chapter four

1774 Words
ILIANA'S p.o.v Glee overcame me as I fully accepted that I had indeed found my mate...mine and mine alone. His eyes traveled along my body as I shrunk upon the ground , wishing it, to swallow me whole. I knew that I probably looked horrible with blood staining my whole silhouette. only the moon goddess could understand how grateful I was to still be in my wolf form in that moment. I probably look a mess either way but they was a certain form of comfort in being a hot mess whilst in my wolf form compared to how tremendously terrible I would look in my injured and battered human form. My mates eyes grazed over as he communicated via mind link with the big buff man that I really didn't like ,it turns out the scary looking mans name is beta Jaxton . I was wondering what jaxton and my mate were talking about as it dawned on me that I was still a rouge trespassing on their land and I had tried to escape after being captured. "mmhh" a pain filled growl left my werewolf form as I tried to stand on all fours resulting in me falling with a loud thud accompanied by another growl . my foreleg (where my shoulder should be) had given out on me thus making it hard for me to stand. My mates eyes went back to me and within a nanosecond he was by my side. his eyes scanned my body for injuries ,his sent continued to Intoxicate my wolf ...well let's not go there ...I don't even wanna acknowledge what's going on in her mind. He slowly undressed himself as he removed his Long black t-shirt whilst my eyes involuntary lingered on his well proportioned ,well structured and heavenly sculpted silhouette. The t-shirt was thrown my direction as I just stared at him. Now that he was close I could really see him and I could somehow finally figure out my words. His intense, stormy silver orbs looked at me with such disbelief and curiosity, his eyes betrayed him for deep within them I could see a war raging ,his internal turmoil and conflict laid bare in his eyes ,clear for all to see and he didn't even try to hide it nor did he seem to care. He was tall compared to my 5 ft 5 form , probably around 6 ft 1. his striking stormy silver eyes looked undoubtedly stunning on his well framed face ,his full lips just begged to be kissed. he had thick brows ,high cheekbones and a very defined sharp jawline that was accompanied by a light stubble that just added to his Ohhh rugged, canivourous look. His midnight Black hair seemed neat and freshly cut which provided a great contrast to his gorgeous bone structure . Broad shoulders ,v- shaped torso and a flat toned stomach all in one well proportioned body ...uhh mm I mumbled as I struggled to keep my calm demeanor whilst listening to my wolf lose her train of thought "god really took his time with this one like dzammmmmmm ! I can't believe the moon goddess really be out here hooking a sister up with this delicious fine A.f piece of meat ...I could just..." no! this is not happening girl focus... I can't be dealing with you and him at the same time just stop. I low key don't disagree with you though... My mates facial expression shifted as if sensing what my wolf self was thinking about. He didn't say anything ,no words ,no gestures no nothing ,he just dropped his T-shirt and left as if nothing happened. "you should probably shift and get dressed so we can get you to a doctor" came the betas deep annoying voice. At that point I had nothing to lose ,my mate didn't seem to care much about our bond even my wolf had crawled in a small Corner within my mind and processed the rejection. I painfully shifted into my beautiful human form and tried to endure the gradual waves of pain that accompanied my injuries but alas I wasn't strong enough to bare it ,the pain was too much and my body gave out. Bright white light blurred my vision as I regained consciousness. my heard hurts ,my tummy hurts ,my legs hurt ,my arms hurt ...moral of the story is am hurt ,am in pain and i am hungry. My gaze landed on my surroundings and I immediately growled in discontent as I was locked in the very same cell that I had previously escaped from. memories flashed and flashed upon my mind but none of them mattered, they were all insignificant compared to "Him" just the thought of "him" made me feel all weird and cuddle inside and honestly I hated it. my body subconsciously relaxed as notes of his delicious scent lingered around me. I looked for the culprit that brought about this scent as I moved and there it was... A long black t-shirt that reeked of my mates scent covered my body. I couldn't believe my eyes...was he real? did that actually happen ? did I find my mate? My tummy grumbled as I realized how hungry I truly was. I made a move to get out of the tiny bed I laid on to get some fruits from the fruit bowl in the room but nothing worked.i was chained too close to the bed and my wounds hurt so much that I couldn't even move if I wasn't chained up. "excuse me Ummm...can you maybe please give me some of the fruits am gravely hungry, " I mumbled to the new prison guards that were now detailed outside my cell. one man turned around and stared me down as if I hadn't said anything and so I tried again. "hello ...can you please hand me something to eat," A female guard turned around this time."listen miss...we are not here to serve you,we heard how you escaped the last time and we not gonna fall for your little trick " her words left me flabbergasted for I truly did bring it upon myself but I had at least expected some empathy from at least one of the three guards. "please call someone in here right this instance ,call the Luna ,the Alpha or that annoying beta of yours I don't care! i don't care who you bring here but bring someone ,if am to be killed then they should hurry along with it and if I am to be set free I would like some food to accompany my freedom ," I tried once more to reason with them as I could feel my wolf begin to stir within me as result of my deep rooted anger. "it's late , everyone is asleep . besides we don't work for you rogue so shut up!" that was all I needed to set me off. I snapped my head to the male guard that had spoken and I swear if looks could kill he would be long decaying by now. my claws dug through the beds fabric ,my eyes turned raging red like they usually do when my wolf takes over and my canines extended as a roaring , ground shattering growl ambushed it's way pass my lips. Even with being a rouge I was still a member of the royal moon pack, with my father being ...gone...I was now a beta with no pack and that power wasn't at all gone and I could tell the guards could feel it... Another growl left my lips as I began to see red ,the power was too much for me ,I was struggling , am sure everyone in the pack could now feel my presence ,I shook with anger . For centuries every werewolf could sense the presence of a royal wolf and with me being a beta with no alpha. By law I was the acting Alpha and that power radiated off of me in bulks and brought about all the pain and anguish i had felt which in turn aggreveted me and brought about more rage and blood lust. I could see the fear in the guards eyes ,I could feel myself slowly losing all my self control and I didn't care . I wasn't going to stay locked up and I sure as hell wasn't about to be deprived of food. A complex blend of intoxicating flavorous smells hit my system and produced a distinguished range of sensory experiences upon my very being. The comforting aroma of home grew strong as he entered the room. Clad in just a pair of black joggers and nothing covering his perfectly toned upper body. the guards opened my cell door for him as he slowly entered. he stood at a safe distance as he laid a plate of spaghetti and meatballs along with a slice of apple pie and a bottle of water within my reach. "you know what Lia...I love this man already..." my wolf purred as we dug into the delectable food " shut up girl you love everyone that brings food..." I augured back and forth with my wolf as I munched down on the food not even caring who was watching or how I looked . It's always food before everything else am sure that's a law somewhere. Essentially me arguing with my wolf was like me arguing with myself and even though I didn't mind it ,I decided to stop just to at least try and fool my mate into thinking that am not completely insane. Small movements caught my attention and my eyes immediately glared at him as I dared him to move one more inch. He wasn't leaving and if he tried to, I wasn't going to let him. He slowly dragged a small plastic chair from the corner of the cell and took a seat making sure to keep his movements very clear. Strawberry red... that was the colour my cheeks turned in embarrassment . "good job lia ,now the guy is gonna think you possessive ,which you are but he doesn't need to think that..." I ignored my wolf as I continued to enjoy my food. The centement wasn't lost on me as I watched the poorly hided pride that lingered on my mates face as I ate what he had provided. I observed him some more as I took a gulp of my bottled water and honestly if I wasn't in pain and chained up to this bed I would have jumped his bones with no shame whatsoever.
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