Chapter 1: The Weak Alpha

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Princess Dahlia The whole Mathilde Pack shone frostily as the full moon bathed everywhere in a silver light. The birds chirped in the woods and wolves jumped up and down, howling at the full moon. The entire pack was alive with positive energy and excitement. The full moon is a special time in Seavia. It is a time when our power to resist evil is mostly at its peak. Wolves who could not mate their chosen mates due to one problem or another, do it successfully under the full moon. I stood behind the window of my castle staring at everything that was going on in the pack as I waited for Alan, the man of my dreams, a sane he-wolf who doesn't bury his manhood in every hole, the future Alpha of Greenland Pack. My bedroom floor and my bed were decorated with red roses. The low candlelight with camwood fragrance put me in the right mood. My heart skipped each time I recalled what happened the last time he tried to mate me. He wanted to mark and claimed me that day, but he couldn't because I was cursed. The curse came as heavy nosebleeds each time I tried to mate him. I have a fated mate and his name is Jamal. According to Xiane, my wolf, a curse was placed on me when I was thirteen years old and would be broken the day Jamal and I would mate. Xiane also told me that our mating would not only break the curse but would also change my entire being and I didn't want that. The reason why Jamal placed the curse on me and why the Moon Goddess supported him were mysteries I could not explain. The last time Alan tried to mate me, the nosebleeds came in full force and were difficult to control. I almost died that night. Alan and Lina, my maid, spent the whole night trying to stop the bleeding, but the more they tried, the worse it got. All my strength left me and I slumped on the floor. All the werewolves with healing powers were called to help me but none of them left their various pack houses. They told my father that my plight was a result of my stubbornness and I would die if I refused to do what the Moon Goddess told me to do. I was left with Alan, Lina, and my father, Alpha Harold, the leader of Mathilde Pack. I opened my eyes in the morning and all of them wanted to know the instructions I disobeyed, but I couldn't tell them. I was so ashamed to tell them that Jamal, a weak slave I drove out of our pack six months ago, is my fated mate. I did not want to lose Alan also, because he possesses every virtue I want. He is not wayward. He is strong, fearless, and handsome. He loves me so much and has also proved it to me several times. I looked at Alan that morning; I couldn't tell him what Xiane, my wolf, told me on the night of my eighteenth birthday when I first noticed the nosebleeds. There was no point telling him because he wouldn't accept it anyway. My father and Lina left the room that morning so that Alan and I could talk. I couldn't tell him. He decided to mate and mark me on a full moon when my ability to resist evil forces would be at its peak. He wouldn't mind mating me only on the full moon until the curse is broken. I was waiting eagerly for him when the door of my room opened slowly. I turned and faced my ideal man, full of life and virility, staring seductively at me. My heart began to pipe. I smiled and lowered my gaze. He walked towards me and opened his arms. I quickly ran into his open arms and relaxed my head on his muscular chest. He placed his rough hands on my cheeks and we began to eat each other's lips with hunger. We had been counting down to this day and nothing would stop us from devouring each other tonight. Alan lifted me violently and lowered me onto the bed. He put his hands on the neckline of my nightgown and tore it aggressively. I was left totally unclad. The color of his eyes changed from blue to gray as he admired my glowing skin. I pulled him closer and felt a sudden rush of blood in my brain. It was quite painful and I hollered and breathed out. The blood splashed on his body. "No! I can't take this anymore! I can't! I must kill that i***t that placed this curse on me!" I let out a loud groan of frustration as I tried to control the nosebleeds that were flowing down my breasts. "You mean you knew who was behind this all along?" Alan asked. "Yes!" I yelled. "Who is he?" "You will hear the news of his death in the morning!" I yelled and shifted within twenty seconds. I drifted out like a flash of lightning and soon was in the woods moving like a light. All through the night, I was sprinting in the woods and my senses continued leading me. My eyes shone like fire as I ran at ample velocity. I got to the Dragon Pack the next day, stood atop mount dragon, and stared angrily at the Stone City. The name of the park was carved on the giant walls that surrounded the King's Castle. The castle was bigger and more beautiful than mine. I stared angrily at the city and shifted slowly. The weather was freezing and I began to look for something to cover myself. There was a stream at the foot of the mountain and about five girls sat close to the stream talking. They stood up immediately after they saw me walking towards them, partly covered with leaves. One of them threw a gown she wanted to wash at me. "Thank you," I murmured and began to dress up. "You are not from this pack," she said, and I shook my head. "Who are you here to see?" "The king." The girls exchanged glances and gave out a great peal of laughter. "The useless King expanded his search this time," one of the girls said. "Yes," I responded, as if I knew what she was talking about. I did that to extract more words from them, since Xiane rarely talks to me whenever Jamal is far away and I don't know why. "Good for him," another girl said. "Why did the King expand his search?" I asked her. "He is a weak king! A very useless Alpha of the Dragon Pack! He is so weak that even children defeat him in combat! As the king of the dragon pack, he is entitled to multiple mates, but he doesn't have even one. No she-wolf from this pack wants to be his Luna and give him an heir. No one wants a weak son. They only enjoy sëx with him because he is quite good at it. This is why he extended his search for a surrogate mother to other packs where he is not known," the young girl explained. "Just enjoy the séx and come out. We are going to help you with a herb that will flush everything out." "What?" I asked, as if I wanted to give their king an heir. "If you knew how useless he is, you wouldn't give carrying his pup a second thought. He is wolfless! He has never shifted since he returned!" one of the girls shouted and I smirked mischievously because none of the girls knew how well I knew Jamal. Alpha Grenold, a wicked Alpha and the leader of the Crimson Moon Pack, attacked Dragon Pack when Jamal was five years old. His mother took him and ran down to our pack. We grew up together and I know everything about him. His useless habit of dipping his manhood in every hole was the reason why I rejected him as my mate. A pure-breed and the strongest she-wolf in Mathilde Pack cannot be fated to a weak Alpha and one that chases everything that has a hole in between their legs. If he is my reward for protecting my pack since I was thirteen, then I reject it. "We respect him because the Moon Goddess cursed all those who treated him with contempt," a girl said. "Meet those men at the gate and tell them why you are here. They will take you to him after an examination. Entrance will be easier for you if you have not been mated. "Thank you," I said with a calm tone and capped my eyes as I imagined what they would do when the news of their king's death got to their ears. "I wish the clown never returned!" a girl said as I walked away. "He is the Alpha of our pack! Be careful of the things you say about him to avoid invoking a curse on yourself." I left the girls and walked innocently towards the gate. A woman who sat close to the gate with her head covered quickly removed her veil the moment she saw me. She looked deeply into my eyes and I halted. "I have been waiting for you since morning," she murmured and I frowned. I figured she was a witch. "You are here to kill the useless Alpha, right?" She smirked. I ignored her and continued walking. "Princess Dahlia!" She called. I turned and was not surprised at all because I already knew she was a witch. "You need this."
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