30 - College

1088 Words
Orlando It's been two months since Kacey and Milly finished high school and we hadn’t seen hide nor hair of this Dean guy guy, it was like he'd fallen off the face of the earth. But on the bright side, college was starting today and hopefully he would show we had got it from Intel that he'd be attending the same college as them. So we'd surprise the little prick and get out of him what we needed and end all three of them. And there he was walking around like ten. Didn't he realise that his two goons were MIA? Guess not he looked as dumb as f**k nie walk we had tk do was get him alone. We waited outside for the perfect timing. We finally got it when he was walking alone and talking on his mobile. Good he wasn't going to notice us until the very last minute. We got out of the car, making our way over to him. He was so busy talking he hadn't even seen me. He crashed right into me. "Shit." Shit indeed. He looked up. I'll call you back.. sure...bye." He said, hanging up and sliding his mobile into his pocket. He looked at me. "What can I do for you? I haven’t seen Kacey or Milly." "We want to talk to you." "Oh my, what about?" "The after-school party." He looked at me and then bolted, heading straight into Daniel. Looking at him, "I didn't do nought, I swear. " "Then you won't mind telling us exactly what happened?" "I can't right now. I'm kinda busy." I nodded at Daniel, he pushed the syringe into the kid's neck. "Hey what's that?" He asked, before dropping. Works every time. We picked him up and threw him into the back of the car, heading back to the house asking Ty to meet us there. ~ We all walked in and Daniel closed the door. The guards were stationed outside, placing him on the seat and tying him to it. I slapped his face several times. "Wake up sleepy head." He groaned, slowly coming around. He looked around disorientated. He struggled to move. "What the f**k? Why the f**k am I here?" "Well, considering it's impolite not to talk to someone when they are talking to you and ignore their questions, so we thought what the hell?" What do you want from me?" "Dean is it?" He nodded. "I remember you from the party." "I know you, you’re the guy that picked up Kacey and Milly ." "And your friend had a big mouth." "Why am I here?" He repeated. "I want you to tell me everything about the part and I want you to tell me the truth this time and no cutting corners. What did you want with our women?" He laughed. "I just wanted them to feel used and abused. No one liked them. You know they were loners. I told them guys to go and sit with them, convo with them, get them pissed and high, then bring them back over to the bonfire where I'd slip the LSD into their drinks and we'd take them away from the party and you know." I glared at him angrily and I pulled out the toxicology report and threw it at him. He looked at it, then at me. "What's this?" "Take a look and you tell me!" He picked it up and scanned it. "Looks like a blood report." He said, shrugging. This kid was getting on my last wick. He looked up. "What has this got to do with me?" "Take a closer look at the names of those documents and try again." He studied them again, his eyes widening, gotcha. "I don't understand." "Do you really think we were that stupid not to test their blood levels when they got home?" "I..I.. " "What the hell do you think you were playing at? It was not so stupid but dangerous to mix those two drugs combined, let alone with alcohol. It could've killed them!" I was raging. All I wanted to do right now was kill him. "Look dude, we thought it would be fun." "So, it's fun to get two girls s**t-faced and high?" He grinned. This asshole was pushing his luck. "Who else was in on it?" "My friends. : "Names." I demanded. "That isn't how it works." I said angrily, pointing the gun at his forehead. "Names." "Kyson and Shaw. I don't know where they are dude. I swear." I knew he didn't, but we did. "So tell me everything else that happened." "S..sure. once they were relaxed enough we were all going to take them to make our point and you know," RAPE THEM?" I questioned angrily. Daniel tried to hold his anger back. I could see Ty was ready to rip his head off too. "We were all going to f**k them, yes." "So what happened to ruin your pathetic plan?" I asked, feeling my anger boiling every word he spoke. "Cherry f*****g Hemmings happened. She hates those two more than any of us. She picked a fight with Kacey. And well you know the rest." "You're a pathetic excuse for a human being." "We just wanted a little fun dude. It was no biggy they deserved it anyway." BANG! BANG! BANG! We all looked at the asshole tied to the chair. No one deserved to be raped, let alone date-raped. At least he had joined his friends in hell where there would be no return for them, and saying someone deserves to be raped was sick. They didn't deserve it, neither of them did. We were all as angry as one another. He'd taken a bullet from each of us to end his sad and pathetic life. His head was limp and he was drenched in blood. "Let's get out of here." Daniel and Ty nodded and we walked out. I looked at the guard. "Get someone in here to clean that up. " "Boss." "Burn the body like we did with the others. " "Boss." We almost walked away, heading upstairs to shower and change. I offered Ty a room here for a few nights whilst he gets his head around all of this. I knew it was affecting him whilst hearing what they were saying, not only about Kacey but Milly too. They were really close, like family, and I knew he would do anything for them, even to protect them from the scum of the earth.
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