Chapter 6 - Resignation

417 Words
I give up. I give the f**k up. I can't die. I think I'm immortal at this point. A doctor comes in. At least I think he's a doctor. He's wearing a suit instead of scrubs. He shuts the door. And pulls the curtain. Yeah, no, he's not a doctor. "Hello Quilla." "How do you know my name?" "I know a lot of things about you Quilla." "Like what?" "Like you want to end your life but can't seem to manage it, even though you should absolutely be dead. You've overdosed and hung yourself. You've deeply cut 2 major arteries and drowned." "Yeah, I kinda noticed. Thanks for the recap. I think I'm immortal." "Oh good, you already know." "Wait what?" "You're immortal. You can't die." "I know what immortal means. But this is a joke. There's no such thing as an immortal." He takes a knife and stabs me right in the heart. "OUCH! WHAT THE f**k ASSHOLE!" "You're going to want to keep your voice down or you'll attract attention." A doctor comes walking in. He takes a look at the knife sticking out of my chest. "You always did like drama Chuck." the doctor said. "Nothing wrong with a little flair Mike." the guy named Chuck said. "Not to break up this cozy reunion but I have a f*****g KNIFE IN MY CHEST! ONE OF YOU ASSHOLES WANT TO FIX THAT?" Chuck says "My apologies." and yanks the knife out. He wipes the blade off and puts it in his suit coat pocket. Mike starts to sew me up. "What is happening? Someone tell me what the f**k is going on right now." "You are a rarity, a Unicorn, an immortal. There are very few of us. Every few centuries one pops up. We usually find them in the military since that's where the most casualties are. Mike here actually found you. He treated you when you came in last week. When you woke up he thought you could be one of us. When you woke up this time he knew you were one of us. That's when he called me and I came right over." Chuck said. "Is this a sick joke? I don't want to live at all and you're telling me I'm going to live forever?" "Why do you want to die so badly? What could possibly be that bad?" Mike says as he puts his hand on my shoulder and I jump away. "Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me."
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