8. Just the tip

1241 Words

CHAPTER EIGHT SEBASTIAN’S POV My limbs refused to move from where they were rooted as his gray eyes held mine. Everything around me had ceased into non-existence and from a distance, I heard George cuss. He said something right after but I was barely listening and before I knew it, he was propelling towards the stairs leading me to the dais. It was only when we were close to where Ares and Lisa sat, that I snapped out of my moment of trance, pulling George to a stop. “What are you doing?” I questioned. I was neither physically nor mentally prepared to face Ares because then, I would remember how his lips tasted on mine. “Well, we can’t ignore our bosses and neither can you ignore Ares forever,” I glanced at the said man but George quickly put his hand on my arm,” Look, you can’t show t

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