
2154 Words
Everything was still.. Maybe a little too still. The dream started to slowly wash away along with what had seemed the strangest and most uncomfortable sleep ever. Angelique's eyes fluttered open, only to be blinded by a bright room. She groaned and turned on her stomach, burying her face into the pillow. Did she forget to pull the curtains? Why was it so sunny?! How late was it?! Did she oversleep? Thoughts started to rush, but the comfortable bed did not aid those thoughts. For the first time in ages, the bed seemed a little too comfortable to get out of. She inhaled deeply and slowly pulled her face from the pillow, opening her eyes again to look through the room. It was bathed in a white silvery light, maybe a bit too bright for Angelique's comfort, but that was not what pulled her instantly out of bed. This was not her room. This was not at all a room from the facility! The bed she was lying in was at least double the size of her own bed, there were no drapes around it. The room was significantly taller, with a massive chandelier hanging high above, at least twenty feet away from the floor. The walls were painted in a soft shade of gray and decorated with accents of gold and silver. There was a whole damn couch across from the bed in front of a fireplace that was not lighted. The curtains that were hanging heavily at the corners of the crystal clear window were a soft violet shade to match the couch and most of the decorative objects from the room. Angelique stumbled out of bed, almost falling face first as she did so. There were two doors in opposite directions. One was massive, impressively huge even, white and made of what seemed to be wood, while the other was smaller and it blended perfectly with the colors of the walls. Since the latter was less scary, she decided to approach that one. She pushed it open and to her surprise, she came face to face with the biggest bathroom she had ever seen. There was a three-person sized bathtub in the middle of it, made out of the clearest crystal glass she had ever seen, resting on golden feet. all the metallic accessories were golden and everything was made of glass... Is this another dream? Can't be! I would never have imagined such luxury.... a stray thought crossed her mind as she dared to step in and look around. The sink was set at a higher height than a normal one, reaching around her chest and it made her quite uncomfortable. There was a large mirror right in front of it, standing as tall as the wall, in which she could see herself. In horror, she discovered she wasn't wearing her usual attire, but a pair of plain pajamas, just as white as the sheets she slept in. "Where am I?" she whispered to herself, heart pounding in her chest, as she turned around to face the tub. The tub was so big she could probably drown in it. That's an available option if ever needed.... she found herself thinking quite macabre thoughts. As she continued to stroll around the bathroom, the other door opened with a loud sound and closed just as abruptly as it opened. Angelique's heart skipped a beat and her curiosity died down with the wave of anxiety that hit her full force. She could hear footsteps around the room. hurried footsteps. Were they looking for her? The bathroom door was suddenly opened and in the doorframe stood .... a female. Her scream died in her throat at the sigh of the strange figure. The female was rather tall, standing at least two feet above her, with black hair that was slicked back and cut straight to shoulder level. Her body was skinny and her skin held a purple hue which made her look like she was drawn by a child. Her eyes were almond and elongated, completely black and her nose was somehow flat in a strange way. With long elf life ears and countless earrings in it, she did not look like a maid. Her attire was ripped straight out of fairy tales, a see-through black gown with an iridescent shine that covered her from her neck to her feet, laid so she was not too indecent. Under that she wore a bodice made of the exact same color as her skin, pressed and flushed against her tall and skinny body. The oddest things about her were the two sets of arms that were covered almost completely and shiny jewelry and her elongated neck that held at least three different necklaces. She had a strange feminity, her lips full and round, painted with a black tint, and the way she held her posture all added up. Her breasts were small and added little feminity to her body, but her overall appearance did her good. Or so Angelique thought. A woman who knew how to look like one despite nature's unkindness, right? After a few moments of silence, the strange female rolled her eyes and narrowed them at angelique. "Sa'ahaas fen ka malathav?" The woman hissed at her in the strangest language Angelique ever heard spoken. It was fluid, sounded like an od mixture between Latin and Arabic and yet, she was sure it was neither of those two. "Escuse me?" Angelique muttered, her eyes still round with shock and disbelief. "Gha!" the female groaned and rolled her eyes again, with a gesture of frustration, leaning her head to the side and gesturing for Angelique to get out of the bathroom impatiently. "right! Right!" Angelique hurriedly walked past her and back into the room. As she walked past the strange female, Angelique felt the smallest ever. She barely reached the woman's chest and, for a moment, she was terrified, but the female did not seem to bother trying to harm her. Maybe she was pissed about having to just sit there like an i***t and hold the door open. When she entered the room again, the first thing she noticed was the sudden change in light. From the white and silvery light, the room was now bathed in a soft and dim reddish one. She hurried to the window and felt her breath taken away when the land opened in front of her eyes. This was clearly not earth! This was not hell, nor heaven either. Hell would be too pretty to be it, and heaven too dark to be it. The sky held not one, not two, but three immense stars, each a different shade of red. The furthest one might have been by far an instant favorite, because it held multiple rings circling it, with starts varying from silver to golden hues, reminding Angelique of a simple DIY project with glitter she made as a child. The land itself was slightly different. She could now notice that this room was one of the tallest in sight, for all the houses and buildings that lay across it seemed to be entirely too small to be inhabited by people like the purple-skinned woman. The trees and overall vegetation were mainly colored in the same way as they were on earth, green being predominant, but there were different trees with white leaves and an iridescent shine. "Where is this?" she breathed out, her voice shaky, the former exaltation dying down as she noticed what seemed to be a dozen soldiers patrolling around the building. "Kunvanus." the answer came, abruptly. Angelique turned around, taken aback by the sudden break of silence. with wide round eyes, she stared at the alien female, trying to understand her. The alien sighed, clearly frustrated. "You are on Kunvanus. all this-" she gestured with all her four arms, her English quite thick and heavy, but yet, understandable. "The whole planet is Kunvanus!" she explained, her lips moving in an exaggerated motion trying her best to sound as correct as possible. "so you speak English..." murmured Angelique, feeling her knees growing weak. "I do." she agreed and gestured to the bed, where Angelique could spot some clothes. "You hurry, get dressed. It's late. Meal time, and you are waiting." she continued to talk in the same thick accent, gesturing for the woman to hurry. "Waited?" Angelique narrowed her eyes. "Who's waiting for me? Why am I here? Who are you?!" questions came flooding and she stepped closer to the alien, but as soon as she did, the alien hissed, her whole face grimacing in a cat-like way. Angelique stopped as fast as she started it all and gulped down the knot in her throat at the sight of the dagger the alien pulled out of literally nowhere. "Dress!" she ordered Angelique and pointed to the bed again with her blade. "right..." she breathed out, slowly moving to the bed. On the bed, there was laid something that seemed like a dress? Angelique wasn't quite sure at first how to get in it or if she would even fit. The material was blue, a deep blue, similar to the color of her eyes. The material was similar to velvet, but far lighter. It had sleeves and it was long enough to cover her whole body. The dress was off shoulder even if the sleeves were long, it seemed to fit on her arms. besides the dress there was a thick gray fur that most likely was worn over the shoulder. Why was this attire so winter like. Without the fire, her room was warm enough. The alien was dressed quite summerish and there was no sign of frost outside... yet her attire looked as if she was ready to stroll through the winter territory of Russia. She took a look back at the alien who seemed to settle down and patiently wait for her, while walking around the room. With a sigh, she undressed and without hesitation pulled the dress on. As soon as she did, the alien was now behind her, lacing it up from the back. The dress fit almost perfectly. It was a little too long, but it was comfortable to wear. In no time, Angelique was ready. Her long hair was braided carefully and adorned with silver accents just like her dress. The fur was comfortably set on her shoulders and she was given a pair of heels tall enough to bring the dress just above the ground. "follow." The alien commanded and lead the way through the wooden doors. As soon as she left the room, a frosty air hit her face, immediately turning her cheeks and tip of the nose red. The cold air almost took her breath away, but the alien female did not seem bothered by it. "So, who am I supposed to meet?" Angelique spoke after a few steps. the corridors were mostly empty, adorned in a very maximalist way with all sorts of plants and ornaments. "Is this a palace?" she added, stopping to look at one of the immense paintings on the walls which portrayed a battle of some kind. "You're meeting The king Of Kunvanus." the alien spoke again, one of her hands resting heavily on Angelique's shoulder. "Don't stall! He's been eager to see you again ever since you arrived." Again? King? Had she been sold as a slave? She looked down at her gown. Were slaves treated this well here on this planet? Maybe a s*x slave.. a royal s*x slave. She felt the knot in her throat return along with water in her worried eyes. Tears threatened to spill, along with a sea of unspoken terrible words. But they didn't. Her back straightened and she stilled her mind because if there was one thing she knew, was that she was not going down without a fight. And it did not matter who this king was, she was going to kick his balls and make him wish he'd never had laid eyes on her. The alien stopped in front of another large door and took a look at the suddenly too silent human. A half smirk curled on her lips. She could see fear written all over that stoic pose the human took. Fear was good. But somehow, she wasn't sure if it was right to fear the king. Not when he carried her sleeping body all the way up to his bed. Not when he opened the door of his room to a complete stranger. A room he hadn't opened in over three centuries. a room that had not seen a woman's smile in forever. Even as ugly and small as this human woman was... the king saw something in her. Something her own eyes couldn't see. Angelique looked up at the alien woman and sighed, before she pushed the door open and gestured for her to move inside.
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