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14 MAX Waking up in Katie’s bedroom, with Katie in his arm, had never felt so right. After a full day in the hospital and at the police station, they both were really tired and they fell asleep right away. Max had only two broken ribs and a few bruises. Katie needed five stitches. A lot of neighbors had seen what happened in the garden on Saturday. His father finally got what he deserved and was arrested. After hours of questioning about the incident and the stabbing, Max was brought back to Katie's house. Her parents came back early from their trip and made dinner for them. They were shocked when they heard Max’ father had beaten them both. Max hadn't told anyone about his abuse and now it seemed like everyone knew. There was a soft knock on the door. ‘Max someone is downstairs for you.’ It was Katie's mother. ‘Can you come down, please? I made some pancakes for you two.’ Katie looked up to Max. She loved pancakes. She jumped out of bed in seconds. Both dressed in a simple jeans and white shirt, they walked downstairs. When they entered the kitchen, the smell of pancakes made their stomach growl. There sitting at the kitchen table was Max’ school director and his mentor. They both looked sad and with pity in their eyes. ‘Max, I'm so sorry for you.’ his mentor said. ‘Please sit down.’ Max sat on the other side of the table. ‘It's okay. You didn't know.’ Katie's mother gave him a plate with four pancakes. He started eating them right away. He was hungry. ‘Actually.’ the school director said. ‘We have known it for a while now. You had a lot bruises and black eyes the lost couple of years. First, we thought you just fought a lot, but then you kept skipping school and the bruises kept on going. We called your father the day after your fight with Jack. He had nothing nice to say about you. And then the next day you didn't show up again. Did he hit you? Is that why you didn't go to school?’ ‘Yes.’ Max said. It was the truth, but not the whole truth. Max was also skipping school if he didn't feel like going. But with his father around, he didn't go because of his bruised eye. ‘How long has this been going on?’ his mentor asked. She was always nice to him. He wanted to tell her about his father a few months back, but was scared his father would find out. ‘Since I came back to live with him again, after my grandparents died.’ Max looked at his empty plate and took a sip of his orange juice he got from Katie's mother. He didn’t have to look at his mentor to know she was looking at him with pity eyes. ‘But only if he was home. He wasn't home much though. Most nights I spend here at Katie's house. Her mother, stepdad and my grandparents have been taking care of me from the age of four, after my mum died of cancer.’ ‘I see.’ his mentor said. ‘We like you to come back to school on Tuesday. Now your father is arrested, we like you to give tomorrow off, but you can come back on Tuesday. You skipped two whole weeks. If you want to graduate this year, you'll have to work hard or you won't make it.’ Max nodded. He hadn't thought about graduation at all. ‘So, what do you say? Will you come back on Tuesday?’ the school director asked. ‘Yeah, alright then. But I'm not apologizing to Jack though.’
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