Friend or foe?

1540 Words
For a few moments there, Angelique started questioning her safety. His grin was scaring the crap out of her and while she wanted to just turn on her heels and keep walking until she was out of this whole building, she stiffened her stance and narrowed her eyes on him. His lips peeled back to reveal sharp canines and lateral incisors on both sides. A dreadful sensation washed over her the more she stared at him, taking in his features. They imitated something so human, in the strangest ways. strange enough to know he was nothing like a human. Before she could make anything out of all this, his fist collided with the glass, with a soft thud, in a rather bored fashion. "Right." the smirk washed off his face, replaced by a rather stern expression. "I guessed you're the fun one, but it seems you're just as stuck up as the others." he declared, turning around and making his way to the only bed in the cell. A little agitated, Angelique hurried after him, closing in the distance between her and the cell, stopping just a few inches from the glass. "Wait!" she called out, sucking in a breath, when his back stiffened to her voice. " You couldn't have asked for me only to turn your back on me like that!" she hissed through her teeth, anger filling her as the thought of being useless started to settle in. "Hm?" the man turned his head to the side, the corner of his eye catching her figure. Oh , so close and yet- . For a moment, he hesitated to move, but then again, he continued his way to his bed, dropping on it lazily, leaning into his pillows and tucking his hands under his head. "And what makes you think that? Maybe I just needed some companionship. Your friends are terribly bland, plain and boring. If they were a spice, it'd be flour." he huffed, half amused, half unbothered. The sternness on her face eased with his joke, and for some reason, even the atmosphere seemed to ease around them. Yet, this was not the time to let her guard down. "So, are you going to tell me what there is that you want from me?" she pressed the matter, crossing her arms on her chest once again. "What is that I want?" Aellioah murmured to himself, eyes closing slowly, and lips curling into another sinister smile. "I think you'd find words lacking if I tried to explain it to you, little dragon." his gaze turned on her, pinning her eyes down, unphased by her impatience. "I'm sure part of you knows what I want, just as i'm sure the other part of you is not willing to do just so-" a small pause broke his sentence,his eyes traveling back to rest on her face."-yet." he breathed out, his voice hoarse and filled with a hidden promise. Another shiver traveled down her body, settling on her lower back , spreading as a warmth all over her abdomen. When his eyes met hers again, she could feel her cheeks heat up and the realization of having seen those eyes before hit her hard enough to leave her breathless for a few moments. The same mesmerizing and yet, peculiar eyes haunted her dreams for a few weeks now. unusual dreams she did not have the courage to tell anyone about. "Well, seems like something got your tongue, little dragon. No witty comeback for me?" Aellioah pulled his eyes away from her figure, pinning it on the ceiling above his head, yawning lazily, in a very beasty way. "What are you doing here? On earth?" Words came out stuttered, her voice broken and unsure. "Well, that lovely mercenary you're keeping as a pet, brought here something I want. And well, as soon as I arrived, your friends decided to knock me out and pickpocket me, stealing the rest of those things I want. So I'm here for them. Simple as that." the answer came quite honest and unbothered. "But since you're so powerful and almighty, why don't you just grab them and leave us alone? would take a lot off of our hands and everyone would be happy!" Angelique countered in a pitched voice. "Hm? Do you think so? But then I'd miss all the fun!" his words ended with a short laugh. "Fun?" "Your puny planet is dying. The whole universe knows Earth has its day counted. And hosting the fragments will only help deteriorate its state. So I'm here for all of that. For the whole show. Food is free, and rather interesting and nevertheless-" Aellioah pushed himself up from the bed and before Angelique could step away from the wall, he was standing there, forehead pressed against it, eyes pinned on her face. "-I found a new, interesting toy for myself." he smirked. "Who are you, little dragon? Where are your mighty scales? Where are your poisonous fangs and unbreakable claws? Did they clip away your wings?" his voice was low and with every word that came out of his mouth, his smirk faded, turning into anger. For a moment, as he approached so suddenly, Angelique stumbled backwards, her heart skipping a beat. Aellioah's expression turned into one filled with anger and some sort of uncertain distress, the more he looked at her. This small creature, with a round face and terribly soft eyes, sparked something within him. Obsession. As if she were a treasure he needed for his palace, to add to his hoard. Standing so close, it was clear her patterned skin was not tattoed. Those were scars. Old scars. scars that should not belong to anything considering themselves human, for it was an insult to call such a race even something remotely similar to a human. Maybe, just as he was, she was the last of them. The last of the Dragonkin. If nothing disturbed her enough to flee so far, now, his anger surely did. With a raging heart, and adrenaline pumping in her veins like crazy, she turned on her heels and hurried away. "You're locked here!" A roar echoed behind her and before she even got the time to react, the roar was followed by the sound of breaking glass, shattering and spilling all over. Angelique yelped and covered her head immediately with her arms, but before any glass shard got to harm her, something incredibly hard and hot at the same time, wrapped around her. "You're locked here..." the same words were repeated in a low husky voice, breathed against her ear. "I told you that they left you here, all alone." Aellioah continued, his arm snaking around her waist, pressing her against him harder. "Do you still believe they are your kin? your friends?" the darkness in his voice turned to sullynes. Disgusted? not even close.... Angelique's whole body was buzzing with a strange energy. She could feel it creep under her skin, aching for release, accompanied by a very well-known warmth spreading from her lower abdomen to her pelvis and slowly between her legs. Her heart rate was frenzied, steadying to match the pulse she felt against her. "I do hope that when the day comes, you'll open your eyes wide enough to see who's actually there to worship you , rather than use you like a shiny promising toy." Angelique felt his nose brush against her ear for a few moments, lingering on her lobe as he took in a deep breath, enjoying her scent. She could feel his fingers press insistently on her side, moving up to the side of her breasts. Her lips parted and she belt out a shaky breath, but as soon as she did so, the sensation was gone. Warmth, the firmness of his body- all gone. Her eyes snapped open, and she found herself standing right in front of the glass wall, with him still lying on his bed, eyes closed, hands under his head, breath steady as if he had fallen asleep. The glass wall separating them was intact and no sign of any crap. What happened? With a dry throat and raging thoughts, Angelique slowly turned around, moving her hands over her sides, feeling the texture of her clothes, right over where she had felt his touch, walking back to the sealed doors. She touched the control panel and turned her head to look back at the platinum-haired man, trapped in the cell. Behind her, the lights of the path turned off and his cell dimmed in a comfortable light, perfect for rest. He was completely still. As the doors opened, she hurried out, past the guards and straight to Grimes room. They sent her in the lions cage with no way to defend herself, no one to defend her if needed. Alone in the same room with the most arrogant and dangerous being on Earth... This was not standing right with her. But maybe, maybe all this had to wait, for she was told something extremely important. The celestial fragments were harming the Earth? Yet, as soon as this thought crossed her mind, the ground started to shake under her feet, along with the flickering lights above her. Eartquake....
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