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Kacey I slowly came around in a dark room and my eyes burned. My mother was as dry as a nun's cunt, now that I would know, obviously. I looked around. Why did it have to be so goddamn dark? I can't remember much of the day's events . We were still, in fact, on Monday. What I do remember is this really weird dude telling me he knew my brother and they were friends was utter bullshit. Didn't he realise I could see straight through his façade? I should've been quicker. I'm so f*****g dumb. If I wasn't, I would never have gotten myself into this situation, damn my teenage naive Brian. They had always told me never to talk to strangers, let alone walk beside one. Orlando was my first mistake though he saved me from getting shot that day. I should never have accepted his ride. He was dangerous. I could sense god was, but I denied it with my stupid teenage hormones. He was s*x on legs and I failed to see the bigger picture one now I can't ever get put if even if I tried. He'd cause a heap of s**t for me and Milly. I was starting to regret our relationship. I don't think I can be part of this life. It's too dangerous, especially for Milly. If Daniel has even told her the truth about who he really is, but again, that's none of my business. But it has brought me into more danger. I knew that the guy who visited him wasn't there for so is edicate, he was a drug lord at a guess Orlando at some point had done business with him or his seller was the one who had sold the drugs to Dean. Shit! What if this guy knew Dean and he was seeking revenge and had grabbed the best opportunity he had to get to Orlando? Me. I didn't know s**t and the s**t, I knew I certainly wasn't sharing with a guy I didn't know of in fact. I hope to God this isn't about Dean and his friends. I don't need this s**t. I just want a peaceful life. Oh f**k ! What do I do with them? They wouldn't just have been mad, they would have Milly too. I have to get out of here of theg torture her she is sure to fold. She's not me, I can bear inflicted pain she can't. The door creaked open. I squinted my eyes at the bright light and, next, as the switch was flicked, lighted up the room which I was sitting in, alone. If I was here, where was Milly? Valentino Miller I think I need to see if my angel has woken up. The chloroform was enough to knock her out for a few hours and get her sitting comfortably in the death room.welk one of them ifs more of a question and answer room and if I don't like the answer you get tortured till you answer and I'd I don't like what I hear you died either slowly or painfully or you take a bullet to the head either way there is no way out. Let's see if my angel is as stubborn as I think she is, shall we? I pulled myself out of my leather chair and headed out of my room to one of many death rooms. Jace was in the other waiting for her friend to wake up. I gave him the job because I believed she would be the easiest to crack under pressure and torture if all else failed. I knew Kacey was a hard nut to crack and had a few tricks up my sleeve if she failed to talk. I stood outside the death room and smirked that this could go one way or another. Let's see how tough this angel really is. I unlocked the door, flicking the light on. She either just woke up or had been sitting here in the dark thinking about what had happened. I grinned, walking over to her. I grabbed another chair and sat opposite her. She looked up through her hair and cut her eyes. Wrong move angel that's disrespectful in this world. I grabbed her hair, yanking her back. "That's disrespect, honey, you are on my territory now. Show some respect!" "f**k you!" I let go of her hair, slapping her across the face, splitting her lip. She spat the blood out of her mouth. "You'll show me some goddamn respect!" "Respect is earned, not given." "Not in this world, honey." "Who the hell are you?" She coughed out. I picked up the glass of water holding her jaw, pouting some in before placing it back on the floor. "My name is Valentino Miller." She spat the water out. I wiped my face. "What do you want with me and how do you know my brother?" "One question at a time, princess." "I'm not a princess." "Oh, I can see that angel, and to answer your question. I was friends with your brother a long time ago before he got attacked. pity I wasn't there to stop it. And to your first question. I want to know where my brother is." "I don't know your brother." "Nice try Kacey. You both went to school together, you were both in the same year." "Doesn't mean to say I know him. And how the hell do you know my name?" "Dean Miller, his b***h is Sherry Hemmings." I shuddered. "I know all about you Kacey."I said, guiding my hand down her face. "I have no idea what my brother saw in that b***h when there was beauty like you saying right in his face." She looked at me, swallowing hard. "What I want to know I'd simple Kacey.Where is my brother?" "I don't know, I swear." I dropped my hand off her face, taking her hand in mine, touching each finger. "Such soft, angelic hands, it would be a waste if you could no longer use them. " "What?' "The truth, Kacey." "I already told you I don't know." I bent her finger back, snapping it. She screamed and my d**k twitched. "The truth, Kacey or I will continue till you have no fingers left to use." "I don't know, I swear." I snapped the next. She screamed louder. f**k my d**k, it was hard listening to her screams. f**k, I had to concentrate and forget how much I wanted to f**k her so hard she should be screaming my name. "LIAR!" "I'm not. I swear I don't know where he is." I snapped another. She screamed so high-pitched the glass almost cracked. My d**k was hard and throwing through the sounds of her screams over and over again, I had to get out of here. I abruptly stood up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut. I needed a cold shower to sort my hard on out, and get my s**t together before I f****d her into next week.
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