A Daughter

1314 Words
This is the sequel to Midnight Rayne. If you haven’t read the first book you will be confused. This book picks up where the last left off. Just a warning, this book has strong language. I will put a ***WARNING*** before any X-rated content. Midnight's POV “Are you f*****g kidding me?” I look at the pack doctor. “No Your Grace,” he says chuckling. “Check again damn it. It’s a boy. I’m having four boys,” I say. “I’m positive, Your Grace. The kingdom will finally have a princess,” he says happily. I can’t help but burst into tears. “I’ll give you a moment, Your Grace,” the pack doctor says while hurrying out. “He ran out of here like his ass was on fire,” Shawn says. Andrei smacks his arm. ‘This can’t be happening’ I say ‘What are we going to do?’ ‘We’re going to train her’ Seraphine says ‘She’ll be the most badass warrior the world has ever seen’ Starfire says. ‘f*****g hormones. I can’t stop crying’ I say to my inner wolf and vampire. “It’s going to be Ok my love,” Andrei says. “Let’s get out of here. I need to call the aunts and have them come here,” I say while wiping the gel from my stomach. “We’ll be there soon mom,” Boston says. His brothers agree. “What’s the matter mama. We’ve always wanted a sister,” Jullian, my seven year old, says. “We’ll protect her mama,” Isaac, my ten year old, says. Killian, Jullian’s twin, hugs my belly and gives it a kiss before resting his forehead on my belly. He looks up at me and smiles, “Please Moon Goddess protect my sister. I love her so much.” My mates squeeze my arms. “She will son,” Shawn says, picking him up. -------------------------------------- Once we got home I am steadily pacing in my ritual room. I don’t know if I should summon the triad, who have become family to us, we now call them the aunts. Each one of my children has been born in Salem so they are connected to the magic there. We’ve created a permanent doorway in my ritual room that goes back and forth. The room is protected by blood magic so I can practice my magic and spells privately and no one outside my bloodline can enter without me knowing. Only the aunts and I can access the portal using a drop of our blood. Even Andrei and Shawn cannot pass through without me unless I lift the barrier. The Aunts still refuse to use a smartphone so whenever I need to contact them we use scrying stones made of dragon glass with moonstone veins. All I have to do is rub the stone and say the name of the person whom I’m trying to reach. Their stone will glow purple and they must submerge the stone in water to receive my message. For anyone who doesn’t have magic they would have to say specific words to activate the stone. We’ve given stones to a few of our allies around the world. If any one of them needs help they can say the words and when my stone glows I can teleport myself to them in an instant. There have been a few instances where I have had to bail some packs out of a nasty situation. We’ve combined the kingdoms and my husbands and I have become Kings and Queen of this realm's supernatural world. We recently made peace with the fairy realm. Fae King Asher came to our realm in search of his mates. “Midnight!” Shawn yells. “Huh, What?” I ask. “I’ve been calling your name for five minutes but you were zoned out,” Shawn says. “Sorry. I’m just worried,” I say. “I know. Andi took the little ones down to pupcare so we can call the aunts and fill them in. I’ve already sent them a message on the scrying stone.” Just as Shawn finishes his sentence the aunts step through the doorway. “Hello my dear,” Aunt Sukie says. “How are you my sweet?” Jane asks. “Oh for f***s sake. What is the problem honey? You had an appointment this morning and now you look pale as a sheet. Are my boys ok? How many are you cooking in there? Four? Five? You’re as big as a house,” Alex says. I couldn’t help laughing. Alex has always been a straight to the point person. “Babe can you let me in,” Andrei says from the entrance to the ritual room. With a wave of my hand he enters. “Hi aunties. There are four of them in here,” I say, rubbing my belly. “I f*****g knew it,” Alex says. “How are my boys?” She asks while rubbing my belly. All of a sudden she gasps as one of the babies kicks. “No f*****g way!” “What?” Jane asks. “Feel,” Alex says. The aunts box me in and each of them place both hands on my belly to connect with the babies. “I don’t sense anything wrong,” Jane says. I rub the top of my belly and speak to my little girl, “It’s ok sweetpea. Connect to your aunties.” Gasps. “Three boys,” I say. “And a girl,” the aunts say. “I need to speak with Selene. Will you guys help me?” I ask. I haven’t felt the need to reach out to the Moon Goddess Selene in a very long time. It’s simple enough for me to contact her but being this vulnerable I’d rather have the aunts here in case anything happens. “Of course dear,” Sukie says. Shawn arranges my cushions on the floor and he and Andrei help me lay down. I close my eyes and call out to the Goddess. I appear on a hilltop with the moon’s glow shining over me and the stars twinkling. “Moon Goddess? Please I need your guidance,” I get no response. “Please Selene. I need you,” I yell. I look into the vast horizon. The moon brightens and in a flash of white light Selene appears. “Hello my daughter,” Selene says. “Selene,” I smiled and ran into her open arms. “I’ve missed you.” “I’m always with you,” she says. “I know, but this is different,” I say. “I need your advice.” “I knew you would. Tell me what troubles you,” she says. “I’m having quadruplets,” I say. “And you need my help for that?” She asks. I shake my head, “Three sons and…” “A daughter,” she says. I nod. “Come have a seat with me and I will explain everything.” We sit on the grass and I rub my big giant belly. “There is a war coming,” Selene says. “What kind of war?” I ask. “A war of the worlds if you will,” she says. “Please don’t tell me she has to fight aliens,” I say. “Don’t be silly. A war between worlds. The underworld to be precise. Twenty years from now the planets will align and the veil between the underworld and this world will be so thin that Erebus the God of darkness can break free of his prison and attack my world above. Your world is the only thing standing in the way,” She says. “How am I supposed to stop him?” I ask
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