Chapter 10: Game of cat and mouse...

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King Sebastian's amusement began to fade as he noticed Reanna's expression change from one of surprise to one of horror and fear. He had found Princess Reannas's speech berating her maid entertaining and ...endearing, but the look of fear on her face made him feel... odd. He loved terrorizing people and the look of fear in their gazes as he did so had always excited him and made him feel powerful. Seeing the fear in Reanna's expression, however, made him feel almost guilty- as she was a delicate creature and he did not wish to frighten her. Reanna's shock faded as King Sebastian stepped forward and her survival instincts took over. She knew she must have angered him by hitting him with the pillow and she feared he would finally live up to his reputation and take his anger out on her people. So Reanna did what she had sadly become accustomed to doing- she ignored the voice within her that told her to brace for battle and instead listened to her common sense, which told her not to be seen as a strong warrior but as a demure woman. " Sire, forgive me...please," Reanna said as she quickly scrambled from the bed and fell into a deep curtsy as a sign of respect. Sebastian stopped in front of her. He looked at her with confusion before he reached down and grabbed her delicate hand that held the hem of her skirt off the floor and gently tugged it, gesturing for her to rise. " You are afraid of me...why?" King Sebastian asked, looking so deep into her eyes that Reanna worried he would see past her facade and see her for who she really was- a strong woman, sick of pretending to be obedient and weak to survive in a man's world. " King Sebastian, I erm..." Reanna began trying to determine how best to respond. " Come now... answer me honestly. Speak to me as plainly as you did when I entered your chamber, " King Sebastian demanded. " When you entered my chamber I thought you were my maid..." Reanna replied in an annoyed tone unable to stop herself. King Sebastian raised his eyebrow at her words and tone making Reanna regret her inability to control her tongue even more. However, she was surprised when King Sebastian suddenly burst into laughter rather than lashed out as she expected. " I hear the annoyance in your tone Princess. NO ...don't look so worried I demanded you speak to me honestly and your words and tone were certainly honest. You have every right to be annoyed as well..." King Sebastian replied this time making Reanna raise her eyebrows at his unexpected words. " I understand why you would be ...uncomfortable and possibly offended by me being in your chamber and especially without an invitation..." King Sebastian said giving Reanna a seductive glance that made her skin crawl. " With you being an innocent maid you must be worried that being alone with a man... and in your chamber of all places would harm your reputation. Well fret not Princess, your virtue is quite safe with me ..." King Sebastian exclaimed as he bowed in a gentlemanly gesture, completely ignoring that a few minutes ago he was having erotic fantasies of ravishing her in a depraved manner. " I shall be chivalrous and wait until our vows to claim you." King Sebastian continued nearly making Reanna sick at the thought. " Or of course until you give me an invitation to revisit your chamber..." Sebastian smirked as he took Reanna's hand and placed a gentle yet possessive kiss upon it. Reanna swallowed the bile that again threatened to rise up her throat and forced a sweet smile on her face just in time for King Sebastian to lift his head. Sticking to her previous plan of being formally polite yet cold Reanna replied " you are most chivalrous Sire," in a tone laced with fake gratitude. " Yes, I can be. I only came here because I wished to leave a note for you to read before the banquet and King Quentin told me you are usually in the Chapel this time of day and so I assumed your chamber would be empty..." Reanna was momentarily confused by why her brother would assume she would be in the Chapel until it suddenly struck her. Usually, after the midday meal, she would sneak out of the castle dressed in peasants' clothing to conduct her secret meetings with her loyal men. She would use the excuse that she was praying or doing gods work if her brother questioned her whereabouts - which she guested was partially true since after her meetings she would change into the hoods garments and give coin and food ( that she got from robbing her brother's men) to her people. Since the whipping incident at the market, however, she had been unable to sneak out to attend the meetings or distribute aid. Although she had received secret letters from Maurice updating her on the meetings and assuring her aid was still being given, which eased her mind somewhat. King Sebastian suddenly moved closer to her snapping Reanna out of her thoughts of Maurice and the dangerous missions she underwent when in the disguise of the hood and made her focus on the danger she was currently in- being alone with King Sebastian in her chamber and her current mission of how to get him out quickly without risking him getting too angry. Taking a large and obvious step backwards Reanna cleared her throat before she spoke, " You asked why I feared you and you demanded I speak plainly so I shall. I was shocked and fearful when I realized it was you in my chamber UNINVITED and not my maid for the very reason you mentioned... I am a maid Sire and I have my virtue and reputation to consider. I know you have said you came here with nothing but honest and chivalrous intentions and that you mean me no harm ...and I know that to be true is still improper for you to be here. If any servants see you and gossip spreads ...well my virtue shall be called into question and I will dishonor my brother and Kingdom. So please give me the note and leave before you are seen." King Sebastian smiled at Reanna, she was so virtuous and innocent and he found it incredibly alluring. " You are such a good pure and innocent. It is good you show respect to your brother and Kingdom..." Sebastian said seductively as he reached out to softly caress Reannas cheek making her shudder. " I understand your worries but I promise all shall be well. No servant shall dare speak ill of you, for if they do I will cut their tongues out! Besides there is no sin being committed here dear Princess... for soon you will be my Queen and I will be your master and your focus shall be to please me..." King Sebastian whispered as his lustful gaze boldly roamed Reanna's body making the meaning in his words clear. " it is also permitted for us to enjoy the carnal delights together in our marriage bed and indeed expected so we can produce heirs..." he said as his hand on Reanna's cheek began to leisurely travel down her neck and closer to her breasts. Reanna forced herself not to recoil from his touch or to listen to the voice which told her to grab her golden dagger that hung at her waist and threaten him with it. " WE ARE NOT MARRIED YET OR EVEN FORMALLY BETROTHED! REMOVE YOUR HAND!" Reanna responded allowing her tone and deadly gaze to do the threatening for her. Sebastian was caught off guard by her forceful tone and his eyes widened before a smirk appeared on his face. " My apologies Princess ... I got carried away by your beauty... allow me to convey what the note said and then I shall leave you to rest?" Sebastian asked as he dropped his hand and stepped back. " Very well," " My note asked if you could accompany me this evening for a stroll in the castle gardens? Since we are to be wed I wish for us to be comfortable in each other's presence and get to know each other better. I enjoyed the day we spent together touring the castle but I did not get the opportunity to tour the gardens and I thought it would be more private there as well with just us...and your maid and my man for chaperones, of course," Sebastian said adding the chaperones when he sensed Reanna's reluctance to agree to his request. Reanna paused, despite Maurice's updates and assurances all was well she had hoped that after the banquet she would be able to sneak away for a meeting but she couldn't exactly tell King Sebastian that. She had to be careful too, as it was important she got the balance right in her plan of being formally polite and yet cold. For if she was too cold it might mean he would be put off from agreeing to a betrothal, which would mean that her people would face her brother's wrath. As much as she did not wish to agree and be forced to spend any longer than strictly needed in his lustful presence, Reanna knew by the hopefully and expectantly look in his eyes that if she refused he would not take it well. " The Royal Gardens are quite splendid and it would be my honor to show you them..." Reanna replied in a respectful tone making King Sebastian smile. "I have a condition however and I wish to continue to speak honestly you requested me too so may I express it ?.." Reanna said and once King Sebastian nodded in approval Reanna continued. " I shall accompany you only if my maid and your man do escort us, as you have given your word they would not be proper otherwise and I believe I have risked my reputation enough for one day...Sire," Reanna continued looking pointedly to the door. King Sebastian smiled at Reanna's bold statement. Never had he permitted a person, other than Gabriel to speak so boldly to him, he would cut out their tongues if they did! And yet he found it highly erotic to hear such blunt honesty coming from Princess Reanna and he had no desire to punish her as he would have anyone else. It must be because of the intoxicating contrast between the two sides of her personality that he had witnessed. Her alluring innocence that matched her angelic beauty and the small glimpse of her temper that he saw which matched her fiery hair. Her clashing personalities made her unlike any woman he had ever known and he found her seductively intriguing. " If you wish it then it shall be so, Princess." King Sebastian vowed. " Very well then Sire, I shall look forward to giving you a tour but if you will excuse me I wish to rest before the banquet..." Reanna said walking towards her chamber door and gesturing for Sebastian to leave. " Until this evening then, my lady..." Sebastian cooed seductively as he bowed.
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