Chapter 4

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So, here we are two hours later with almost two empty wine bottles, arguing if pineapple is supposed to go on pizza or not. That's a not by the way.   I really need to stop drinking so much but hey, it helps me relax and be comfortable around new people so every now and then, I don't mind making an exception.   "This was an awesome idea, finally a drink buddy who can keep up", Sophia said sarcastically, a sheepish smile on her face as she lied down on the floor next to me. "Yeah and I'm officially never going to try that again" "Light weight..." she muttered, turning her head and winking at me. "Yeah, yeah whatever. But hey, you're not just gonna run off and leave me alone later, right?" I asked her, still a little nervous for the party. I'm probably gonna be so awkward if she leaves me and I'm not looking forward to that. "Of course not, we're going to have lots of fun. Maybe we can even do one of my favorite games..." she answered, giving me a creepy smile and I narrowed my eyes at her "Do I even want to know?" This girl is going to be the death of me tonight... I can just feel it. "Well, yeah. I'm going to play matchmaker tonight. It's just one of my many talents", she responded casually. Oh god, no... "But it's a hard and time consuming job so don't expect any direct results for tonight", she went on. "Let's just have fun tonight, yeah?" I told her, trying to get the main topic away from the match making. It's not that I hate the idea, I'm just really careful when it comes to love or mostly the lack of it. I've had relationships but they never ended well, especially the last one. I kind of had a harder time trusting boys after all that but hey can you blame me? It's not exactly easy nowadays with the whole 'I don't do commitment' s**t. Like hey, I don't want to marry you just then and there. All I ask is respect and loyalty, if your terms are different? Fine, talk to me about it and be honest with me, don't put the blame on commitment. And don't be thinking I'm just talking about guys, there are a lot of female snakes out there as well...   "Hey dreamy, you wanna get ready or what?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard Sophia yell, already halfway up the stairs. "I'm cominggg, relax", I quickly yelled back. Standing up, I realised quickly I really did drink enough. And I still have to clean this all up before we leave, nice... Oh well, whatever. Let's just go up before Sophia starts yelling again. As I made my way in my room, I found Sophia going trough my boxes which I had even completely forgotten about. "Well, do you have any suggestions cause the overfull boxes are not really helping...", she asked, raising an eyebrow at me and I chuckled as I closed the door behind me. "I don't know, something pretty yet comfortable. I don't care for the 'dress to impress' though. It's just a homeparty anyway", I quickly said and she looked at me with a disapproving look. "Yeah, you do. We're going to make you look hot", she answered, going further through the box. I just rolled my eyes and plopped down on my bed, my back hitting the soft mattress. Why did I say yes to the party again? "Mmh, this will do", I heard her say before something got thrown over my head. I pushed myself up and smiled as I noticed the big black t-shirt dress she had thrown me. No hate, like I said I prefer comfort. Plus, it's quite nice and not really long so paired with the right jacket, I'd even consider it quite sexy. "Thanks, so what are you wearing?" I asked as I changed into the dress. She just held up a red tight dress as answer and I found myself shaking my head again. "Of course", I stated and stood up to put on my jeans jacket. I honestly didn't expect her to be the flirty type but then again, I've known her for a day. "Well maybe you're not, but I'm definitely planning on getting some tonight" she commented, giving me a big smirk as she started changing. "Specify 'some'" Preparing for the most ridiculous explanation ever, I made my way to the mirror to add a bit more make up. "Well, there are lots of hotties and nice guys going to our school and I do fancy some hot company", she explained as she sat down next to me. "Want a quick summary of hotties?" she abruptly turned to me with the biggest smirk on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "I'm just loving this, introducing you to all the craziness. Just really curious for your reactions and I'm having a really nice time with you", she answered as I just stared back at her. "So, let's begin with the schools 'it boy', Liam Marshall", she started and typed something on her phone before showing me a photo from f******k. Pretty understandable that he’s the ‘it boy’. It had been the guy that was standing next to Ashley, the first person I had ran into. He looks absolutely gorgeous and even that doesn’t describe his looks fully. Beautiful dirty blond hair, twinkling blue eyes and a perfect jawline. Let’s not forget his body looking like a Greek god. "He's obviously a snack but he's super nice as well. Only downside is that he's friends with Ashley. They used to date but that didn't work out so they're just friends now, meaning he's totally single. Besides Ashley, he's most of the time with Adam and James. They are the most handsome guys from the football team, you should totally try with one of them" she continued before typing on her phone again. "Alrighty, any other important people I should know about?" "Well, there are a few gems in the bad boy squad but there's only one that really mingles with the rest from school, Matthew Miller", she said and put another picture in my face. I did recognize him. He was with the group of the guy where I had bumped into earlier. He did have a little bit of a rougher look with his little stubble and black hair that he had up in a bun in the picture but he looked handsome nevertheless. His blue-green eyes gave him a more friendlier look though. "Matthew can have a little bit of a mean side but normally he's just one big sweetheart, just don't get on his bad side. He's also very protective of his friends and even more so of his twin sister Sarah. Most of the time he's with her, Oliver, Jason and Daniel", she added, seeming a little uncomfortable as she mentioned them. "Noted", I replied and she sighed, her face turned a little more serious. "But like I said don't get on their bad side, especially Daniel. He's known for his short temper. Same goes for Oliver and Jason. They're all ridiculously handsome but they're trouble, believe me I've known them for a long time". "Okay, stay away from Daniel and Oliver. Anything else?" I asked, already not remembering half of the names. "Alexander is on the list as well but he's my prey for tonight. He's the one throwing the party by the way", she spoke and I raised a brow, wondering what kind of guys she was interested in "Anything special about him?" "He's the incredibly hot and cocky rich kid", she went on and she showed me another picture of yet another good looking guy. "How many hot dudes go to this school?" I muttered, making her chuckle "I know right and there are a lot more like William, Ethan, Robin and etcetera but I have a feeling that you're not going to remember much of what I just said. Certainly not in your little drunken state right now" "As if you're that sober", I boldly raised my chin once at her before I laid back on the ground to intensily stare at the ceiling. She got up from her spot on the floor and started dusting off the little bit of clothing that she had on. "Alright friend, you're gonna call the taxi while I clean up downstairs because at this rate, we're not even making it to the party", she helped me back up before walking to the door. "Light weight", I heard her mutter and I threw her a glare as she wildly smiled before walking out. After I called the taxi, I laid down on my bed again and looked outside the window to see the moon had already travelled pretty high up in the sky. I don't know why but I really have a feeling that this is going to be a really chaotic year but for one reason or another it makes me excited. I've really come in a point in my life where I don't want to care about the stupid little things anymore and just live in the moment. I've been through enough s**t, I deserve this new start. "Ella, the taxi's here", I heard Sophia yell from downstairs and tiredly pushed myself back up "I'm coming" Walking over to the mirror, I held my arms in front of me and closed my eyes, pretending to let go of all the bad energy. I'll only allow positive and good vibes from now on. After a minute I opened my eyes and as I looked back in the mirror, I felt sort off different. Weird, I know, blame the alcohol. "Just let go for once Ella and live in the moment, you p***y", I told myself before I slowly stepped away from the mirror, grabbing my purse and carefully making my way downstairs. Let's party...   
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