Chapter Forty-Two: Blame

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The incidents of k********g women brought fear to the empire. When the clock strikes six, no one dared to come out from their houses in fearing of encountering the mysterious cult who abducts girls. It even made the town’s people more scared when they heard the rumors that the victim’s eyes and heart were missing. The emperor and his council including the crown prince talked about it and decided to increase the knights that will supervise the capital. “A cult huh. How dare they come here in my empire? Aleiandro, I give you this as a priority. I am expecting to have a good outcome in your investigation.” The emperor mandated. “You should have give that task to your faithful dogs, old man.” He answered rudely to his father the emperor. “You..” “I have many affairs to handle including the Hestrova Empire’s threats. Am I the only one who is capable of dealing such simple task?” He inquired annoyed of his new order. “Unless they handle the Hestrova Empire. I will gladly accept it.” He added. “Are you ordering me around, crown prince?” The emperor asked glaring at him. He didn’t care at how dreadful his stares and look at him in the corners of his eyes coldly. “I dare not. I am just pointing some tasks to your useless men in here who does nothing but pamper themselves inside their homes.” “Crown prince! How dare you insult us!?” One of the men in the room roared. He glared at the man who raise his voice to the crown prince. “Insult? How can that be an insult when it’s the truth? Do your job well, Count or I’ll rip your tongue out from your mouth.” He warned. Aleiandro stood up and look at the emperor indifferently. “I’ll be leaving. Excuse me.” He said and went out from the room. He cant stand being with his father for a long time. He can feel that his blood was boiling due to his anger and hatred towards him. ‘Curse that old bastard.’ He muttered grimly in his head. Cedric approach him with some papers. Honestly, he’s doing his own investigation regarding the k********g incidents as quietly as possible. Even if he hates obeying his cold -blooded father, he cant ignore his people. Despite the fact that he is known for a blood-thirsty and rude individual, he still cares for the people below him.. “Heart and eyes. Are they doing some ritual?” He asked himself as he went to his own office. “No one knows. But the investigation is still going on about that. However, our investigator just passed a report this morning. It was said that aside from a cult, a black magic organization was behind all of this.” Cedric reported. “A cult and a black magic organization huh? Whatever they are, I’ll hunt them down and rip their eyes and hearts for messing with my people.” He gravely said as his eyes glowed deep violet and scattering his dreadful aura. The bad news have reached to the duke’s ears as well. He knew that the dukedom’s security. He believed in his son’s capabilities and management in the dukedom’s knights and affairs however, he cant help but to feel worried for his only daughter who had a weak body and health. Her letters gave encouragements to him yet she never told about herself and only told him of good things. She never even asked something she wants for her adult ceremony that will soon be held. A servant arrived in front of him. The man bow down in respect to the sword of the empire and mentioned that a letter has arrived for him. “Your Excellency, a letter from Lady Cruel have arrived.” He handed him the letter without making eye contact. He took the letter and looked at the dukedom’s seal on it. “You may leave.” The servant once again bow down and disappeared in front of him. He open the letter and immediately read it. The letter goes as this: ‘Dear Father, How have you been? I hope that you’re not neglecting your health while you manage the situation in there. Please eat and rest well. I am sure that you already know about the k********g incidents happening in the capital. I’ve heard that the imperial authority already investigated the situation. Don’t worry about us, father. Brother is doing well and I always remind him to eat and rest adequately, and as for me, I am also in great condition. About the greenhouse, its almost finish. I really want to finish the task before my coming-of-age ceremony and as for my gift, Father, I want you to please return home as soon as possible because I want you and brother to see the greenhouse I’ve put effort so much! There is no greater gift than your presence beside me, father. P.s. Father should expect a lot about the greenhouse! I cant wait to show it to you and I hope that you’ll be proud of me. Sincerely Yours, Viviene Allyssa Cruel’ He felt his heart flattered and throb in pain. A mixture of happiness and guilt were residing in his heart every time he recall his only daughter’s pale face with a small smile and her sad amber eyes. He cant do anything about time, but he wants to make his daughter less sadder than before. Until he can see how her eyes genuinely shine in front of him like stars in the morning. He took a pen and a paper to write his respond to the letter. Eliza was out to attend a tea party held by Lady Hanna in her home. Wearing a light cool pink dress. She had a hat to cover her head from the sunlight and her shining blonde hair was untied behind her but that didn’t look bad at all. She went out from the carriage and was escorted by the butler towards garden of the house. While walking towards there, she heard some of the ladies talking about someone. “Oh my gosh, Lady Hanna. Why did you invited her?” “Yeah. Aren’t you afraid that Lady Walmeir will throw the tea in our faces like what she did to Lady Cruel?” Her face hardened as she heard them. She unconsciously stopped and listen to their conversation. “Well, perhaps Lady Cruel deserved it. She is a crazy dog after all.” “But isn’t it Lady Walmeir more dangerous than Lady Cruel? Maybe she is even crazier than her!” “Crazy or not, she was a great pretender fooling to the prince and the young duke of Cruel with her pretty face.” She clench her hands but slowly let it go and started to walk again. With a force smile, she greeted them. “Greetings to you ladies, and to you too Lady Hanna. Thank you for inviting me.” She manage to mutter despite the anger raging inside her chest. “Lady Walmeir, thank you for coming to my humble tea party. Please take a sit and join us.” Lady Hanna invited her to the seat beside her. She took it and sit on it. Lady Hanna serve her the tea and she watch her does that. One thing she notice is the nervousness not well hidden on her face. “Are you alright, Lady Hanna?” She asked even though she knew very well that lady beside her is uncomfortable with her. “Yes, Lady Walmeir.” She answered with a force smile. The tea party started and ended in an awkward way simply because of her presence. While riding the carriage she cant help but to feel angry towards Viviene who managed to pull people on her side. Even the crown prince and the young duke who were once on her side, are now doubting her. She ordered the coachman to go to the imperial palace. She wants to visit the crown prince Aleiandro and have a small talk with him just like before. They always had fun together while chatting with each other about random things. ‘Yes, that will definitely happen.’ She weigh In mind while looking outside the window. She came in the palace. She was escorted by Sir Valor towards the Audience Room. Not long after that, Cedric came instead of the crown prince. Looking at her hopeful eyes he became hesitant to tell him. “Cedric?” she called him. “I apologize Miss but the crown prince is busy. Lady Walmeir may leave.” Her eyes delated terribly as her face paled. No matter how busy the crown prince, he would stop working and meet him immediately. This shouldn’t happen to her. She is not as bad as Viviene! “I see. I shall take my leave then.” “I apologize. Sir Valor will see you out.” “Yes.” She went out from the room with Alexander. No one speak between them which was odd because usually, the crown prince’s loyal knight would talk to her and ask how she is or what she felt. But now he is quietly. “I’m sad.” “Pardon?” Alexander glance at her and saw her sad eyes looking back at him. “I understands that the crown prince, His Majesty, is very busy a lot lately. I hope he doesn’t forget to take care of himself too.” She stated. “Don’t worry, Miss. The crown prince will not forget to take care of himself.” “Yes. I do hope so.” Silence took place again between them. She felt the awkwardness as they walk in the long, empty hallways for a long time. “Everything around me is slowly changing. Earlier, I attend Lady Hanna’s tea party and they said mean things about me behind my back.” “What?” Alexander asked in disbelief. He never thought that someone aside from Viviene, bullied her. “How can they do that?” He asked out of pity. “I don’t know. Bad rumors were circulating inside the social circle. I don’t know that Lady Viviene can be this popular. She managed to gain influence effortlessly by making rude rumors about me..” “Making rude rumors about you?” His eyes widen slightly. Incertitude was displayed in his eyes as he look through her green irises. “Milady, are you sure about that?” Her eyes dilate. She just realized that even the knight who was loyal and trust her the most is doubting her. “That’s..” “Milady, I hope you are making any presumptions about Lady Cruel.” He muttered heavily. “I am..” “I know its hard to believe but, Lady Cruel changed.” He explained. The anger and hatred grow even more in her chest. With a feign smile, she answered. “of course. Lady Cruel has changed. However, you cant deny the fact that she once has ill-intentions toward me and that she is just acting like she change for the better.” Her face is showed hostility towards Viviene and Alexander understood her. He really cant ignore that idea since Viviene was in fact jealous of her before. That maybe, she is just feigning her change and sickness to gain attention. “I’ll be visiting Lady Cruel tomorrow, would you like to come with me?” She asked. “But..” “I’ll be extremely happy if you come with me. Please?” She insisted. “Alright. I’ll ask permission first.” He answered and smiled slightly at her. “Thank you, Sir Valor.” She muttered and showed her bright smile at him, enough to enchant someone. Viviene received a letter yesterday that Eliza and Alexander will visit her today before luncheon. “I wonder why they always visit me?” She mumble while reading the letter. She’s in her room and asked that she wants to have her breakfast in her room. Her illness seems to worsen as time pass. Every morning, she suffered coughing of blood, severe headache and dizziness. Right now she’s suffering in fever. After breakfast and taking a medicine for fever, she waited for Eliza and Alexander to arrive. She’s on her bed, reading a book when someone knock on her door. “Come in.” The door opened and Finnian entered her room then bow down before her. “Milady, Lady Walmeir with Sir Valor have arrived. They are already in the audience room waiting for you.” He reported. “Alright.” She stood up but because of her condition, she staggered. Thankfully, she immediately grip on the table near her bed. “M-Milady! Are you alright? Should I call a doctor?” Finnian panicked as he went to help her. “No need. I am alright.” She smiled weakly at him before standing straight and walking out of her room. Finnian followed her. She arrive at the audience room and saw the two sitting on the sofa. “Good day, Sir Valor and Lady Walmeir. Thank you for visiting me.” Greeted as she went to the couch and sit. “Good day to you too, Lady Cruel. How have you been?” Eliza asked gently. “I am fine.” She lied, refusing to tell her real condition to them but Alexander didn’t believe her. Her face and lips were pale and shed lost a lot of weight. “I see. Lady Cruel I will tell you directly why I visited you today.” Viviene’s face became confuse then she force a smile. “Oh, alright. What is it, Lady Walmeir?” She asked. “I know you’ve changed for the better, Lady Cruel. I know you are desperate enough to do it for the sake of not being alone.” She started. Viviene wanted to laugh but she restrain herself from doing so. “But please, don’t ruin mine if you want to fix your reputation.” She added. “What?” She muttered in disbelief. She look at Alexander who was silent beside her then back to Eliza’s face who was on the verge of crying. ‘What the heck is she talking about?’ She wondered. “Look Lady Walmeir, I am not spreading bad rumors about you. Whatever you received in your ears, that didn’t come out from my mouth. And how can you be so sure that I am the one who did that?” She inquired defending herself. “I knew you were. Stop denying it.” Eliza firmly stated. She cant help but laugh shortly. “Hah. Sir Valor, you are a great knight. You knew its not good blaming innocent people.” She muttered to him. “Yes. We were just asking, Lady Cruel. Its not something to be wary of.” He said calmly. ‘Just asking!? From what I understand she’s blaming me! Not asking me!’ She blurted inside her head. “I am not the one who’s spreading rumors about Lady Walmeir. I am not a lowly person to do that. Lady Walmeir, think thoroughly of the situation before you pinpoint someone. You might turned harm someone innocent in your rashness.” She spoke looking at Eliza through the eyes. ‘From what I can see, this girl just drag Sir Valor into this mess.’ She concluded while examining the situation and observing Alexander’s expression. “You drag Sir Valor into this mess without thinking that his reputation might endanger.” She added. Her eyes widen as she glance at Alexander beside her. She can see how cold Alexander’s stares at her. “T-That is.. I am not harming Sir Valor’s reputation. That is not what I meant when I brought him here with me.” She defended herself. Viviene stood up and glare at her indifferently. “Then there’s no reason for you to stay longer here. I am not that person, Lady Walmeir. Use your head wisely. Goodbye.” She said and was about to go out from the room when she started speaking again. “Are you really sick, Miss?” She blurted. “Lady Walmeir.” Alexander called her with wide eyes. Viviene turn to face her with a disappointed face. ‘This girl, does she really have a brain?’ She wonder.
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