Chapter Five: Emergency! Run Away!

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Viviene remain calm and quiet as she sits on the sofa without Arthur’s presence. She didn’t feel bad being left behind nor being treated as insignificant by her own sibling. ‘Whatever, I can do things alone.’ She muttered confidently inside her head. She spotted a dark green, high-neck mermaid lace gown with long sleeves. It had roses pattern made of golden threads and beads making it look dazzling. ‘This is it. I love this dress.’ She thought with a triumphant smile. “I want this.” Viviene said to the staff. “Oh! You have an eye for dresses! Its one of our masterpieces! I’m sure you’ll look gorgeous in this gown!” She accepted the man’s compliment. Faye Anne recalled herself watching to fashion vlogs and learning fashion trends but because she’s too poor and busy to go to malls, she ended up just watching everything in her phone. ‘This is one of my hobbies after all. I never thought I can do something like this in here. This is a huge break after all those stresses I’ve encountered.’ She sigh. She immediately choose the shoes that match the gown and asked the servant to put the dress in the carriage. She glance at the door and there’s no sign of Arthur approaching. ‘Huh. After seeing lady Eliza he forgot my whole existence. But I’m thankful somehow.’ “I’ll just leave him behind.” “Signora?” The man asked thinking that Viviene called him. “Uh, no. Nothing.” She answered as she smiled. “The payment will be sent by the duchy tomorrow morning. Here’s the seal.” Viviene said as she signed the papers with the Duchy’s Seal. Its like a formal signature of all the households in the empire that can be used in signing documents and paying without cash. ‘Its like a credit card.’ She thought as she put the seal in her pocket. She knew that Arthur will be back late so she decided to walk outside and watch other stores. She noticed that the knights didn’t care where she’s going because they remained standing beside the carriage even though they saw her going out from the shop. ‘Ah. Neglecting their duty? They should’ve followed me. Anyways, its not as if I cant protect myself without them. I am completely fine alone.’ She thought as she resume walking. Her feet stopped in front of a store named ‘Maestro Rafael Magic Shop.’ ‘Magic? Yeah. I heard that this place had magic.’ “Lets give it a try!” She went inside the store and saw odd things. There’s wands, crystal balls, bizarre plants and crystal bottled with weird liquids. There’s an old man in the counter who’s looking at Viviene. He’s white hair was tied in a ponytail and had a long white beard. “Good day Young Lady!” The man greeted. Viviene look at him and smile then continue watching the new things she discovered. Her eyes went to the things labeled ‘Teleportation’. She walk towards there and glance at the bracelets and rings. “Are you interested in traveling young lady?” “Ah!” Viviene jump in surprise because of the old man’s sudden presence beside her. “I apologize for startling you. I notice that you’re having a hard time choosing what you want.” He said politely. Viviene thought of his odd politeness towards her. ‘I think he doesn’t know me.’ She thought. She remembered all the people she met while walking in the street especially aristocrats. Their wary expressions are still clear in her mind. Like they just saw a witch walking in broad daylight. She felt disappointed again so she pushed that idea off her head. ‘He doesn’t look like a commoner for me.’ She told to herself. “Maybe? I’m not sure.” “Then why don’t you give it a try?” “Try what?” “The thrill in traveling.” She think deeply of what he said. Faye Anne lived alone and worked all her life to survive in her world. Relaxing and traveling hadn’t came to her mind because for her, making money weights more. “Alright.” The man smiled at her as he guide to the counter. The old man place a small black velvet box and opened it in front of her. It’s a golden ring with a small ruby stone. It’s doesn’t look that grand and had a modest type of design. “This is a rare teleportation ring that can take you to any place you want. Unlike ordinary teleportation rings, this one never consumes manna from the owner but directly to the nature.” Viviene stared at the ring. ‘This item is very beneficial for me especially for my emergency plan.’ She thought deeply. “How much?” “one hundred million gold.” “what!?” “This item is rare and can only be displayed secretly to avoid the imperial knights’ attention. You know the law that forbids magical tools that possess too much magic.” He explained and smile mischievously at her. ‘If big bro will find out that I spend so much money, will he kill me? But this is for my emergency plan! No. My life is more important than money!’ “Going once! Going twice!..” “Alright! I’ll buy it.” “Thank you.” “But, you have to answer my question first.” The man face me with confusion in his face. “Why did you sell this RARE item to me?” She ask directly and stare at his eyes. The man chuckled and look at her eyes directly. “Its because, this item suits you young lady. When you entered this humble shop the ruby stone glinted like it recognized you to be its owner.” Viviene look back at the ring and saw it glint with her own two eyes. ‘It really did!’ “Satisfied young lady?” Viviene nodded. The old man snap his fingers and papers appeared in his hand. Viviene is so amaze of what she saw. ‘A real magic! Its real magic!’ She exclaimed in her mind. “Please sign here miss.” The man said as he handed the paper. Viviene read the document before signing. “I’ll wrap this for you—” “No need. I’ll wear this.” She said as she put the ring in her finger and took the box. “Alright. Come again next time, Lady.” “Thanks.” She went out from the shop. As she walks back the boutique, she bump to someone wearing a black robe. ‘Ow. What the heck? Who’s wearing a robe in broad daylight?’ She wonder as she raise her head. The first thing she saw is a pair of deep purple eyes staring back at her. The half of the man’s face is covered and his hair is not visible. The only thing she can see is his eyes. She snapped and move aside without a word. The man glance at her for a while before resuming walking. Viviene watch his back as she felt shivers in her spine. “He’s creepy…” She mumble in her breath and started walking again while thinking deeply. She cant forget those purple eyes she saw earlier. She felt like she saw it before but she cant recall. ‘I never saw such beautiful eyes in my whole life.’ She thought as her heart pounded so fast. She bump to someone again. ‘Ugh! Why are there so many people blocking my way today?’ She wondered and look up. Unlike before, it’s a bald man with a pair of bloodshot eyes and had a creepy smile looking at her. Behind him were two men who’s looking at her wickedly. ‘What did I get myself into?’ She tried to move away from them but the man suddenly grip her waist. She flinch and glare at him. “Hey pretty lady. Want to hang out for a while with us?” He said as his smile grows wider and eyes full of lust. His sight makes her want to puke. ‘Ugh. He looks like a pig seducing me. Is my charm that poor to attract this lowly being!? I thought something like this would not happen but hell, there’s always bad in every world’ She muttered in her mind as she struggle however, he didn’t let go. The other men laugh at her which made her angry. “Let go if you still value your pitiful life.” “Ha! Why would I do that? I had my beautiful prey in my arms. Who would dare to let you go?” “You know, I’m a crazy woman who makes a man bald in a minute but since you’re already bald I’ll just have to blind you instead!” She pierce his eyes with her fingers. “Ah!” The man let her go harshly that she almost fell to the ground. The other men who’s in shock went to the guy who’s crying of pain due to Viviene’s violent action. Viviene did not waste her time and started to run away however, one of them was able to grab her hair stopping her from running any further. “Ah!” She hissed in pain and cursed mentally. “Where do you think you’re going!? You b***h!” She look around her and saw no one in the street. ‘Of all places why am I in an alleyway with no people!’ She cursed herself for being stupid. “Let go of my hair you bastard!” She pull her hair by force and kick the man’s stomach. The man fell to the ground and curled in pain while swearing a lot about her. She saw his ‘two friends’ running toward them so she kick the man on the ground for the last time and run away. “f*****g jerks!!” She yelled at them and stick her tongue out. The three men got angrier and chase after her. Unfortunately, Viviene is faster and has more endurance than them. ‘I’m a runner back in my world you fools!’ She thought proudly as she remembered how she run like crazy every time she overslept. ‘Oh. I never thought I’ll remember those crazy times. Haha!’ “Haha! Catch me if you can freaks!” She teased as she accelerated more. “You b***h! Get back here!” One of them yelled making her laugh even more. Her laughter disappeared when she arrived at a dead end. ‘Holy s**t! How will I escape now!?’ She yelled mentally and started panicking. “You.. I’ll kill you..” She turn around and face the man. She can see the smoke coming out from his big nostrils and ears while his face is read due to anger. ‘What should I do?’ She saw the ring in her finger and recall the old man’s words. ‘That’s right! The teleportation ring! I can still escape!’ She thought hopefully. “You can never escape from us.” Their leader said as he laugh darkly. ‘Please ring! Help me live longer!’ She prayed and touch the ring. ‘Take me to my carriage!’ A light surrounded her and she started to float. Its warm and the feeling of excitement crawled deep in her. Weird texts surrounded her forming like chains and a pentagram appeared behind her. ‘Its magic!’ She exclaimed in her mind as she look at the light with fascinated eyes. Her eyes fell to the three men who’s looking at her with wide eyes and mouth hanged open. She sneered at them and raise her middle fingers then yelled.. “f**k YOU!—!!” She suddenly sucked up like a dirt through a black hole. Her surroundings were spinning and twisting making her feel dizzy. “Stop! This! Shi—!” It suddenly stopped and she felt herself falling. She expected to hit the ground but someone held her tightly before she could even touch the pavement. Her vision is blurry and her ears ringing so she need time to recover but its not too long because a minute after she heard his brother’s cold and deadly voice. “Viviene! What the hell happened!?” She blink several times and saw Arthur’s face clearly. His sweating and his breathing is irregular like he run a mile earlier and just arrived. “H-Hey big bro—” “Cant you answer me!?” She became speechless due to the sudden rise of his voice. ‘Is he angry? And why’s he sweating so much?’ “Can we stand first?” She asked ignoring his rude questioning towards her. Arthur gritted his teeth but stood up with her. She can feel his glare at her like anytime he can create a hole in her head. She cough and smiled brightly. “Lets go inside the carriage brother.” She immediately turn around and went inside the carriage fleeing away from Arthur who’s burning with fury. He keep his calm and went inside the carriage. As he sit on the seat opposite to her, he glance at Viviene who’s leaning on the chair with her eyes close. Her hair was disheveled and the hem of her skirt is filthy. What’s making him angrier is the small cut in her cheek. “What the hell happened? And why don’t you have a single knight with you?” He asked as he tried his best to press his anger deep in him. Viviene felt like she’ll freeze with his cold and deadly gaze. ‘We’re not in north pole are we? Why is it so cold!?’ She wondered nervously and try to calm herself. Her hands were trembling and she cant help but fidget to suppressed that. She can really feel his killing intent and its suffocating her! ‘Looks cant kill so lets be positive!’ She encourage herself as she look at Arthur with a force smile in her face. “Well, I had a little exercise.. I-Its good to have a healthy body you know?” She answered with a paled expression. Arthur’s aura did not subside, instead, increase even more. “What kind of exercise did you do that you looked like you’re chased by dogs from hell?” He asked raising an eyebrow in annoyance and anger. “I ran.. and had playmates, and yes I was chased, by.. Uhm.. Animals! Yes animals! Funny and scary animals? It was fun.” She explained as her face brighten with a smile. Arthur frowned even more. He move towards her and touch her cheek. Viviene’s eyes widen as she look at Arthur’s face close to her. His finger brush her cheek making her flinch due to a sharp pain. “What are you doing?” She asked directly feeling uncomfortable towards him. “You’re hurt. What kind of f*****g animals PLAYED with you to suffer like this?” His tone is surprisingly kind and worried. “Did someone, hurt you?” His eyes glow dreadfully at her. She’s not scared at him rather confused because of his treatment. She’s doubting his concerns toward her. Other than the coldness, there’s more in those eyes that glared back at her. Her mind snicker as she realized something. ‘Is he guilty of leaving me behind?’ She stop herself from laughing from that absurdity. “Its nothing. You don’t have to worry.” “Viviene!” “I dealt with it already and I’m fine.” “Why wont you tell me?” “Why do you want to know?” He shut his mouth, unable to speak because of her sudden question. Why is he so eager to know what really happened? That’s not him at all. He would just ignore her knowing that she caused it herself. Viviene’s eyes glow bright yellow as het face darken. ‘Did he think that telling him would make me feel good? This is my own problem so why was he acting like its his own too?' She wondered feeling annoyed of his unwanted concern. She tried to smile at him who’s looking at her coldly. “Big brother, you don’t have to worry about me. You see, I am extremely good in solving my own problems.” “Vivie—” “I’M FINE. I’m an amazing person after all don’t you think?” She said as she smiled cheekily. Arthur close his mouth tightly. Her words were too strong that he cant argue any further. Somehow, deep in him, there’s a feeling of remorse toward her and Viviene never failed to not notice it. Its all in his deep blue eyes that Viviene loves to stare, not just because its prettier than a blue diamond but because of how emotional it were. ‘He doesn’t have to feel that way towards me because his feelings had nothing to do with me in the first place. I have, to look for a way to go back.’ She seriously thought and watch the view outside. The streets made her shiver a bit as she recall those men who tried to harm her however, she managed to escape death like a cat and its all thanks to the teleportation ring she bought. ‘Worth it for a hundred million gold.’ She muttered to herself and felt safe. ‘Right. If anything bad happens, I’ll just have to run away.’ She reminded herself like a ten year old child. Arthur, who’s secretly observing her notice how her eyes shine brightly and her lips curve to a little smile. He never dared to know her before and her radiance was nothing compared to Eliza yet now, he saw how strange but admirable she is as her eyes glitter like pieces of gold illuminated by light.
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