Chapter Four: Trip To The Capital

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Love is a complicated matter for both Viviene and Faye Anne. They did not understand anything about it because they didn’t received such feeling in the first place. For Faye Anne who’s always alone and struggled so much, love was something she cant achieve in her life due to lack of time. While for Viviene, who was isolated and rejected, love was like a gift she really wanted to have but failed to gain. Viviene chased so many people in order to be loved yet ended up hurting her. She tried to be optimistic, that maybe a ray of sunshine would appear in her raining world, however, the rain never stopped until the water drowned her. Its much worse than drowning in the Faszia Lake because in there, she could never be saved. So what is love for them? Love is a beautiful illusion and a poison at the same time. Viviene close the romance novel book she got from Merriam. She’s disappointed to learn nothing but kissing and doing s****l pleasures with the opposite s*x. “Its disgusting.” She mumbled with irritation. She put the book on the table as she stretch her arms and legs. Its morning already and Merriam will arrive any minute from now so she started doing morning exercise like stretching. Her head is aching due to scarcity of sleep just to finish a book. “I should ask fantasy novels next time.” She said feeling excited. She heard someone knock the door so she turn her head towards its direction. “Miss, its me.” Merriam said. “Come in.” Merriam entered and greeted her with a smile. “Good morning Miss.” “Yeah. I want to take a bath before breakfast then please return these books in the library and get me a new one. I want fantasy novel books this time.” She requested with excitement as she got her robe. Merriam took everything she needs for bathing. “Pardon me for saying this Milady but are you going to stay here without looking for a new dress to wear for the banquet?” She asked to her with confusion. “A dress? Why would I buy a new one when I already had so many dresses in my closet? We’ll just pick a nice one to wear for the banquet. End of the story.” She answered. “Miss! I refuse! A lady must be pretty in any occasion!” "So?" She face her with her eyebrow raised. She’s waiting for her own reasons about she said to her seconds ago. “Ladies tend to value their image in social gatherings Milady. I think you should rethink of not buying a new dress for this approaching event.” ‘Hm, I’ve heard of something like this in a fantasy novel stories with a Victorian setting. I remembered that ladies should give their utmost efforts in dressing themselves beautifully. But those were only fictional stories and I am not a fictional character that needs attention from everyone.’ She thought. She sigh and look at her. “I wont get a new dress and that’s final. I want to take a bath right now and not waste my time over such futile things. I still had a lot of books to read.” She muttered as she turned her back from her. After bathing, she wore a modest light pink dress while Merriam is brushing her long hair. She’s looking at Merriam in the mirror who’s face is sullen. She’s disappointed that Viviene doesn’t want to have a new dress and acting passive in a special event. “Hey, don’t be sad.” She muttered while looking at Merriam’s reflection. “Its because I really wanted to make you the prettiest among all the ladies in that banquet Milady..” She explained with a sad tone. “Merriam, look at me.” “Miss?” “Do I look ugly?” Merriam’s forehead wrinkled because of her out-of-the-blue question. “No Miss. You’re very pretty!” “See? Even if I wear rags or shabby clothes no one can deny the fact that I AM PRETTY.” She said confidently. “Wow, Miss. You’re confidence is extraordinary.” Merriam muttered, amused by Viviene’s words. “Of course! A lady becomes more charming if she’s confident!” After eating breakfast, Viviene enjoyed her time alone while reading books inside her room. The books she’s reading fancied her so much she cant help but smile until someone suddenly knock her door. “Milady, its me, Finnian.” “Come in.” The door opened and a man with spectacles entered. He had sharp gray eyes and a serious expression. His ash gray hair was tied behind him with a blue ribbon and in his holding a gold pocket watch. ‘He looks scary.’ She thought. “What do you want?” She asked directly. “Young Master Arthur wants to have tea with you in the garden.” ‘Again? He wants to see me again!?’ “Tell him I’m busy.” “I’m afraid you must go see him Milady. There’s an important matter the Young Master wants to discuss with you.” He said in a formal tone. Viviene frown because she doesn’t want to see her big brother today. ‘I guess it will not take much time.’ She thought before standing up. Finnian who’s the butler of the Cruel Family for two years watch Viviene pacing towards her desk and putting the book she’s reading. ‘So the rumors are true. The lady is doing odd things recently.’ He thought. “I expect that this will not take much time butler. You see, I’m a very busy person.” She explained bitterly. “Busy?” “I still have so many books to read and I still have to choose my dress for the banquet.” “I understand Lady, but isn’t it crucial to talk to Young Master too? He finished his tasks earlier than expected because he wants to have time with you, Miss.” He muttered as they went out from her room, Viviene face Finnian with a dark expression. Finnian felt goosebumps as he stare at her glowing amber irises. “You don’t have to point priorities in front of me, butler. I am well aware of what’s important and what’s useless.” “Y-Yes. I apologize if I cross the line Milady.” Viviene turn her back from him and started walking in the hallway. ‘Her eyes scared the hell out of me. I cant believe the lady can give me such goosebumps aside from the duke and the Young Master. Perhaps I’ll watch my tongue next time.’ As they walk downstairs Viviene can heard the servants talking behind her. Her image was badly ruined because of her bad personality so ugly rumors always surrounds her and make people feel hostile towards her. Finnian who’s behind her can feel her unease so he started talking. “Miss, I saw earlier that you engaged yourself to reading. Are there any books that you like to read the most?” Viviene look at him for a while. She doesn’t like to talk about herself so she change the subject. “Is big brother have a lot of works?” “Yes but he’s good at his work and manage his time very well. No need to worry about his schedule.” He answered. On the contrary, Viviene isn’t worried at all. She’s just looking for an excuse to flee away from Arthur’s sight. Finally, they arrived in the garden. The surroundings are too bright for her because she stayed in her cave these past few days refusing to meet the light of day. She saw Arthur still handsome as ever sitting on a chair in front of a table. Desserts and pastries, and tea sets were on it. ‘Lets turn on our survival instinct and finish this deadly task immediately.’ She thought seriously. “Hello big brother.” She greeted with a smile. She took a sit on the chair opposite to him. “You look pale. Are you feeling well?” He asked as he examine her. Viviene is so white that she looked like she’s about to disappear any moment. “This is my normal complexion, big brother. No need to worry.” “I see. I thought you looked like someone who’s about to disappear in front of me. You should go out from your room sometimes.” Viviene can feel her blood boiling of his insult. “Haha! You’re funny big brother.” ‘I want to sew your mouth!’ “I’m glad I made you laugh.” ‘You make me want to kill you!’ “I’m glad too that you CAN make me laugh.” She said as she stress the word ‘can’. Arthur smiled mischievously as he sips his tea. Viviene drinks her tea as well. “The butler said that you want to say something important to me?" “Yes.” “What is it?” “Have you decided what dress you’ll wear in the banquet?” Viviene can feel that something just hit her. Its an imaginary hand from Arthur’s words that make her realize something. ‘Is this the IMPORTANT thing he wants to say? What DRESS I will wear?’ Her blood pressure is increasing as she force a smile on her face. “I-Is this the IMPORTANT thing you want to say?” “Isn’t it important to you? I told you to be pretty in that event.” He asked innocently that makes Viviene’s blood pressure increase even more. ‘I AM PRETTY IN EVERY ASPECTS YOU JERK!’ She’s murdering Arthur inside her head multiple times yet on the outside she’s smiling like a doll in front of him. “Yes I remember your words. I’ll choose my dress later.” She answered as she took a bite with the macaroons on her plate. ‘Wow! So delicious!’ She mentally exclaimed while savoring the food in her mouth. Arthur notice her twinkling eyes and blushing cheeks as she ate the desserts. He sips his tea as he covered his smile with the cup. He found Viviene’s expressions adorable. “I’ll tell the butler to ready the carriage. I’ll accompany you while you buy your dress at the capital.” He said. Viviene’s eyes widen as she glance at Arthur. “P-Pardon? Going to the capital?” She asked. “Yes.” He answered. “But I still have my punishment. And its very risky to go to the capital.” “I assure you no one can harm us. Who dares to talk back shall receive my wrath.” He muttered gravely as his eyes glint like a blade hit by the light. ‘If he’s this high spirited I guess I can trust him for now?’ “Alright, if you insist..” “You sounded like you don’t want to.” “What? Of course not!” She answered as she smile ear to ear. Her heart is beating so fast because of nervousness and her forehead sweating. ‘Plan two, remember plan two!’ She repeatedly thought. “I-I’ll go change my clothes. Excuse me big brother.” “Yes. Go ahead.” She left— no, she escaped from her brother’s sight and went back to her room. She’s nervous of going out with her brother and going to the capital as well. “No.. Lets pray that nothing bad will happen.. Right.” She close her eyes, held her hands together and mumble a silent and sincere prayer. “Amen..” When she opened her eyes her heart almost explode when someone suddenly knock the door. “Gosh! That scares me!” “Milady? Its me.” “Come in.” The door opened and Merriam went inside. “I heard that you and the Young Master are going to the capital. Gosh! I’m so happy that Young Master is going out with you!” Viviene look at her gloomily as her black aura spread around the room. “You seemed happy with my misfortune…” “T-That’s not true Miss! Please don’t think like that!” Viviene sigh and proceed in changing her clothes. She’s wearing a red striped dress with puritan type of collar and short flutter sleeves. She chose the black ankle boots and black floppy hat. She put some earrings and red lipstick for her lips. “Miss, you’re gorgeous.” “I know. Thanks for helping me.” Merriam was caught off guard by her answer then smiled. They went out from her room and proceed downstairs where Arthur is waiting. He look at Viviene and was satisfied by her looks. “Not bad.” He complimented. “I know. Shall we go now big brother?” She asked and smiled. “Lets go.” They hop inside the carriage and started moving. Viviene felt suffocated with Arthur inside the carriage so she open the window and watch the view outside. Sunlight touch her face and blinded her eyes for a while so she close them for a moment to adjust her vision. She put her chin on her palm as she put a small smile on her lips. “You seemed happy.” She glance at Arthur who’s staring at her. “Its been a while since I went out from my room.” She explained while smiling. She never knew that going outside is very refreshing. “Do you wish to end your punishment? I can do that for you.” Arthur felt Viviene’s change. She became mature and witty not to mention those clear amber eyes that can take someone’s breath. ‘Is he testing me? Why’s he asking me that kind of question?’ She wondered while still staring at him seriously. “I’m not stepping back from my punishment. Its my fault anyway and I think I deserve it.” “Deserve?” “Everyone thinks that way.” She said indifferently and went back on watching the view outside. Arthur’s hand clench and trembled however he doesn’t know the reason why he’s feeling that way. He cant find the right words to say so he remain silent. Viviene’s eyes sparkle as she saw the stores and stands with different products. The streets had so many people walking in different directions and the roads had many moving vehicles. The carriage stopped in front of a boutique with pretty dresses displayed in the glass window. The door opened and Arthur assisted Viviene himself. His kind gesture made her surprise and doubt. ‘What’s with him?’ She thought. Viviene look and saw the sign of the shop. Its name is ‘La Boutique Della Signora Francia.’ ‘Is this italian?’ They went inside and greeted by the elegant ambiance of the shop. “Welcome Signore! Welcome Signora!” A man wearing striped suits and a feathery hat said. He had a mustache that curls in both ends. “Show me the best dresses you’ve got.” The man nodded and clap his hands. Different hanged dresses appeared right in front of her. Her mouth agape as she look at the dresses. ‘What on earth will I choose from these dresses!?’ “C- Can I get a catalogue?” “Of course Signora!” “Thank you.” She sigh as she took a sit on the red sofa. Arthur sit beside her, cross his legs and arms. “How about you big brother? You should buy your own clothes as well.” “I already have in the mansion. Father delivered it to me last week for an event however I wasn’t able to attend due to the fief’s affairs.” He explained. “Oh. Then we should hurry and go back to the mansion as soon as possible.” “Nah. I made sure I’m vacant today.” He said not even glancing at her. She sigh and waited for the man to arrive. The door of the boutique opened and a woman wearing light blue dress entered. All the people glance at her because she possess an unearthly beauty. Viviene notice everyone’s gaze and look at the woman as well. She had long golden, wavy hair and charming green eyes like emeralds. ‘Who is she?’ She wonder. A memory came inside her head as she stare at the girl. It’s a memory full of jealousy, sadness and hatred. “Its your fault! I don’t need you! I don’t want you to be my friend!” “Lady Viviene please don’t be like that.” “Get away from me!” “Lady Vivi..” “Get away!” Viviene pushed her so she fell on the cold floor. Arthur came and saw everything. He walked towards Viviene and slap her. “If you ever lay a hand on Eliza I swear you’ll regret this Viviene.” He warned with those sharp eyes looking at her. Viviene felt shivers all over her body as she recall Arthur’s deadly expression and threat. ‘Of all people, why Eliza Gwenneth Walmeir?’ Her mind muttered in frustrations as she pull her hat to cover her face. Her eyes peek to Arthur and he saw the expression of longing. She look at the girl again and to Arthur. ‘Why is he staying here?’ She wondered. “Why don’t you go to her big brother?” She asked. “What?” “Go talk to her. I’ll be right here.” “Oh. Are you sure?” “I’m sure. Go on.” “Alright. Excuse me.” He said and left her alone. Viviene stare at his back without feeling anything but emptiness. For her, loneliness and being left behind were normal to her because she’s used to it. The man returned with the catalogue finding Viviene sitting alone. “Oh? Pardon for asking Signora but where is Signore?” He asked. She smiled as she took the catalogue from his hand. “He had something important to do.” “Hm? More important than accompanying you Signora?” Viviene became speechless. The man just press an invisible button— the button called correct. ‘I am, indeed, something insignificant.’ She thought with a little smile in her face. But that’s alright. Its nothing to do with her, after all, she’s not the person that should be hurting right now but rather that certain someone who drowned yet never came back. “Don’t know.” She shrug as she open the catalogue refusing to answer further questions from the man.
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