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Kacey Our first day of college had gone without a hitch. Me and Milly were both doing levels and after college finished I was hoping to go to Uni to further my education before fully settling down with Orlando and helping him with his businesses. I wasn’t sure how all of that would pan out considering he wasn’t too happy about me coming to college and he'd made it all to clear that he wanted me to work alongside him once college was over. I didn’t like being told what to do and he’d find that out the hard way if he decided to stick around. Milly seemed happy well until now anyway. When the Hemmings twins approached us, it was just great, our first day in college and we still couldn’t get away from the two bitches. Why couldn’t they have chosen a different college, why? “Well., well, well what do we have here?” “Little and large.” “f**k off Cherry, Sherrie.” “Ooh it speaks.” “What the hell do you want?” “We want to know where Shaw, Kayson and Dean are?” “Like how we are supposed to know. They are you friends and that t**t is your boyfriend, not mine so f**k off and leave us alone.” “They had something planned for the end of school party. We both knew it involved both of you, so what was it?” “How the hell are we supposed to know?” “They were talking and dancing with you, you tell us.” “Well let’s see shall we, Mmh well Shaw and Kayson came over to us and sat down and we were drinking, laughing and joking around. We all got high and drunk then it was all a blur after that.” “Didn't your boyfriend tell you he pulled you away from me?” “No he didn’t.” “Dean was telling me to leave you and umpa lumpa alone and you were okay and we ended up in a fight. Dean dragged me off and your boyfriend dragged you off. Shaw questioned the Greens as they were taking you away to stop them and you got dragged away. You’re lucky or you would be in a hospital bed right now in a coma.” I glared at her. “Like I care about your problems with you and your so-called boyfriend.” “Well You should cause they’re all missing!” Me and Milly looked at each other when the hell did Dean go missing? He was in college this morning. The tyres screeched. The door flew open. “Kasey, Milly get in!” “Sorry to hear he’s gone missing, but we really have to go.” We began to walk away. “We’re not done yet b***h!” Cherry said, grabbing me. I looked at Milly. “Run!” “That’s it fat girl, run because you're next!” She legged it away sliding into the car, once I knew she was safe I turned, the plane of my hand was quicker than she anticipated and shot up into her chin cracking her teeth. I twisted her arm, she screamed as I heard it crack. “Leave us the f**k alone Cherry. Where ever they are has got noting to do with us.” Her sister ran behind me and I twisted and kicked her down. “Don’t even think about it b***h! Leave me and Milly alone and we’ll be fine, goodbye.” I said losing her wrist she went to attack me again I threw my fist her when breaking her nose on contact. I turned, walking away. I slid into the car. The door closed and the car pulled away. “Next time when I tell you to get in, get f*****g in!” “f**k you! Don’t you think I tired, she attacked me no way am I going to stand there and let her.” The car ride was silent after that until we got inside their home. “Did you take Dean from the campus?” “What if we did? You knew what he did and you knew we would get him when the time was coming, and today just happened to be that day.” “This is your fault Orlando, they came for us cause he had disappeared. Like his friends.” “What did you tell them, Kacey?” “What was I supposed to tell them? Oh my darling it was my sweet and ever unforgiving boyfriend that took yours and his friends and f****d them over, so I guess you’ll never see them again! Do you really think I’m that f*****g stupid?’ He opened his mouth. “Do you really think that little of me?” I said storming away heading towards the stairs as he pressed play on the device. "What the f**k? Why the f**k am I here?" "Well considering it's impolite not to talk to someone when they are talking to you and ignore their question, we thought what the hell." “What do you want from me?" "Dean is it? Silence “I remember you from the party." "I know you, you’re the guy that picked up Kacey and Milly." "And your friend had a big mouth." "Why am I here?" "I want you to tell me everything about the part and I want you to tell me the truth this time and no cutting corners. What did you want with our women?" He laughed. "I just wanted them to feel used and abused. No one liked them, you know they were loners. I told them guys to go and sit with them, convo with them, get them piseed and high then bring them back over to the bonfire where I'd slip the LSD into their drinks and we'd take them away from the party and you know." "What's this?" "Take a look and you tell me!" "Looks like a blood report." Silence "What has this got to do with me?" "Take a closer look at the names of those documents and try again." "I don't understand." "Do you really think we were that stupid not to test their blood levels when they got home?" "I..I.. " "What the hell do you think you were playing at? It was not only stupid, but dangerous to mix those two drugs combined let alone with alcohol. It could've killed them!" "Look dude, we thought it would be fun." "So, it's fun to get two girls s**t faced and high?" Silence "Who else was in on it?" "My friends.” "Names." "That isn't how it works." Clicking of a gun. "Names." "Kyson and Shaw. I don't know where they are dude. I swear." "So tell me everything else that happened." "S..sure. once they were relaxed enough we were all going to take them to make our point and you know," “RAPE THEM?" "We were all going to f**k them, yes." "So what happened to ruin your pathetic plan?" "Cherry f*****g Hemmings happened. She hates those two more than any of us. She picked a fight with Kacey. And well you know the rest." "You're a pathetic excuse for a human being." "We just wanted a little fun dude. It was no biggy. They deserved it anyway." BANG! BANG! BANG! The device was clicked off. I couldn’t see Milly’s face, but I could gather they’d be pooling with tears right now. “Now do you understand why we took him, Kacey? He couldn’t get away with it, his friends didn’t, the drug deal didn't and he sure as hell wasn’t.” I looked at him and his eyes were so cold with no emotion in them I feared the day he looked at me like that the day he gave up on me completely and killed me too. “I need to be alone.” “Sure angel take all the time you need he said going to kiss me, I tuned and his lips landed on my cheek. “I’ll call you for supper.” “I’m not hungry.” “You might be by then.” I nodded even though I knew I wouldn’t be. I felt physically sick. My life felt as if it had been drained out of me. I needed to get away from him. I needed to be alone. I ran up the stairs going into one of the guest rooms closing and locking the door behind me falling onto the bed. Tears rolling down my face. Was this going to be my life from now on? A life with the mafia man always looking over my shoulders, afraid I’d be the next on his hit list or someone else’s?
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