Chapter 9 - The Doctor

513 Words
I'm gathering my courage to go and tell the police what happened. I ask to use a phone. I call the police. I tell them what happened and the cop says it's not their jurisdiction, that is the hospital's. They can't do anything. I have to go through the hospital security. I call security. I tell them what happened and they tell me to call the police. I tell them the police told me to call them. A security officer comes to the ward. She's female. Good, it would be easier to talk to a woman. I try to introduce myself and ask if we can go into an office to talk. Her badge says her name is T. Daniels. She asks to talk to a staff member first. I tell her that it is important, a crime has been committed. She rolled her eyes at me. "Sure it has." she says. She's not going to listen to me. She's not going to make this easy for me. I'm not even going to get privacy here. I plead with her to listen to me. "The psychiatrist is evil." "Please can we go into an office." I ask. "Fine." she snaps. I start to tell her about what happened in the shower. She listens with a skeptical look on her face. I ask her if she'd going to write any of this down. She said she didn't need to. "I know what you're doing." she says. "You don't want to be here so you're trying to make it seem like the doctor is hurting you, so you'll get attention." My mouth falls open. "I've seen this before. Girls always make s**t up about him just to see if they can get him in trouble. I'm not going to let you drag his good name through the mud just to get your kicks.' She turns to the staff "What does her chart say about her?" Olivia pulls my chart and reads for a bit. "It says patient seeks attention through her repeated suicide attempts. If not given enough attention through her behavior, the patient may resort to lies and stories to achieve her goal." I feel like I've been slapped in the face. That bastard. That fucker thought to cover his tracks in my chart so no one would believe me. Officer Daniels looks at me and says "There it is. Right in your chart. You'll do anything for attention and lying about the doctor is right up your alley. Luckily he wrote that down so he won't be subject to your bullshit." I blink. I blink again. I turn around and walk back to my room. The officer calls after me that she's going to let all of the security know about my lies so they won't waste anymore time on me. Perfect. Fucking perfect. I cry myself to sleep. I'm awakened by a door lock clicking. I turn, thinking maybe Mike is back. It's him. It's the doctor. "You've been a bad girl." he says as he puts his hand over my mouth.
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