Chapter 2 - If This Is Heaven.....

326 Words
...... beep.....beep.....beep.....beep.....beep..... A small sound, almost unnoticeable, tapped in Quilla's ears. The air was acrid smelling and harsh in her nose. She tried to open her eyes but just couldn't. She heard a noise to her right and listened. "Go ahead and take the monitor, she won't need it soon." The beeping stopped. Someone was here. There was something wrong with her face. It felt tight and swollen. She tried to lift her hand to feel what was wrong but her arm was being held down. Quilla wiggled her wrist free and touched her face. There was something coming out of her nose. Some kind of tube. It hurt. She pulled. The tube came out and her face felt instantly better. "Dumb b***h pulled her stomach pump out. I'll put it back in and make sure she remembers it." someone said. "Tighten her restraints." someone else said. Quilla's arm was yanked down and slammed against something metal. Some kind of bar. Her wrist was tied down with something rough and stiff. The other arm was tightened. She didn't even realize anything was on the other wrist. "You're all set. She can't move." Quilla felt the tube start to be shoved back into her nose. The mystery voice was right. She remembered it. *** Quilla blinked. She blinked again. She saw white above her. Her face hurt. Her arms weren't tied down anymore. She turned her head to see a chair, a table, and another bed. She tried to stand but failed miserably. Quilla crawled, half army, to what she realized was a bathroom. She looked in the mirror. A gasp left her mouth. Was that her face? It was so swollen it was unrecognizable. Was that her neck? It was purple with a long red scab that ringed her neck like a grotesque necklace. Her eyes. Her eyes were red. Blood red. Horribly red. She looked scary. If this is Heaven I'm seriously disappointed Quilla thought.
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