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The girl that laughs a lot and seem very happy, is also the girl that may cry herself to sleep. ••••• "OMG, the new guy is so hot." Loren said as moves close me. Everyone calls her my best friend, we are far from that. I am the head cheerleader, she is second in command so they assume us to be best friends. I won't blame them she is always sticking to me like a magnet. I hate her ass. "More like a god." Carly another magnet mutters. "I call dibs." Loren yelled. What the f**k is wrong with this girl?. "What are you guys talking about?." Jace asked as the guys approached us. "The new guy." Carly said, Nate puts his arms around me. "What about the new guy?" Fin asked. As Loren was about to answer, Jace voice was heard. "Bro, its been a long time, How was Juvie?" I froze on hearing the other voice reply. I am sure that Nate noticed this as he flashed me a confused look. Its the new guy... "Not bad, kinda like my freedom." Criminal alert. "How do you guys know each other?" Carly asked. "He was in my former school." Just another spoilt rich child. "Nate, let's go." I whispered. I don't want to be around this guy, I don't know why but he sounds and look like trouble. "Hey, you are the girl from last night!" I refused to look up as I am shocked. I felt Nate's tight grip, he defiantly does not like the fact we have met. O my, I am gonna get in trouble for this. I raised my head but and gave a the best fake smile that I could conjure at that moment. It isn't that hard I am a cheerleader. "Oh, hi welcome to South Wood." My fake smile still on, I am more focused on getting rid of the pain that Nate's fingernails is causing on my arm. "I have a feeling I am gonna like it here." He smirked. I on the other hand, I am lowkey freaking out. "Well I know how to make you feel much welcome." An icebreaker's voice came form my side. Thank goodness. I can not be more happy of Loren's w***e ways right now, she puts her hands on his chest as she smirks. "How are you gonna do that?" He flirts back. They are all the same. "How about I start with showing you around?" She grins. She is so happy he is flirting back.. "Ladies first." He gestured to the hall way. She smirks as she walks seductively ahead of him. He smirks as he handshakes Jace. "You got your self a good fuck." I heard Fin say. Gross. I noticed Nate has been quiet, he is not the type. "Don't mind if I do." He said as he smirks. I noticed something, the smirk did not meet his eyes. Its two different emotion. You are just assuming things Melanie, you should be worried about Nate. "We will head to class." Nate announced. ~~~~ "What was that?" Nate dragged my arm to get me closer to him, when we moved far away from his friends. I knew I was going to be in trouble. "What was what?" I asked playing dumb. "Don't make me hit you, you know what I am talking about?" He threatened. I gulped. "I. was jog.. Jogging and we bumped into each other, th..that's all." I stuttered. "I don't want to see you near him, that's him that's final." He squeezed my out tighter, I yelped in pain before he releases it. Out of no where Nate puts his lips on mine. "Aren't they so cute?" A girl muttered to her squad. No wonder. As soon as they leave, Nate removes his lips from mine, he glared at before leaving. I have such an awesome relationship, note the freaking sarcasm. •••••• I walked into History class, I ignored the side comments, they always have something to say once I enter. Most of them are too scared to say it to my face because Loren as made us a stereotypical cheerleader. "She looks like a slut." I heard someone say. "If I am giving the chance to, I would f**k her brains out." I flinched when I heard this but I kept on walking to my sit with my head high. "I don't think bag is out for sale yet." Another said in adoration. I finally found my sit at the back, I am not having this class with my "supposed crew" I am quite happy about this. Once the teacher enters everyone took their sits, no one sits near me, they are always two chairs away. Teenagers, they can easily treat people like their god. I opened my textbook, My head went up when I heard out teacher's voice. "Glad you could join us, Mr Walters." Mrs Dawn sarcastically said. "Glad to be here." He smirked. I focused on my book, I looked at my side and I noticed he was sitting near me. Everyone looked at him in shock, no one sits near me in this class. I started panicking internally, if this news gets to Nate, I am going to be in so much trouble, even thought it's not my fault. "Hey." He whispered as he drops his backpack. I turned my head towards his direction and then to the board. He would probably not talk to me, when he realize I am not into petty conversions. "I am Bryce, what's yours?" He stretch forth his hands. I was wrong. I just continued to ignore. "Nice to meet you too, Melanie." Why ask? "You covered your cuts up, pretty well?" He points at my arm when I turned to him. "Could you just shut the hell up?" My voice came out louder than expected. I turned to realize that the entire class was staring at me. "What's that Mrs blaze?" Mrs Dawn glared at me. "I am sorry." I announced before she continued teaching. "Finally, you talked." He smirked. I hate this guy.. ••••• Comment your thoughts... I_am_ifeee
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