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Kacey Finally, all the exams are over and it’s party time. I know they won’t expect us to be there cause we’re pretty much loners at school and with Milly being tormented I had to twist her arm to the max that prom was next on the agenda, but I don’t think we’ll be going cause I don’t think they’ll allow Orlando and Daniel there cause they aren’t even in our school and they’re in their early twenties. So… we are dressed in our skinny ripped jeans and our skull tops. Milly has been doing well with her training. And her diet plan. I’m so proud of her. I’m proud that she stuck by it and she is looking better than she ever did when I tried to help her through it. I just hope it doesn't turn into anorexia or bulimia through those assholes in this school or the ones that we will encounter at college. I hope the Hemmings doesn't go to the same college as us. I want Milly to have the next two years as peaceful as possible, but we can only hope as there are very few colleges around here. ‘Ready to go?’ ‘Not really.’ ‘Come on hoes before bros.’ ‘Whatever that means girl.’ ‘It means we stick together and you will always come before any guy.’ ‘Ditto.’ ‘Ready Moi amour?’ ‘Ready.’ We linked arms grabbing the bags of booze tonight was going to be fun, let’s hope the guys don’t find out that we’re going to this party it was a strictly bring your booze party and everybody in year eleven is welcome to come friend or foe so no doubt there will be a lot of fights tonight. Mainly the Hemmings they had a bad smell lingering around then and if they start tonight on Milly I will have her back no matter how pissed I am. We walked down the road singing at the top of our lungs. We thanked Ty for getting the booze though he wasn’t keen on us drinking. I managed to twist his arm and he caved into my best charm; the puppy dog eyes it works all of the time. The music was loud as we ventured in between the houses where the party was being held. We heard that last year was the talk of the town for a month. A lot of s**t went down. We walked through Milly gripping tightly onto me. ‘It’s okay Mil I’ve got your back and you're so much stronger now you’ve been training with Daniel. Use it if you have to.’ She nodded ‘You're the best Kace.’ ‘I know I am. But, so are you so head held high and ignore every fucker.’ She nodded again who else our wads high and continued to the party finding a space to sit o drink. We sat down took drinks out of the bags, opened them, took a sip and pulled a face. ‘This tastes like shit.’ ‘It tasted like puke.’ ‘Why don’t you try this ladies?’ We looked up not now. ‘Well, well, well look who we have here Kacey and Milly, what are you guys doing here?’ ‘f**k off Kayson and bother someone that cares.’ ‘Nah not today. Hey, Shaw comes over here and keep these two lovely ladies company with me.’ Oh, f**k not him so why can’t we just be left the f**k alone? The other asshole prick walked smugly over. ‘Kacey and Milly, what a pleasure. I sure didn’t expect to see you here. Didn’t think this was your line of thing.’ ‘It isn’t but it’s the last day of school so what the hey.’ ‘I like that attitude. Let’s get bladdered and stoned.’ ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘Come on sweetheart life a little.’ ‘I’m not your sweetheart.’ ‘Whatever. Kayse rolls them up and I’ll pass the drinks around.’ ‘Sure bro.’ Shaw passes the drinks around. ‘We’ve got some thanks.’ ‘You’ve not touched it besides this is better than that s**t any day.’ I shrugged and swapped bottles. He placed it down handing Milly a bottle and taking her bottle off her and placing it down. ‘To all new beginnings and whatever life has in stall for us.’ ‘I’ll second that.’ We all clinked bottles. These guys weren’t so bad when they were at school being total jerks. Kayson lint the spliff taking a few puffs and handing it around me and Milly shook our heads. ‘Come on, girls live a little.’ We both looked at each other and the prick shoved it in front of me. ‘Just a few drags Kayce it won’t harm you then pass it to Milly and we'll pass it around till it’s gone.’ Whatever. I took it off him taking a few drags coughing Milly corn the same. ‘You’ll get used to it. It happened to us the first time too. I don’t think I want to get used to it. We continued drinking and smoking. ‘Hey girls, do you want to dance?’ ‘Urm.’ ‘Come on, we don’t bite.’ ‘Sure whatever.’ They smiled taking our hands and pulling us up, our heads spinning. This wasn’t good, not good at all. They pulled us away from where we were sitting towards the large bonfire where everyone else was drinking, smoking, laughing and joking some dancing and ew PDA get a room. They pulled us close, wrapping their arms around us. I doubt any of us would remember this in the morning. Orlando I haven’t spoken to Kacey for a week now, she’d been busy with her exams and me with recovering and the business now we’ve finally got our shipment back thanks to our very talented men who shot a few of the Hemmings men with silencers and the others they had simply snapped their necks and disarmed them. Make sure they got all of our shipment loaded onto the lorry waiting for them and brought it back to the warehouse house that will teach them hemming fucker to mess with us. ‘Are you okay bro?’ ‘Yeah. Just thinking about Kacey.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘Is there something you know that I don’t?’ ‘It was their last exam today.’ ‘I already know that.’ ‘Well…’ he swallowed hard. Had Milly told him something I wasn't supposed to know? ‘Out with it bro, it can’t be that bad.’ ‘There was an end-of-school party and..’ ‘A what ?’ ‘An after-school party.’ I suddenly stood up I hoped she wasn’t that stupid to go and drag Milly with them. ‘I don’t think they'll go though, Milly doesn’t do parties and she hates all the people at that school and..’ ‘Stop right there, we are going to the club to talk to Ty then we are going to deal with this.’ ‘You don’t think they’ll go, do you?’ ‘Yes, I do.’ He followed me out of the house closing the door. We got into the car and I slammed the door closed. He flinched closing his door, he knows I’m mad right now. How could she be so stupid to go to a party where there will be alcohol and drugs anything can happen. Anything bad can happen I put my foot on the floor I was fuming with all the thoughts running through my head what if either of them gets raped and no one is there to save them what I’d they do something they will regret in the morning or even worse forget what they have done this isn’t good it won’t good at all. ‘ The wheels screeched as they wheel spun in front of the club we got out of the car, not a word said between us. We slam the doors and walk angrily inside. I just hope Ty tells me the truth or he will wish it was his last breath. He looked up. ‘Boss.’ ‘I told you to call me Orlando, no formalities here.’ ‘Sure, what can I help you with Orlando?’ ‘You’re sister.’ 'She’s not here.’ ‘I can see that, where is she?’ ‘Out with Milly.’ ‘Where?’ ‘Some party.’ ‘What party?’ ‘End of school she bribed me into getting them some alcohol.’ ‘She did what!’ ‘I didn’t want to, man. She assured me you knew.’ ‘Well, I didn’t where’s this party?’ ‘On the border between the houses you can’t miss it, they hold it there every year.’ ‘Thanks.’ ‘I’m coming with you.’ ‘No, I can handle it Dan is with me. I don’t need to lose business over this.’ ‘Sure Orlando tell her from me I’ll be having words with her too. She knows I don’t like liars.’ Me too. ‘Will do. Bro.’ Daniel followed behind me, his head bowed he knew I was beyond pissed and he’d believed the girl he loved just like Ty had believed Kacey, boy they were in so much s**t when we get there. We got into the car the tyres screeching as we pulled off they better be okay or god helps whoever is in my way. I pulled up before the two houses, me and Daniel got out of the car. He looked at me.’ I’m sorry bro she told me they weren’t going they were having a girly night in.’ ‘It’s not your fault bro and it’s not Milly's. Everyone seems to fall for whatever s**t Kacey pulls, but I tell you something for nothing. It won't be happening again. We continued walking following the loud mus between the houses growing louder as we got closer. ‘We need to keep our eyes and ears everywhere.’ He nodded and we continued looking around through the sea of teenagers. Very drunk and stoned teenagers. Then we heard shouting. ‘You b***h that's my boyfriend.’ ‘Well, you should keep a very eye on him.’ I knew that voice. We looked at each other and nodded. Going forward pushing our way through hundreds of wasted teenagers. ‘Give it a rest Sherry.’ ‘No, I won’t Dean.’ ‘We were just talking.' ‘Like she and her fat friend were just talking with your friends.’ ‘She meant no harm neither did Milly.’ ‘So it’s Milly now when did you conference with her real name instead of calling her fat and ugly.’ ‘Quit it, Sherry. If my friends can get on with them, why can’t we?’ ‘Cause they are no-hopers, fat and ugly.’ The crack to the girl's nose shuddered through the crowd. ‘How f*****g dare you you stuck up f*****g barbie doll. At least we don’t look like plastic. I think you need a few more to get you to look a little more perfect. What do you think, Mil?’ ‘I agree.’ There were gasps. No one but Kacey stood up to these idiots. ‘How dare you.’ She said throwing a punch. We got closer as the three guys with them were trying to pull them away. Milly stood laughing s**t she was stoned. Kacey was trying to fight one of the Hemmings. Where was the other one? We looked around, there she was, the slut was in some guy's lap grinding him with her tongue in his mouth not even aware of the fight that was happening between her sister and Kacey. ‘Let the f**k go, let me fuxking finish this.’ ‘No, you need to calm down Kacey.’ ‘No, I f*****g won’t. She’s had this coming to her for a long time. Let me go!’ ‘Let me go Dean let me finish this b***h once and for all.’ ‘No Sherry, you're always causing trouble for everyone. Just drop it and move on from this vendetta you have against her.’ ‘Never!’ They both broke free; the three guys fell to the ground holding their Crown Jewels, reminding me never to piss her off. I'd like my balls where they are, thank you very much me and Daniel both automatically put our hands over our privates and cringed. ‘Let’s get to them before this gets out of hand.’ ‘Agreed.’ We walked fast as the two girls were in a full-blown fight, the three boys trying to pull them off each other. We pulled them out of the way I grabbed Kacey pull her away from the fight the dumb blond barbie still trying to fight as the other guy held her to his chest. I held Kacey close. ‘Calm down baby. It’s over.’ I said into her ear. I looked up, mouths agape. I looked over at Daniel who was holding a now sleeping Milly in his arms. He must’ve calmed her down whilst I was getting Kacey out of the fight. ‘Who the hell are you, dude?’ ‘Her boyfriend dude, so if I find any of you did anything to either of them you're dead. And he will be there too.’ They nodded. ‘We just wanted them to have a good time. They don’t have many friends, we were just trying to get them to enjoy themselves.’ I nodded. I hope for their sake they are telling the truth. ‘Let’s go, baby.’ She nodded. We began to walk away. 'This is far from over Kacey.’ She went to open her mouth but I answered. ‘Oh, but it is a sweetheart and if I find out you’ve initiated another fight with Kacey or bullying Milly you won’t wake to see another day are we clear?’ ‘Who the hell are you? ‘Orlando Green your worst f*****g nightmare.’ The gasps were loud as we walked away. I lay Kacey in the front seat. Daniel was in the back with Milly sleeping peacefully on his lap and him guiding his fingers through her hair. I smiled putting Kacey’s seatbelt on closing the door. She was in so much s**t in the morning once the booze and drugs were no longer in her system. I got in closing the door. ‘How is she ?’ ‘Fine. Do you think they took something at the party?’ ‘I do we’ll get them tested once we get back they won’t know they'll sleep through it.’ ‘I can’t believe the state she got into.’ ‘I can’t believe they both slowed themselves to get into any state.’
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