Chapter 8: Lust at first sight...

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Rows of strong looking men dressed in fine golden silks flooded the castle courtyard. Some carried oversized golden flag poles that proudly displayed the Meccador flag, and others carried large oak chests that were left open to display various expensive looking fabrics, dazzling jewels and beautiful crystal bottles that held unknown liquids. Reanna had to admit the sight of the richest the over dressed men carried was eye catching and very tempting. Although unlike her brother who looked as though he was so over whelmed by the sight of the richest that he was about to swoon, Reanna wasn't tempted to greedily claim the richest for herself. No, she longed to claim them and have her loyal men divide the wealth such good would provide amongst her subjects to ensure Avlingtons people kept roofs over thier heads and food in thier children's stomachs. " WOW! I have never seen ANYTHING so... magnificent! Reanna ...look aren't these goods glorious?!" King Quentin squealed as his greedy eyes roamed the marvels presented. " Yes, Sire they are indeed...tempting." Reanna replied already plotting on how she, disguised as the hood, and her men could steal them. " Yes dear sister very tempting..." Quentin chuckled. " So tempting in fact, that if these are props to display the wealth I will have access to once your betrothal is offical then I regret not giving you to King Sebastian years ago..." Quentin continued oblivious of the expression of horror and hatred Reanna held in her downcasted gaze. " Mmm... what do you say to that sister?" King Quentin asked waiting to see if he could provoke his obedient and shy natured sister ( or so he thought) into a amusing response. Reanna held her down casted gaze to hide her expression as her brother turned to her and stopped herself before she could reply " I have only just reached the age to marry and a few years ago I would have been a child still sick bastard! Although trust you to put your greed over the welfare of a child, you monster." King Quentin smiled victoriously at her Reannas lack of reply and display of Obedience. " I admit, it would of been entertaining to get a reaction from you...however it is good to see that you know your place. " Quentin sneered preparing to test the limits of his sisters meekness. Before her brother could continue to taunt her however a loud horn sounded in the air and threw the castle gate marched rows of fierce looking warriors followed by King Sebastian, who was staring directly at her with such intensity that Reanna began to shake. Sebastian scanned his surroundings as his steed galloped under the wide marble arches that framed the entrance to the courtyard. The castle before him was grander and better fortified than he expected. Given that King Quentin was not only willing to give a female relative to him in marriage, but surprisingly had been the one to suggest such a union King Sebastian had expected Avlington to be a crumbling Kingdom of poverty. As no other King in the Seven Kingdoms or even those he had written to from further away were willing to consider such an alliance, so when he received King Quentins letter he assumed that the Kingdom of Avlington was in crisis and that the King was desperate. However the appearance of the grand castle, the fertile fields and expensive clothing King Quentin and his nobles wore suggested quite the what would posses King Quentin to willing offer a relative of his to a monster like him? King Sebastian wondered. Sebastian scanned the crowd trying to find his bride. Perhaps the Princess was impure and drastically hideous? Sebastian thought, not that it mattered as he cared not for her appearance or innocence as long as she was not carrying another man's child and could provide him with one of his own. Just when King Sebastian was about to loose his temper at not being able to see his bride ( judging by the age of the women gathered none of them could be her) King Quentin growled and reached behind him to pull a woman who was partially hidden to the front and King Sebastian's eyes widened in shock. Next to the pathetic looking King of Avlington stood the most beautiful woman King Sebastian had ever seen. She was tall for a woman but her hieght did not make her unappealing. In fact her body seemed perfectly portioned, as she had wide child bearing hips, a narrow waist and large full breasts that he desperately wished to knead. As his gaze reluctantly left the erotic curves of her body and focused on that of her face he was again pleasantly surprised and capitaved. The woman had a heart shaped face and her skin tone was delicately pale. Her lips even from this distance looked plump and naturally red, her cheeks bones sharp and well defined and her eyes... her eyes were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, they sparkled like the bluest of sapphires and were framed by thick black lashes....she was breathtaking. As King Sebastian continued staring at the beauty he began to notice her pale cheeks turned crimson in embarrassement as she noticed his gaze and after a while her embarrassment turned to fear. King Sebastian usually relished in the gazes of fear people gave him but the foreign feeling of regret and protectiveness began to stir as he noticed the woman's body begin to subtly shake. He did not know why but the thought of this beauty fearing him made him...uneasy. He wished for her beautiful eyes to look at him with the same innocence expression they did when he first noticed her rather than fear and he suddenly had an urge to do something for her he had never done for any other living being... to comfort her. Without another thought King Sebastian jumped from the back of his magnificent stallion and strode forward, Nobles and peasants automatically jumping out of his way in fear as he did so. " Ah, King Sebastian! It's an honour, the Kingdom of Avlington welcomes you and your men warmly...would you..." " Is this my bride?" King Sebastian asked in a harsh tone, rudely interrupting King Quentin. " Yes King Sebastian it is. Allow me to formally introduce to you my dear sister Princess Reanna of Avlington." King Quentin replied taking the hint that Sebastian was not interested in making small talk and was instead eager to meet his bride. Reanna paused for a brief moment to gather her composure before she took her brothers outstretched hand and took a nervous step forward towards King Sebastian. Why was her body shaking in fear when all King Sebastian had done was look at her? She was a warrior for goodness sake! In her disguised of the hood, she had stood before men who had attempted to do much more violent things to her than look at her! But despite having been in the heat of battle and having witnessed all sorts of gory sights before Reanna admittedly had never felt fear like she did when King Sebastians gaze ravished her. Perhaps, she was frightened because she faced him not as a skilled warrior on the battle field but as a woman...a woman who he wished to conquer in a more carnal way? Reanna summarised by the way his heated gaze boldly followed the curves of her body. She was used to the odd stare or over hearing the odd comment about her beauty from her brothers men, but no man had ever openly looked at her in such a dominately intimate way. Well...the handsome stranger from the market had looked at her with lust but despite being bold enough to steal her first kiss his passion filled gaze did not frighten her as King Sebastian did. The strangers gaze instead gave her a strange pleasant feeling, King Sebastians however in contrast made Reanna feel like prey that was being watched by a predator. " REANNA!" Her brother barked snapping her out of her deep thoughts. Reanna quickly took her brothers hand and stepped forward to curtsy. " My apologises King Sebastian. I was ...." " A little overwhelmed?" King Sebastian interrupted as he took Reanna's hand with uncharacterist gentleness and placed a tentive kiss upon it. " I admittedly was overwhelmed also when I first spotted you as your beauty ...had me captivated." King Sebastian declared in a gentle tone as he looked at Reanna with admiration and desire. Reanna was shocked by his bold compliment but forced herself to lift her head to look into King Sebastians gaze. His honeyed words may have been a shock but the expression she saw on his face when she looked at him directly was a bigger one... as King Sebastian, the most feared man in the Seven Kingdoms was looking at her not only with lust but with an expression of admiration and almost kindness. Reanna wasn't the only one shocked by King Sebastians words or expression, everyone is the courtyard gaped at Reanna and Sebastian in stunned silence...including Gabriel who felt jealousy and envy begin to rise within him.
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