1.28 Execution III

1733 Words

"What should we do?" Coleen asked in anxiousness, she looked very nervous and scared as she peeked through the small gaps of the wooden screen of the window. She saw the sentinels already coming to the computer lab, "I totally forgot that they could turn off the connection." "Let's get out of here, first. Gather your things, turn off the computer, and ready your breath, we will run." Sean instructed, holding the knob while observing the sentinels already halfway through the path towards them, "Which way should we take?" Blake who was pulling the plug looked at him, "The left. There are a lot more pathways there than the right, we could mislead them and meet at the last building which is the Engineering building." "Okay. I'll mislead them. You two go together, do not hesitate to call or

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