Play toy

1315 Words
"Aellioah-" a strange, firm voice suddenly stopped the man. Angelique's haze of pleasure melted away almost immediately and she sat up abruptly covering herself as Aellioah slowly pulled himself away from between her legs, his eyes fixed on her face as he licked his lips, a low purr still audible, reverberating from his chest. With her cheeks flushed and her eyes narrowed, she peeked at the door, using Aellioah's figure as a shield. In the doorframe, the raven-haired man stood shamelessly, his eyes pinned on Aellioah's back, as if her presence did not matter to him at all. "I'm busy." Aellioah muttered with a low growl, his finger hooking on her chin and pulling her attention back on him. "The barrier has been breached and we managed to capture one of their spies." the man announced, unphased by the hidden threat in Aellioah's voice. Aellioahs eyes moved to the side, turning to look for a brief moment at him. "I'll be right there." he announced, with a noticeable change in his mood, before turning his attention back on Angelique. "What's happening?" She asked, as she watched the raven-haired man walk away, leaving the door open behind him. "None of your concerns, little dragon." Aellioah murmured, leaning down, his tongue tracing the corner of her lips slowly towards the bow of her lower lip. Angelique rolled her eyes and pulled herself away, whipping at her lips with her thumb. Aellioah couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't pout. I'll make sure tonight you'll get all my attention." his words held promise. "Try not too wander too far from your room, because there are plenty of men willing to snatch you and keep you for themselves. And I'd rather not have to fight anyone for marking you-" he trailed off, his eyes scanning her pretty face. "Mark me?" she huffed at him, a little disgusted. His lips curled into a devious smile before he turned around and walked to the door. By the door Kephry waited with her arms all crossed on her chest, eyeing him with disgust. But he didn't say anything. He simply passed by her and walked off without any other word. Angelique remained on her spot, on the table, confusion plastered all over her face as she stared at his back. The more she stared, she came to the realization of how huge Aellioah actually was. His back was broad enough to hide a fully grown human male, and even if not too muscular, his arms were almost the same circumference as her thighs. But his image was soon replaced with that of a very displeased Kephry, who moved in the doorframe and sighed at the sight of the puzzled human. She shook her head and sighed gently, before stepping inside. "Come on. Your bath is prepared and the room has been warmed accordingly to your needs." she spoke in a low voice, with the same thick accent. With a little hesitation, she jumped off the table and grabbed the gray fur. Her confusion turned into frustration as the ache between her legs woke again when she rubbed her still wet thighs together. "Asshole..." she whispered to herself, the image of his head buried between her thighs springing back to live in her mind. "You'll have to get used to that."Kephry muttered as Angelique walked by her. For a moment, Angelique stopped and took a long look at the violet-skinned woman, before following after her back towards the bedroom. NO words were exchanged until the door of the bedroom closed behind them. Once inside the bedroom, Angelique hissed a curse under her breath and pulled the fur off her shoulders, tossing it away with a loud groan. "I hate him! I hate him so f*****g much!" she growled as she tossed her shoes, frustration growing within her chest, filling her stomach with an uncomfortable emptiness, to the point she felt tears building in the corner of her eyes. "You'll grow to ignore it after a while." Kephry sighed too as she collected the fur off the floor. "But the faster you deal with it, the better your life will be." she advised without looking at her. Angelique turned to the woman with tears in her eyes. "Why do I have a feeling you have been through this too?" she huffed, hoping to be wrong. "Many of us have" she laughed, but it didn't quite feel like a laugh. "Aellioah likes to take treasure wives, or women, or whatever he calls us. We are usually play toys for him, but-"she shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "It's stupid. Ignore me." she hissed and shook her head gesturing to the bathroom. "I got your bath ready." Angelique sucked in a deep breath and continued to watch Kephry with her eyes narrowed, trying to understand what she was saying. " So, what you are saying is that in this place there are multiple women ready to warm his bed tonight..." a spark of jealousy started to burn within her chest. "I'm also saying that you should make peace with all of it. None of us hold any grudge against the other, so do not stray from this. Don't be the blacksheep of his personal harem." Kephry hissed in a bitter voice, eyeing Angelique again, straightening her back with confidence. "I'd rather have an ally than someone else to spite here, even if some of us will not agree with me." "What do you mean agree with you?" Angelique asked, starting to untie the laces of her dress. "Well, sweet human-" Kephry sighed. "-This room hasn't ever been opened to anyone but Aellioah and his own thoughts. No woman has ever stepped in this room, and from the second you stepped on this planet, he carried you straight here. I, personally, don't give a single shut about it. But jealousy is sure to rise when the others will hear." "Oh! How delightful!" Angelique rolled her eyes and dropped the dress down from her body, stepping out of it and picking it up from the floor, unbothered by her nakedness in front of the alien woman. "I'll leave you to enjoy your evening. Try to find something to entertain yourself, because you can't be sure he'll follow his promise." she advised, with a calm tune, before taking the dress and walking out of the room. Angelique hesitated to say anything, so she simply walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She found the huge tub filled with water, with various petals and herbs floating on top of it, the water holding a milky white color. She tested the temperature with her hand before stepping in and sinking in it. As she leaned back against the wall of the tub, memories of earlier started to replay in her mind, the heat between her legs starting to grow again, uneasy and bothersome. At first, she tried to push them all away and focus on washing her body and hair with the shampoo Hephry prepared in a bottle by the tub. Thinking about Kephry, her words popped vividly in her mind. She was supposed to just settle with all this and have him use her as a s*x toy? That did not sit right with her, especially when there were Gods knew how many other women who served this exact purpose for him. Abusive. That was the word that best described him best. Time passed but nobody seemed to measure it, as Angelique took her sweet time in the bathtub, recalling random events of the day, but letting them pass by without bothering too ponder too much on them. But the peacefulness soon vanished when the sound of the main door opening and closing sounded loud in the empty room. Angelique's heart skipped a beat as she heard it. She hurried to get out and cover herself before anyone stepped inside.
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