Chapter 1 - The Begining Of The End

499 Words
Quilla was trapped in that space between asleep and awake. Where her brain worked but her body didn't. She had awoken again, silently screaming from the memories disguised as dreams. The feeling of his hands on her skin still crawled on her unmoving arm. She was breathless from the scream still stuck in her throat. As movement started to come back to her and the memories faded Quilla sat up clutching her knees to her chest. She took deep, calming breaths trying to push the feeling of his hands to the back of her mind. It didn't work. It never did. She was trapped in this never ending cycle. Spending her days trying to suppress the ghastly things that had happened. Spending her nights reliving them in mind-numbing detail. The depression, the anxiety, the soul crushing pressure of it all was too much. It had been years since she had felt anything good. Months since she smiled or laughed. It was too hard to continue. It's too hard to keep up the facade of daily life. It's too hard to keep living. It had to end. It had to stop. She couldn't do it anymore. Quilla knew what she had to do. She was doing the right thing. She wouldn't have to cry anymore. She wouldn't have to hurt anymore. She wouldn't be alone anymore. She wouldn't be a burden anymore. A wave of relief swept over her, today was the day! Today was the day she was going to be free! Not wanting to waste another minute in this hell and wanting to make sure the job was done right she grabbed two bottles of pills from the medicine cabinet and a rope from the laundry room. She lived alone so there was no one to stop her. It was just her in a tiny apartment. She had no parents. She never even knew them. When she was little she would look at people that had the same color hair or the same nose or lips and wonder if that could be a relative. She made up a story that her parents were spies and on a dangerous mission. Obviously you can't bring a baby on a spy mission. It was easier to accept that than the plain truth, that no one wanted her. No parents. Or relatives. Or friends. No one. Quilla took the rope and tied it around the rafters of the sleeping loft. She popped the pills in her mouth like she was eating popcorn while her legs dangled over the edge of the floor. Drinking them down with some flat Vernors from the back of the fridge. She placed the noose lovingly around her neck and tightened it behind her left ear. Just like in the movies. Quilla then leaned over until she felt the floor fall away. Her breath hitched as the rope tightened around her neck. She felt sleepy from the pills. She was going away, slowly slipping into oblivion. She smiled.
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