Chapter 02

1304 Words
5 years later.. "That would be 5$ sir..." Cassandra said with a small smile..the man in front of her paid the money of his coffee and went out. "Honey isn't it the weekend?? Didn't I told you to take rest today??" an old grandpa came out from inside and said to Cassandra with a little angry face... Cassandra immediately flashed a mesmerizing smile to him and said in a sweet tone "I don't need off days on weekends grandpa.. I'm happy to work here every day.." Derek Awres just sighed helplessly.. This girl will never listen to him about taking little rest.. "Cassy, you don't even take money from us.. sometimes we feel worsened.." Another Grandma said with a sad face.. Cassandra looked toward them and said. In a low tone "You guys gave me shelter, food, clothes, Medicines, and many more when I needed it the most... What more can I ask for? You gave me another life..if you didn't saved me that day I might've been dead already.." Derek looked towards Cassandra with soft eyes.. 5 years ago he found her beside a cold road while traveling to another city with his wife Julie Awres.. At that time she was just a small 16-year-old teenage girl wearing a pink knee-length dress that was filled with mud, her hair was messy.. and she was unconscious.. They took her to the hospital.. and Cassandra woke up after 2 days.. she didn't said much about her life to them.. she just begged them to give her a shelter.. she will pay all expenses by working hard.. That time Derek decided to keep her with them.. he and his wife Julie took care of her just like their grandchild.. they both don't have any kids and Cassandra became their child.. grandchild.. ********* Cassandra lay down on her bed after the exhausting day.. it was not a big bedroom but it was enough big for her.. she doesn't want a luxurious life..she wants a simple life with simple people's.. after that night of 5 years ago , she decided to live her life in secret with her grandparents.. ******* At Derek's room.. "You are letting my little fiancé to work for you full day.. don't you feel ashamed??" A cold yet soft complaining sound came out from the phone.. "You brat.. here I'm taking care of your fiancée and you're scolding me? Your fiancée is just like you.. STUBBORN" Derek said while his wife Julie laughed since it's nothing new for her.. Julie took the phone from her husband and said "when are you planning to meet her?? It's already been 5 years Marcus..." Marcus sighed and said, "Soon.. just after completing this project I'm planning to meet her and take her back at the mansion.." "You brat, I will not allow you to take her back.. she's our grandchild so she'll live with us.." Derek said in a grumpy voice like someone is taking away his candy.. Marcus Chuckled and said with a smirk "And she's my future WIFE old man.. she's bound to be with me for the whole life.. " "Don't listen to him, she's not safe here.. even yesterday I saw someone taking pictures of her from far.. she's already been attacked 23 times in the last 5 year's..If it was not for your shadow guards, God knows what would have happened to that poor child.. " Julie said with a deep sigh.. "Don't worry.. I will take her back with me within 2 days.. after that no one will be able to touch her let alone harm her.." Marcus said in a cold tone.. He can never allow anyone to harm her.. she's only his.. his little kitten.. ********** After 2 days.. It was almost midnight.. Cassandra was about to close the shop when she heard some footsteps from the entrance.. she was arranging all the menu cards.. so without looking up she asked in a cheerful voice "Welcome.. what would you like to have??" "You..." And this was enough to make her eyes wide.. she slowly looked up while praying it's not to be that person whom she's thinking about.. but to her bad luck.. it's the same person.. Marcus Knight.. Cassandra was horrified after seeing him, her mouth was wide open, her body was stiff and her eyes almost popped out of the sockets... she didn't need even an extra single second to recognize him... The man who bought her..her life.. Marcus smirked after seeing her face which was still looking priceless.. "Are you done ogling?" After hearing him again Cassandra could feel her heart beating wildly and she feels like it will pop out of her mouth at any moment... She gulped down hard her own saliva.. The silence that followed was deafening.. "W..what aa..are you do..doing here??" Cassandra could not help but shutter because of her fear.. Instead of giving an answer he gave a devilish smile to Cassandra and said "I'm here to take my little Kitten with me..where she belongs to be..." Cassandra's whole body trembled after hearing him.. She is running away from her past since the last 5 year's but her past didn't allow that.. "I..I will not go with you.. I won't.." Cassandra tried to look strong but her fear was clearly visible on her face and in her trembling voice.. "You can't leave me in this life.. not even in any life.. you are just MINE.." Marcus Stated looking dead serious.. Even though Cassandra's heart rate piqued with fear at his words but still she said while looking into his eyes "Like I said 5 years ago that I'm not your pet.. and my life is not yours so f*ck off!!" Cassandra also doesn't know how she got so much courage to say that but she's happy that she said that in his face.. With that, Cassandra turned back towards the opposite side to leave the cafe when Marcus's next words shattered her whole heart... "I guess you don't love your Granny's.. you're still that naive kitten of mine" Cassandra immediately looked back towards him to meet his Ocean blue eyes staring right back at her.. "Do you think I'll leave those people who helped you to hide from me somewhere I couldn't find you for 5 years?? Do you think I'll spare them? Chuckle** " Marcus stated and took a step towards her.. Cassandra's eyes instantly turned teary... Hurting her grandparents is the last thing that she wants in her life.. they were like her Knights who saved her from the cruel world... "They didn't do anything.. don't hurt them, please.. I beg you.." Cassandra said immediately because she knows that the man standing in front of her is not someone simple or light.. if he can buy her with 20 million Dollars then killing someone is not hard for him.. Marcus smirked and said, "I won't do anything to them.. " Cassandra finally feel relieved.. but her happiness didn't last long.. "But for that, you have to come with me.. without any objections.. " Marcus said and took a seat in front of her at the café.. It was very late at night so the whole café was already empty other than two of them.. Cassandra just started at him in despair.. why? Why it's happening with her!!!! Marcus looked towards his watch and said "You've 30 seconds to give me an answer.. after that I will go along with my PLANS.." After hearing 'PLANS' word from him Cassandra became more numb.. "10...9..8..7..6..5..4..." Marcus was counting when he heard a low voice.. "I..I will come with you..but please don't hurt them.." Cassandra said..tears already started rolling down from her cheeks uncontrollably.. Marcus smirked devilishly and stood up from his chair.. "You've took the best decision.. let's go to OUR HOME.."
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