Chapter Thirty-One: Nothing To Be Done

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Its another dreamless night. Axxiale didn’t show up and her frustrations prolonged. She cant help but felt anxiety slowly devouring her chest and mind yet still remain calm outside. ‘No. I need to be strong.’ That’s what she always thought until she fall asleep then waking up very early in the morning. She stood up from her bed and peek outside through her window. The sun has not risen yet and she can feel the coldness under her feet because she walked across the room bare feet. “I woke up very early again. What a pain.” It would have been nice if she’s in her world but unfortunately she isn’t. She’s stuck in a stranger’s body and in a strange world hopelessly. She shook her head and breathe deeply. “No. I should stop thinking negatively.” She went to her desk and grab the same book she always read. It’s a book about the geography of the world. She stopped from reading too much fantasy books or she’ll definitely gone insane due to her situation. She went to the couch and took a sit as she open the book leisurely. An hour passed when someone suddenly knock the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Merriam entered not surprised seeing her awake very early. She examine her face like she always does every morning and saw the dark bags under her eyes. “Good morning, Milady. Did you sleep well?” She asked politely as she walk towards the window to open the blinds. She suddenly shut her eyes due to the sudden light from the sun. “No. I didn’t sleep well but I’m fine.” She answered. “I want to take a bath before breakfast.” She added as she stood up and put the book on her desk. “Alright Miss. How about a rose and lavender scented bath?” “Yes. That will be nice.” She answered with a smile. She walk towards the bathroom and Merriam assist her. After that she wore a blue-gray long sleeve tea-length dress with ruffle collar. Her hair was tied neatly in a high ponytail behind her. After that she was fetched by the butler and they went downstairs. “Did you sleep well, Milady?” He asked to avoid the boredom between them as they walk passed through the long and empty hallway. “Not really. I will ask to the doctor some sleeping pills to help me sleep well every night.” She answered not glancing at him. The butler watch her in the corners of his eyes. She’s not gaining weight and she’s so pale like a snow. “By the way butler, how’s the plants I asked for you the other day?” “The plants were going to be delivered next week before luncheon.” “I see. I’ll be checking the greenhouse after breakfast before I go to the capital. Get the carriage ready.” “Yes, Miss.” They arrived at dining hall and she saw the duke. She smiled and greeted with a cheerful tone. “Good morning, father. Did you sleep well?” She asked as she sits on the chair next to him. “I did. How about you?” “I didn’t but I’ll ask the doctor later for sleeping pills.” She answered as she ate her salad. She hid her frowning face as she tasted the salad. ‘No good. Its tasteless, I want to stop eating but I cant..’ She had a hard time swallowing the food, thankfully there’s a water near her so she took it and drink the water to help her swallow the food. “Are you alright?” The duke asked as he notice the odd behavior of Viviene beside him. “Yes. I’m alright.” She lied smoothly with a smile. Fortunately, the duke seemed convinced at her answer and did not ask further questions to her. After eating, she excused herself that she’ll go visit the doctor to ask some sleeping pills. She arrived at the infirmary and knock on the door before entering. “Milady, have a sit. Is there something wrong?” The doctor asked her. “I want some sleeping pills.” She said directly. “Yes, Miss. But may I ask how many hours of sleep do you have these past few days?” He asked politely. “Three hours.” “Three hours!?” The doctor blurted in shock. “I’ll send the medicine later at night with a herbal tea called Motherworth Tea. It regulates insomnia and an anti-anxiety type of tea.” He explained. “I see. Also, I’m going to tell you this doctor but promise me that you will not tell this to father nor my brother, understand?” “Yes, Miss.” The doctor answered truthfully as he stared at her. “I, I, there’s something wrong with my tongue.” “Your tongue Miss?” “I cant taste anything.” She blurted in frustration. The doctor stared at her for a while before speaking again. “When did it start Miss?” “Right after I woke up after the day I got abducted.” “Alright. I’ll give you some medicine later at night together with the sleeping pills and the tea.” The doctor muttered. “If there’s anything that bothers you please tell me immediately, Miss.” “Alright. Thank you doctor. And remember to not tell anyone.” She remineded. “Yes, Milady. I’ll watch my mouth.” “Good. Goodbye doctor.” She stood up and left the infirmary. She went downstairs and met Arthur. She smiled at him. “Hi, brother.” “I heard you are going to the capital?” “Yes. But it will not take long. I’ll be back later before luncheon. If you don’t mind, can we have some tea later?” She asked. “Yes. That would be good.” He muttered with a small smile on his lips. “Thank you brother. I’ll be going now, good luck to your work.” She said as she walk pass through him. “Goodbye. See you later.” She glance at him and smiled. She resumed walking downstairs and went outside the mansion. The carriage is waiting outside and standing near it were Merriam and Sir Rowellius. “Good day, Miss.” Sir Rowellius greeted. “Good day to you too, Sir. I hope I didn’t bother you at anything.” “Not at all Miss. I asked the someone to watch the training thoroughly.” “I see. Lets go. I don’t want to waste another time.” She hop inside the carriage and Merriam followed her. “May I ask where are we going Miss?” She asked. “I want to go to a magic shop.” “A magic shop?” “Yes. I want to buy something.” The carriage started to move away from the mansion. As the carriage get further away, Viviene’s mind also started flying away. She kept on thinking about her situation and Viviene’s odd yet luxurious life. ‘I wonder how she is now?’ She wondered. They arrived at the capital and she told the coachman to stop at a shop named ‘Maestro Rafael Magic Shop’— the same shop she visited before. She open the door and the familiar sound of the bell rang in the room. “Good day, Young Lady.” The same old man greeted him with a wide grin showing his crooked teeth. She smiled back at him. “Good day to you too, Sir.” She greeted as well. “Its been a while since you visited me. You lost a lot of weight, Young Miss.” He said as he watch her closely. “Yes. A lot happened these past few days. Anyway, can I look around?” “Feel free to do so Miss.” He answered very delighted. She look around the shop. She arrived at a mannequin with a black cloak. On its edges were golden embroidered vines that adds the elegant vibe of the cloak. She read the label softly almost like a whisper. “Invisibility Cloak. Sounds cool.” She muttered a her lips formed an interesting smile. She touched the cloak and strangely, it turned red. ‘What the heck happened!?’ She exclaimed frightened at what she witnessed a few seconds ago. “It recognizes you as its owner Miss.” She jump in horror and glance at her side. It’s the old creepy man in the counter. ‘He always startled me! The f**k is wrong with him?’ The old man notice her startled expression and muttered an apology immediately. “I apologize Young Miss if I startled you. The cloak seemed interested at you.” He said with a delighted tone. “Really? It seems like the objects here likes me a lot.” She joked. “Of course! The unique objects here recognizes a rightful owner.” “A rightful owner? Me? I’m not rightful as what these unique objects talking about.” “I doubt that miss. The objects here were all magical and magical objects’ instincts were perfect! They sense something from you. Something, unworldly.” She can feel a bizarre air surrounding them as the man’s gray eyes held her amber irises. ‘This man is creepy as hell.’ She can feel the coldness in her nape and her heartbeat increasing. She calmed herself before answering. “Well, everyone said I’m indeed unworldly. I’ll purchase this one.” She muttered as she held the cloak. “Yes, Miss.” He took the cloak from the mannequin and they went to the counter. While the man is busy packing the cloak inside a brown classic box, Viviene suddenly speak. “By the way, do you have any magic tools that provide protection spell? And I mean a very strong one.” She said “Luck you Young Miss. I have that in my store.” He said with a smile and snap his fingers. A long, brown box appeared in front of her and it automatically opened once it touched the wooden desk. Pretty brooches were displayed in front of her. “There are different types of protection magic, Young Miss. There’s a protection against attack spells, some curses, physical attack and even poisoning. Just tell me the exact description Miss.” He asked and explained at the same time. “I want something that protects against both physical and magical attacks. But, is there something that holds both capabilities?” She asked. The old man smiled at him. “of course.” “And I want two of them.” “Alright.” Two brooches float in the air. Both of them possess cool cobalt color gem. It had silver linings surrounding the gem in a shape of an oval. “It possess a great magical protection. Once in danger, the spell will be activated.” He explained. “Good. I want another two but in different color and a smaller one than these two.” “Of course!” Two brooches float again on the air. Its smaller than the first two brooches and this time, it’s a square one. Both of them have yellow gem surrounded by silver borders. Its simple but elegant. “These will do. I’ll purchase them.” She muttered in a smile. “Yes. I’ll wrap then for a while.” He said as he took another boxes with classic designs. Viviene waited patiently for the old man to finish when the bell suddenly rang. She glance at the door’s direction and saw familiar faces. Its Eliza and Sir Valor. “Miss Cruel! What a coincident.” Eliza said as she smiled showing her pretty white teeth to her. “Good day, Lady Cruel.” Sir Valor greeted at her. ‘What an unlucky day for me.’ She thought and swallowed a sigh. She smiled at them as well. “Good day, Lady Walmeir and Sir Valor.” She greeted as well. She doesn’t want to start a conversation between the two but the old man was taking so long to wrap the things she bought and Eliza immediately throw a question at her. “What brings you here, Miss Cruel?” she asked. “Oh, just buying some stuffs.” She answered shortly. “I’m buying amulets for Sir Valor, His Majesty and Sir Cruel. How’s your brother doing? Its been a while since I last saw Sir Cruel in the capital.” She said as she walk towards her. Sir Valor followed closely behind her. ‘No one’s asking why you’re here, you know?’ She blurted inside her head as she remain smiling. “I see. How thoughtful of you Lady Walmeir. They’re very lucky to have you as an acquaintance. Brother is busy lately.” She muttered. “That’s sad. I hope he’s doing well.” “Of course. He’s perfectly fine just busy. I always reminded him to take care of his self and have some time to relax.” “You’re such a caring sister, Miss Cruel.” She complimented. “Not at all but thanks for the compliment.” “Oh, how about we talked in a café for a while? I know a good café not far from here. Uhm, is it alright with you, Lady Cruel?” She asked with hopeful eyes. ‘I feel like rejecting but there’s also a heavy feeling inside my chest that I must go with her? Whatever.’ She thought thoroughly before answering. “Alright.” “Really!? I’m so glad.” ‘Yeah right.’ She thought but remain smiling at her. She heed Sir Valor’s stares at her but she never throw a glance at him. ‘What’s wrong with him?’ She wondered feeling uncomfortable at his stares. After waiting for ten minutes, Viviene paid the magical objects and ordered Merriam to put it inside the carriage. The old man offered a sit to Viviene and some tea while waiting for Sir Valor and Eliza. After that, went to the café Eliza talked about earlier. Merriam and Sir Rowellius were in another table while Viviene, Eliza and Sir Valor share the same table. “How are you?” Eliza suddenly asked. Viviene stopped from drinking her tea before resuming and putting it on the plate afterwards. “I’m fine, Lady Walmeir.” She answered. “You’re getting smaller.” She added. “I’m eating well and the nutritionist was very strict in giving me food to eat.” She said with a smile. Eliza looked at her with worried eyes. “If there’s anything you need please tell me. I’ll do my best to provide it to you “ Eliza muttered as she held her hand. She stared at her for a while before touching her hand that was holding hers. “There’s no need for you to be done.” Her eyes shone indifference to the both of them as she pull her hands and drink her tea calmly.
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