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Daniel I stormed upstairs after everything that Kacey had said to Orlando. I can't believe that little i***t they had a memo for f**k sake they weed supposed to read it. Memorise it, but NO, that f*****g little i***t went his own sweet defying us yet again. If he wasn't family I'd put a bullet in his f*****g head. I knocked on the bedroom door where Milly had decided to sleep for the past year. God I hated how far away we had become. We are so close before her and Kacey were kidnapped by the f*****g Millers. I'd Orlando hadn't ended his life I would've. "Go away!" "Come on princess let me in." "Go away Daniel." "I'll give you to the count of 3 then I'm coming in." Silence. I sighed. "1." I paused. "2." I sighed one last chance princess. "3." Still nothing I went to open the door, it was locked f**k. I stepped away from it, taking strides back here goes nothing. I ran after the door leaning to my right, my arm out crashing into the door, almost taking it off its hinges as it splintered open. I looked at Milly laying on the bed sniffling. f**k she was crying. I slid to a halt. I slowly and cautiously made my way over to the bed sitting down. "What happened princess?" "I don't want to talk about it." "Come on Princess, it can be that bad." "What the f**k would you know? You weren't there." "Try me." "The guy's an asshole." "Which guy are you referring to?" "Cassidy, prick he's such a fhck boy prick." I had to hold off from laughing. He'd been called many things but that. "What did he do princess?" "What didn't he do?" "I don't know princess, you'll have to tell me." I said, my anger flared. If he even laid one f*****g finger on her I'd end him. "He was being a jerk. He is a none stop flirt. He moved hair out of my eyes then he was so close to me Daniel. I was panicking." "What suddenly he do?" "Hd ...he.." "Its okay princess, you can tell me." "Promise you won't get mad?" "I promise.: "He tried to kiss me." Mt temperature had flared from 10 to 100 within seconds. "He did what?" I asked, trying to keep calm. "He leaned sliced and close to ne like he was going to kiss me. I panicked and bolted. Kacru broke his nose." She tried to laugh but it came out more like a whimper as tears flew down her gorgeous perfect face. Opulence her into a hug. "Don't cry princess, I'll sort this okay." "You're not mad at me?" "I could never be mad at you princess." I said kissing her forehead we were finally making progress. Or so I hoped. Carlo 'My house the both of you now! Orlando' Shit s**t shit "You okay bro you look like you've seen a ghost?" "We need to go to our cousin's mansion now!" He groaned. "Why?" I looked at him to say 'really dude you're asking me the stupidest question. "Thhd is almost your fault Cassidy. You were supposed to read the memo I'd you had there would be no need to go there." "Memo Shmemo." "You won't be saying that when they grab you by your balls, come on, we best get this over and done with. We left the house and got into the cat. We told our driver to take us to the Greens residence. Fifteen minutes later we arrived getting out the car heading to our door Orlando I looked at the twins disappointed. I was ashamed to call them family right now. "So I guess you want to know why I asked the both of you to conduct here." "Not really Carlo filled me in." "Enough of your lip Cassidy before I fill it for you." He rolled his eyes. "Keep that up and I'll be sure to pull them out of your sockets and shove them down your throat, understood?" He swallowed hard. "Yeah sure." "I understand one of you upset Milly today. Not only that they failed to read the memo, so which one of you is it?" I asked glaring daggers at them. Carlo stood tall and Cassidy was a little fidgety. "So which one od you is dumb enough not tp read the memo I left for tge both of you?" They looked between themselves Carlo glared angrily at Cassidy "I'm not covering for the s**t you got yourself into this time." Just as I thought. He looked nervously at me like He was about to s**t his duds. "I'm sorry I.. " He didn't get to finish his sentence as I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and slammed him up the aalm glaring angrily into his eyes which were full of fear. "Why is it always you, Cas? Can't you ever do anything right? Can't you ever read instructions?" "I'm sorry I.. " "No good saying sorry Cas your sick a f**k up. All you care about us your next lay instead of the job that is given to you. Then you have the nerve to get your brother in s**t cause you can't do your job right!" "What are you going to do you me?" "You've screwed up one too many times. It's time I told your father you're not up to the position he wants to give to you." "No please anything but that. I'm do anything." "Read the memo and if you f**k up I won't think twice to tell your father you'd a useless peice of s**t that's good for nothing I'd anyone deserves to take your father's place is Carlo, not you, he's proved time and time again he'd trustworthy to do the job he is required to do unlike you." "I will. I promise. " "You better." I let go of his throat and a fist shot passed me and landed straight in Cassidy's face. I looked over my shoulder tk see a very vexed Daniel. Daniel  I was fuming when I left Milly. She had finally fallen asleep after shedding so many tears. This had been the first time she had confided in me since everything had happened. It had been the first time she had allowed me anywhere near her, if had been the first time she had let me comfort get and the fist tone she had fallen asleep on me after a year she had finally spoken to me. I wasn't sure whether or not I should take this as a blessing in disguise. Right kiss I was willing to take anything I could get just to be close to her and having her talk to me without looking disgusted at me. I strode durn the stairs to see Orlando had Cassidy pinned to the wall know he had finished it would be my turn "Read the memo and if you f**k up I won't think twice to tell your father you'd a useless peice of s**t that's good for nothing I'd anyone deserves to take your father's place is Carlo, not you, he's proved time and time again he'd trustworthy to do the job he is required to do unlike you." "I will. I promise. " "You better." My fist was clenched as I watched Orlando let go of his throat without waisting another second I pulled back my arm and aimed at his face. My fist shot passed Orlando and landed straight on Cassidy's face. Orlando looked over my shoulder and looked at me. He looked into my angered eyes and he knew right then and tweed I was vexed to high hell and there was no stopping me. He sidestepped letting me take center stage. Cassidy looked after me confused, his lip bleeding. "You tried to kiss my woman?" I asked angrily. "I...I.. he stuttered pathetically. "Well?" "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." I punched him again. "You ever touch her again and I chip your dicm off everyone knows what a man white you are." "I won't, I promise." "You better. And stick to your whores and stay away from my woman or you'll be six feet under understand?" "Yeah." "Yeah what?" "Yeah I understand." "Good you've had your warning now f**k out of here before I change my mind and bury you. Alive." He gulped nervously and shot out of the house Carlo gave both an apologetic look and followed Cassidy silently out of the house closing the door behind him. "So he tried to kiss Milly?" Orlando asked "He did." "So that was the reason Kacey broke his nose?" "It was." "I'm surprised you didn't kill him." "Oh believe me when I say I do. I'm watching him. If he f***s up once, he won't know what's hit him." Orlando nodded, he knew me all too well. Milly means everything to me even if we've hit a Ricky patch I won't gave any f**k boy mess around with her especially my cousin.
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