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Carlo I glared daggers at Cas, was he not even aware of doing something so stupid would cause Orlando to tell our danger he was useless and a total waste of space.ans the he was also unworthy of the position that my father was going to give him instead of me! Yes I was pissed off and jealous if my twin brother was born seconds before me so automatically that gave him my father's position instead of me. He was totally unworthy of our father's position; he was careless and arrogant. All he cared about was how many gross he could bed.and Milly was his next target. He was passing me off no end she wasn't there for his pleasure we were there to make sure that they were safe and no one could get to them especially the Millers and the Hemmings the you're well known for starting s**t and it followed them wherever they went. "Your so f*****g dumb you know that right?' "Back off Carlo." "I will when you start doing you job right." "You could’ve at least warned me!" "You should've read the memo. You know you're one strike away from Orlando telling dad your a worthless piece of s**t and you don't deserve to take over from our father." I know alright! I'll do better I'll read the goddamn memo." "It's a little late for that, don't you think?" "Whatever, I'm going to read it and prove to all of you that I'm not worthless, you'll see." He said, getting into the car sling the door. I shook my head. "We shall see.my dear brother we shall see." I slid in the other side, closing the door and the car pulled away. Cassidy I'm so angry right now. I've always known my brother wanted the position I was given by our father. I wasn't bothered about it at all, until now l'll show him. I'll show them all I can do what I'm capable of. The ride home was full of silence and I was very appreciative of it. I couldn't bare my brother going on any longer about mg dumb decision not to read the memo. He could've at least warned me she was hyper sensitive. The car pulled up outside our parents mansion. I got out of the car before our driver had a chance to open it and stormed into the house and up to my room slamming the door closed. I jumped on my bed grabbing the memo and began to read it. My eyebrows scrunched together and my forehead creased holy s**t I couldn't believe what ahto these two grows had gone through for their age especially Milly I had to make it up to her somehow I may be an asshole and a f**k boy, but no girl deserves this s**t. From this day on I vow to protect her from all the assholes in this world including me. Kacey Me and Milly had gone down to breakfast. Orlando and Daniel were nowhere in sight as usual. I was begging to think they were avoiding us. We barely see them these days. I know we've been pushing them away but if would be.nice on the odd occasion that they would greet us in the morning and tell us to have a good day at college, but no such luck. I guess we should be grateful they are letting us stay under the circumstances but I would be anywhere but here right now especially when we're all together it's like you can cut the thick air with a knife. It's so hostile. Maybe.we shall return home and to Ty. "Guess we're all alone, again." Milly sighed. "I guess we are, let's eat and get to college." She nodded and we made our way to the breakfast bar and ate our continental breakfast Milly was taking this a lot harder than I was. She'd finally found it in herself to confide in Daniel and this mong head nowhere in sight to ask if she was okay. "Come on, don't let him ruin your day." "I'll try." I smiled though I knew things were going to get a lot harder before they got easier. We were both struggling both physically and mentally in who to trust and who not to after what had happened to us. We found it hard to believe in the two men that we were supposed to, we felt let down by them in every way imaginable. After that allowed.us to get kidnapped and Milly the most baby almost getting rapped for a second time we weren’t even sure if we could trust them ever again. Our hearts and heads weren't in right right now. Milly had made the first step by telling Daniel what had happened with Cassidy and I guess she hoped in the conversation he'd be here this morning and ask her how she was feeling, but he wasn't. Thus would only put her back to square one and she'd never be able to move on and forget what happened a year ago and maybe try and relinquish gers and Daniel's relationship. As for me I'm not even sure if me and Orlando have a future or not. I feel so alone here and all have is my thoughts of God day dreads life got taken away from him because of me. I will tell Orlando eventually, but right now I'm scared of wgsf gd will think of me. "Let's get going." Milly nodeed and we headed out Orlando’s driver washed us both good morning well at least someone did. We slipped into the car. He closed the door before making his way to the drivers side, getting un driving away. He pulled up outside the college we both thanked him, getting out. Milly closed the car door and we headed towards the college. "Hey girls!" We looked over our shoulders and rolled our eyes. Carlo and Cassidy jogged over tk us. "How's everything this morning?" "Good, you?" "Great, shall we head in?" "Sure." He smiled and we headed in. "So what's wrong with his face?" "Don't mind him, he's still in a strop after Orlando ripped him a new arsehole and Daniel broke his face some more." I nodded, then heard. "I'm sorry Milly I should never have done what I did and I swear I will never do it again. Am I forgiven?" "Sure as long as you don't skip it again." I promise from now on I'll protect you and keep guys like me away from you." I had to smile. He was really trying. I had to hand him that. If he crossed Milly or either of us for that matter I'd name sure it would be more than a broken nose. 1 month later Kacey It had been a month since I blew my top and Orlando trying to get out of me what happened a year ago I never gave in to give him the pleasure of knowing what was bothering me the very thing that I was still having nightmares about; the day Valentino Miller took a life not anyone's life but Dreads life because he was saving my ass from telling the truth. We'd become good friends with Carlo and Cassidy. True to his word he hadn't laid a finger on Milly, just the opposite he was her protector especially around the college jerks he'd broken bones and dislocated shoulders as a warning to stay the hell away. To say I was proud was an understatement. I think Carlo was proud of his brother but chose to keep it to himself. I could tell by the way his lips curled into a smirk telling me he was proud of his twin. Orlando and Daniel had been sitting with us at breakfast for the past month. Maybe in the next month I may be able to open up and tell him why I was getting nightmares and what had really happened to Dreads. I had chosen to state my silence about what had gone down at the Millers so had Milly which was pissing them both off. Wd had both talked though Milly was nowhere ready to talk about her ordeal she had agreed she would try. Orlando leaned over the table and kissed my forehead. "We'll be back in a few weeks, angel then we'll talk." "Is that how long you are going to be there?" "Hopefully they are the best on the business and we need to show them why they should work alongside us." I nodded. "Later Mil." Daniel said, kissing her forehead. She flinched slightly. "I'll see you when I get back. I'll miss you." She smells slightly not answering him. She was still finding it difficult having any human contact. She really wanted to try for him and did her but it was proving to be impossible. They'd been talking but not much. She was still insecure after what had happened a month ago, but who could blame her? I felt the same if just felt like all of my walls were closing in suffocating me and there was no way out. If this was how I felt, was Milly feeling the same or worse? "We've left instructions with our men and Ty he'll be coming over after college ends to see how you two are." "Okay." "Have a good day at college, we'll see you when we get back okay?" "Okay." "Remember we'll be getting updates so don't do anything stupid." "We won't." "Come on bro. The jet is waiting." "Sure." Daniel kissed Milly on the cheek and whispered. "I love you." Thinking no one had heard him, but I had. Pity Orlando didn't feel the same or he would've said. The door closed behind them. It was so quiet you could gwaf a pin drop, literally. "Come on Mil we have to get to college. " She nodded, saying. "Okay." Quietly sighing. I know how that felt but we had to go to college. We put the dishes and glasses into the sink and headed out where the car was waiting for us to go to college. Daniel "Are you sure that they are going to be alright?" "I'm sure bro. They have the men tyk take care if them, they have the twins, college and Ty, stop threating. They'll be fine and I'd we can wrap this up quickly we can get back to them and try and make everything right." "I hope so bro. I really do." "Me too, now let's concentrate on getting this deal signed and sealed." I nodded. I sure hope Orlando knew what he was doing what I'd heard about Ross,i he rarely did deals. We were the first he'd invited to his mansion in Italy. When he done deals there werd perks called whores something we're clearly not interested in and I hope to God Orlando doesn't lose his focus to get this deal or we'll end up losing them both The car stopped and we got out seeing our private jet on the runway. Our driver handed our luggage to the flight attendant who took it to the baggage holster while we pulled ourselves up the walkway and into the jet ready for take off. The door closed and we bucked off for take off. The jet glided effortlessly across the runway and up into the air for the 3h 43m flight to Rome.
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