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Milly My tears were falling off my face freely. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. He had confessed it was all his idea. I knew he was an evil son of a b***h, but not this. I knew they all hated me. They hated Kacey for different reasons than just being my friend. We both never knew why. Just an incident in college, one that could’ve put Ty into intensive care if he hadn’t been saved that night. He wouldn’t tell us who had saved him from Hemings' wrath but we were all grateful to whoever did. He was alive and that’s all that mattered. The Hemmings had got it in for me and Kacey from the first day we had started, then gradually they formed their little army of minions and they turned against us and did whatever the Hemings told them to do. We’d gotten bullied all through high school despite trying to fit in. I never had and Kacey hadn’t because of me. I often thought she hated me because of it, but she hated all of them for bullying me. She sacrificed everything to be my friend, popularity and friends. She said she only needed me alone. The others were fake and I was her only true friend and I would always be. “Are you okay Mil?” I looked at Daniel. I smiled. He wiped away my tears. “Go to my room and wait for me there, okay?” “Okay.” He pressed his lips on mine, kissing me passionately. He moved away. “I won’t be long, okay?” “Okay.” I could do with a little time to clear my head anyway. I trudged up the stairs, going into his room lying in the bed relaying everything that had been happening over the past months, wondering if it was safe here and if we’d be targeted just for being boring in their company? Daniel. “What the f*****g hell was all that about Orlando?” “They needed to know the truth, they both needed to know the truth.” “Not like they didn’t. We agreed to sit them both down and tell them. What the hell happened?” “I was angry, Dan, she is so infuriating sometimes.” “So are you!” I said angrily. “You need to chill out a little, Orlando. She's only sixteen. You need to tread carefully around her and Milly . They’ll end up hating us both for our lives and the decisions we have to make.” “They were the right decisions, Dan.” “Up until the last one, yes they were. Just take it easy on them, they're not used to our life and the way you are going you’re going to scare them.” “It's wise to learn, Dan, and you know it!” “We have to be careful, Orlando. What if this s**t causes a lot of mess and it puts a target in their heads?” “It won’t.” “What if it does?” “Then we protect them and we make sure to get rid of the person or persons targeting them before they get to them.” “What if we don’t?” “We will. I’ll make sure of it.” “I'm going to see how Milly is. She was pretty torn up.” ‘She needs to toughen up, Dan.” “And she will. We’re here to help her, Orlando. She'll be a different girl when we’re finished with her.” “I hope so.” Me too. I nodded and walked away, leaping up the stairs to my room and Milly. I closed the door behind me stripping down to my boxers and crept onto the bed spooning her in my arms, kissing her softly. “How are you angel?” “Fine.” “Good.” I said, smiling, kissing her shoulder blade.
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