than this. These people they scare me. I think they actually enjoy their twisted torment on me. I think they enjoy my fear. And the worst part is, EVERY BODY IS IN ON IT. I feel lost here. Both literally and figuratively. It’s a huge pack, it’s easy to get lost. I got a job here as a cleaner, which means going to several different houses. Anytime I ask someone for directions, they point me in the exact opposite way. Then I get in trouble and my pay is docked. I would use my phone for directions but some girl broke it. She said it was an accident, but she literally threw it on the ground and stepped on it. How is that an accident? Everyone is so rude to me. I get it, I’m an outsider. I don’t belong here. They act as if I don’t know that. Whatever. My boss told me I have a new assignment starting tomorrow. A more permanent assignment. So instead of going to different places to clean every day, I will only have to go to one home. She wants me to get to the cleaning agency early tomorrow so she can tell me about it and make sure I’m prepared. There are apparently a lot of rules to follow for this assignment. I should probably get some sleep now, hopefully tomorrow is better than today was. *Piper’s Journal, age 17* How. How is my life continuously getting worse. Out of any assignment I could have received, THIS is what I’m given? It’s literally my worst nightmare. My new assignment is cleaning the pack house. To make matters worse, Alpha Victor and Alpha Ivan actually have a whole floor of the pack house that they live in. So technically I also have to clean the Alphas’ rooms. What did I do to deserve this? Why am I being punished? All I wanted was to stay out of sight of the Alphas, to make sure I didn’t jeopardize my family’s place here. But now I’m directly in their path all the time. I saw one of them today, though I’m honestly not sure which one. He was tall, with dark blonde hair and a dominating presence. I don’t know what was going on, but he seemed angry. He didn’t so much as glance in my direction, which was a small miracle. I wouldn’t want to be in his way, especially since he seemed as though he was on a warpath. I just tried to keep my eyes on the tasks at hand and stay out of his way. The pack house is beautiful though. Not even in my wildest dreams could I design something this awesome. It was massive, but everything was organized in a way that just makes sense. There was no space wasted, which is just incredibly impressive in my opinion. I guess that was one of the perks of dealing with Alpha’s. They like efficiency of all types, whatever else anyone may think of them, or at least most of them do. But still, I didn’t want to be in such close proximity to them. And all the rules I have to follow! I had to go into the cleaning agency two hours early just to be given the full list of rules. I’m going to write them here so I never forget them. 1. Arrive promptly at the pack house every day Monday through Friday at 8:00AM, clean until 5:00PM. Only clean the lower five levels of the pack house on these days. 2. Arrive promptly at the pack house every Saturday at 11:00AM, clean until 3:PM. Only clean the top floor, which is Alpha Victor and Alpha Ivan’s residence. 3. Knock 3 times before entering a room, and wait no less than 10 seconds for a response before entering. If someone is in the room and has not responded to you, apologize for the intrusion and offer to come back later. 4. Do not speak to the Alpha’s unless they speak to you first. 5. When speaking to the Alpha’s, do not say anything in disagreement with them. Never tell them no. 6. Do not make eye contact with the Alpha’s. 7. Do not eavesdrop on any conversations you may be within hearing distance for. 8. Do not gossip. 9. You may take three breaks when you are there Monday through Friday. Two 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute break for lunch. On your breaks you shall head to the kitchen. Ask the head chef what you are allowed to eat for the day. Do not eat anything other than what you are told, stealing extra food is not allowed. 10. On Saturdays you are permitted one 30 min break. The same rules apply for Saturday as far as location of break and food privileges. 11. Dress appropriately. You are there to clean, not to try to seduce the Alpha’s. There have been issues with this in the past, and it has not gone well for those who have tried. 12. Make sure everything sparkles. No dust should be left behind after you are done cleaning. It must be perfect. It’s a lengthy list, but it works out well for me. I know exactly what I’m supposed to do, and it seems as though I will have very little interaction with the Alpha’s. Still..I wish I could have had any other assignment than this. But all of the other girls are jealous, apparently this is the best cleaning gig there is in the pack. Normally you have to work for the cleaning service for a long time before being chosen for this. I’m not sure why I was chosen. Probably because my boss expects me to fail, and she’ll find it funny. Or maybe she thinks I’m so worried about failing that I will actually succeed. Who knows. I am rather tired now though, and I have to make sure I get to the pack house on time tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
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