8. Stalk

1027 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT “Sir…I-“he cut me off the moment I started talking.   “Unfortunately, I can’t fire you yet because its actually your second strike but,” he trailed off, a smirk curling up his lips as he leaned forward, his palms on his desk, distracting with his movements,” I can punish you for this. So, tonight, you’ll be keeping me company when everyone else goes home and then you’ll be my number two at an auction on Friday. If you think its fun, trust me, its nothing close to that. Also, I need you to get Pitson considering signing with us by Thursday,”   “Thursday? But that is the day after tomorrow,” I pointed out, somewhat taken aback by his suggestion. George Pitson was getting super popular and he expected me to actually find him and get him to consider signing with us in just t

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