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Valentino Miller I've been pacing up and down for the past month. There was no sign of Dean or his two friends, for that matter. I've got my best men in it. What I do know is Dean went to college on his first day and never returned home. He'd been hiding out for two months and I had no idea why. He was scared and Dean was never scared. What the hell had he done this time? His friends were all bad news. He'd changed dramatically since he'd begun high school and started hanging around with the f*****g Hemmings girls. We all knew the Hemmings had a bad reputation, almost as bad as ours. As the saying goes: keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Yeah, he did that alright when he decided to hook up with that Sherry Hemmings b***h. What I didn't understand is why? There were plenty of pretty girls to choose from, like Ty's younger sister. She was mother f*****g hot. I'd give her a run for her money any day. I liked feisty girls and, f**k, she was feisty. Jane walked into my office without knocking. "Ever heard of knocking?" I questioned, with one eyebrow raised. "Why, you ain't doing nought." "I may have been." He gave me that look to say, whatever! "I came here as a bearer of good news. " "So hit me with it." "You were right, boss. Dean had indeed turned up for college." "I already knew that. I dropped him off and he said he wanted to spend time with that Hemmings b***h and asked me not to pick him up." He nodded. "But his friends didn't." I raised my eyebrows, pulling myself up in my chair. "Are you sure?" 'Positive boss." "So where are they?" "Not sure boss, all we could get was they were all at the end of the party together and were all drinking. There was some commotion between Sherry Hemmings and Kacey Leigh, then Orlando and Daniel Green showed up and took her and her friend away." "Are you sure, Jace? The Greens don't just turn up unannounced." "I'm sure. Take a look at these." Jace said, throwing the photos on the desk. I picked them up and studied them. My brother and his friend were drinking and taking drugs. No surprise there, but what caught my eye was who they were with Kacey and another girl slightly bigger than her, but pretty nonetheless. I smiled. The next few showed Sherry Henmings picking a fight with Kacey. I grinned, that's my girl. Then the last was where Orlando and Daniel grabbed them, taking Kacey and her friend away, some of whom looked like my brother's friends shouting at Kacey and her friend, then at the Greens' wrong thing to do. "That's the last they saw of Dean's friend's boss." "What about their mobiles? Can't they be tracked?" He shook his head. "Sorry boss, but wherever they were, they put a block on the trackers in their mobiles." "Shit." "I think whoever had Dean gas his friends too." "I agree and I know exactly who and how to get to them." "How boss?" "By taking away everything that matters to them," I said, pointing at the two girls in the photo. "Now all we have to do is find them." "That's easy, boss, they are at college. I spotted them when I was digging. " "Perfect, let's go and catch us a few fish and reel the Green brothers in." "Sure boss. " I grinned evilly. I'd finally come face to face with my angel and get the truth out of her. If I had to, I would torture her to find out the truth. I want to know why these girls are so important to the Greens. We headed out of my office and went to the garage, getting into the BMW. Jace drove away, heading towards the college. We had to do this quickly before the Greens came and noticed both of the girls missing. We pulled up outside the college. "I'll go look for Kacey. You, search for her friend, okay?" "Yes boss." We got out of the car and closed the door. I walked away to find Kacey and her friend. Jace Lambridi Why do I always get the s**t jobs? I would rather look for Kacey but, oh no I got lumbered tracking her friend down. What Valentino says goes no matter what and if you argue you get a bullet, believe me, I know I have scars to prove it. I scanned my surroundings bingo. I grinned evilly, making my way towards the girl I recognised from the photo. "Milly?" "Yeah." She said, turning. I placed the drugged handkerchief over her mouth. She screamed into it. Trying her best to struggle out of my hold, feisty I like it. She slowly stopped struggling as her eyes rolled back and closed. I threw her over my shoulder and walked casually away, making sure no one was around or watching. Valentino Miller I scanned the campus. Where the hell was this girl ? I turned and smirked. I strode casually over to her. "Kacey Leigh?" "I am and who ate you?" I grinned at her sass. I'll make sure to slap that out of her. "I’m a friend of Ty's. He mentioned you came here and I thought I would come and meet you in person." "Oh okay." "Coffee?' "Sure." I smiled, this girl was dumb. We walked away. "Hey, where are we going? There's a coffee place here on campus." "Oh, I'm not going to a cafe." "Then where are we going?" "Back home." "I don't think that is a good idea." "Why not?" "Cause I don't know you. " "You always could." She looked at me nervously. I smiled. "I don't think so." "Come on Kacey. I'm good friends with Ty." 'I don’t care bye." She said, running off. Shit. I ran after her. I didn't want to resort to plan b, but I had no choice. I ran after her, wrapping my around her, pressing the drugged handkerchief in her mouth through her scream and her struggle. "Sorry Kacey, you gave me no choice." Her eyes rolled and her body became limp. I picked her up, carrying her back to the car where Jace was putting her friend on the back seat. He looked over and smirked. "All well and good boss." I nodded, placing Kacey on the back seat. Jace closed the door and we both got into the car, driving away.
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