Chapter 9: A predator and his prey...

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The day passed in a hectic blurr and a exhausted Reanna was finally able to enjoy a moments peace in the refuge of her chamber. Slumped against her chamber door Reanna kicked off her shoes and pulled the large pearl clasp, which held her unruly hair into a lady like up do from her head- allowing her long locks to fall over her shoulder freely. " Ah..." Reanna sighed contently as she ran her fingers threw her silky strands enjoying the feeling of her hair no longer being painfully confined. Reanna knew she had a few hours until the banquet and fully intended to make the most of them by resting so she made her way over to her bed and threw herself upon it and closed her eyes. The rest she craved however never came and instead her mind was filled with memories from this morning and her thoughts of King Sebastian. He was not at all what she expected. He had a heinous reputation for being a cruel man with depraved tastes, and Reanna knew his reputation wasn't exaggerated ... but he had been nothing but attentive to her all morning and if it wasn't for his inappropriate lustful stare she would have said respectful to her aswell. So far he appeared to be the complete opposite of the man she had dreaded to meet. Yet his behaviour unsettled her far more than him living up to his reputation would have. As his constant compliments, lustful glances and almost chivalrous actions left Reanna ( an innocent maid) disarmed as she had no experience in the ways of romance or how to deal with suitors- especially unwanted ones and thus had no idea how to respond to his behaviour. Reanna after much consideration decided the best course of action would be to simply continue her disguise of being a meek and obedient maid and respond to Kings Sebastians behaviour by treating him with formal politeness but making sure she wasn't too friendly to give him any hope that his wooing was working. That way he won't see her as being disrespectful and react in anger- punishing her and more importantly her people but might be put off by her coldness and lack of lust towards him and look to sake his lust elsewhere. Reanna smiled at her clevernesss. Her plan would mean King Sebastian would agree to thier betrothal for political reasons, keeping her people safe from her brothers wrath for failing to secure an alliance. It would also mean that since King Sebastian agreed to a betrothal for political reasons and had no interest in her sexually...she could push for a long engagement, giving her army time to be ready to over throw her brother and hopefully come up with a plan to brake off her engagement with out making King Sebastian too angry and thus her Kingdom a target for his wrath. With a plan finally decided her tiredness won the battle over her anxious thoughts and her body sunk deeper into her feathered mattress as her heavy eyes began to droop. Just as sleep was about to claim her however Reanna heard footsteps outside her door and groaned. Without her chamber door even opening Reanna knew the footsteps belonged too and why they had come and both her body and mind began to rebel at the prospect. Despite the banquet not starting for a few hours yet after her rather crude conversation with her brother this morning ,Reanna knew that it was Edwina outside her door and that she most likely had been sent by her brother to start preparing her for the banquet. Yes, she had promised her brother she would make an extra effort in her appearance tonight and she knew ladies usaully spent hours vainly pruning themselves for such occasions but she was not one of those vain noble ladies and Edwina would just have accept that and wait until nearer the time to make her ready as right now sleep was a much more appealing prospect! As the footsteps stopped directly outside her door and Reanna heard the handle to her chamber begin to turn she flipped onto her stomach and buried her face into one of her silk pillows in protest as her hand grabbed another ready to throw it at the intruder. WALLOP! The pillow hit its mark and landed in the face of Edwina as Reanna's chamber door opened and Reanna who was still laying face down on her bed giggled before she ... still face down began to speak. " My apologise Edwina but I couldn't resist the temptation. Although consider it a warning that if you insist on arguing for me to get off this bed so you can begin grooming me like some...prized mare at a village fair for the banquet then more pillows shall follow that one! " Reanna warned in a playful tone as she waited on her Edwina's chiding response. But as no lecture from Edwina quickly came Reanna took the rare opportunity to have her opinion heard before her maids. " I know my brother sent you with orders to dress me and paint my face so I look like a border line ...harlot... to try and please King Sebastian but I am tired Edwina. Please allow me to rest and come back later." Reanna asked waiting on Edwinas response. But as none quickly came Reanna sighed and pulled herself onto her knees and turned to face her maid. " KING SEBASTIAN?!" Reanna exclaimed in horror as her complexion paled releasing that he was the intruder and not Edwina. King Sebastian had enjoyed his morning more than he predicted he would. He had spent it not drawing up legal documents as quick as possible and then escaping to the market place with Gabriel as he had planned, but instead he had spent every second he could in the company of his breath takingly beautiful bride. He was truly enthralled by her beauty, and oddly he found himself ...for the first time ever, longing to not just f**k a woman and be done with her but to get to know her. Perhaps even form a sort of bond with her? If he was capable of doing such a thing. Truthfully he did not know if he was. He always viewed women as a toy to be played with and then discarded when he broke them but with Princess Reanna... Strangely his usaully depraved desire to use a woman roughly until she broke did not surface when he looked at her. Oh he wished to f**k her... and hard, but he also had a strange urge to make sure he didn't break her... well at least permanently. He wished to enjoy her body but he wished to ensure he gave her pleasure too ... he longed to hear her soft lips moan his name in the heat of passion. He wanted to treat her outside thier chamber with respect and a form of kindness so she may in time come to care for him. His feelings confused him. Never before had he cared to ensure a woman was also satisfied sexually or wished to ensure her welfare to gain her affections. But with Princess Reanna he was determined to do so. He was under no illusions that he could ever love her as he wanted her to him, as he was by nature a monster and had no heart to love. He vowed however to ensure that once she was his he would take of her needs, sexually and otherwise. He would treat her kindly and cherish her like she was his most valuable possession. He would make it known too that he saw her as such and that anyone who dared harm her would feel his wrath ! Before he made his feelings known to the world he must first make them known to her... thats why he was on his way to her chamber. Stopping outside her chamber door he did not bother to knock. As accordingly to her brother, Princess Reanna would be in the Chapel, as she always was this time of day. A reflection of her innocence King Sebastian thought with a smile so expecting her chamber to be empty he turned the handle and entered. As he entered however he was assaulted by a large emerald silk pillow that landed with a thud into his well defined chest. He looked in the direction the pillow came from and was about to punish his attacker when he realised whom his attacker was...Princess Reanna. She was laying on the bed face down with her well rounded backside face up... begging to be s*****d until it was red or possibly bleeding and then to have his large and now erect c**k forced inside it to r****h her... King Sebastian reacted automatically, like a predator who had spotted his prey and took a silent step forward with his large c**k beginning to twitch in anticipation but then Reanna spoke... and her soft angelic voice broke his trance and stopped him. Listening to her playful banter King Sebastian smiled. He found he liked this playful side of her. It showed she had a personality as well as beauty and he couldn't help but wonder if she would be the first woman ever to amuse him outside his chamber as well as inside it. He had never entertained the notion of having a woman as more than just a plaything or property but perhaps in time Princess Reanna could be and he would see her not just as a lover or pretty, well looked after property he owned but as a companion? Right now though his c**k was still begging to be inserted between the plump virgin cheeks of her backside and if he didn't announce himself soon not even her sweet, innocence voice would be enough to stop his primal instincts from taking over. King Sebastian adjusted his erection and tried to change his lustful expression before he opened his mouth to announce himself. As he did so however Princess Reanna confused by the silence she thought was coming from her maid turned to face him... and gasped.
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