Chapter 7 - History lesson

348 Words
"How long have you been alive?" I ask Chuck. "A very long time. The first time I died was when a stone block fell off the sled when I was building the pyramids in Egypt and crushed me. I woke up just before the embalming started. Any later and I'd be half mummy." he chuckled. "My real name is Chafulumisa." "Wow" I said. "You worked on the Great Pyramids?" "No, not the great ones but the queens ones next to them." he said. "Still, that's pretty cool." "What about you Mike?" I ask. "Oh I'm just a baby. I died on the Titanic. I was returning to America after visiting my family in Ireland. My name is Michael Connaughton. I was the last immortal found before you." "Wow you both had really cool historical deaths and I just tried to kill myself. That doesn't make for an interesting story." I said. They both laugh "Cool deaths, huh?" Mike said. "Oh you know what I mean. It's a better story than mine. How long do I have to stay at the hospital? Can I leave now? " "No." Chuck said. "We have to follow what the doctors say." "But Mike is….." I start to say. "Mike is a medical doctor. He can't discharge you. He can only say you're healthy enough to go back to the psych ward. You need to follow the psychiatrist's orders." I jump up and scream "NO! f**k NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE AND GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!" There is a look of shock and confusion on both of their faces. "Why? I know hospitals aren't the greatest places but you need help. You need to get better. You need to stay until your doctor says you can go." Mike says. I start to cry. Ugly cry. Snot is pouring out of my nose and tears are going so fast I can't see through them. "There, there it's OK. We'll get you back up to the psych ward and get you back to bed. You'll feel better after a nap."
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