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Kacey I slowly opened my eyes, squinting looking around one of the guest bedrooms in Orlando’s home. s**t what the hell happened last night? The only thing that I can remember was going to that damn party and dragging Milly with me when she didn’t want to. I remember drinking with some of the boys from school and it all went foggy from that moment on. So how in the hell did I get in a guest bedroom at Orlando’s home? s**t, what if he knows that I lied to him he’d be so disappointed in me. It was just a little white lie. I know him, he’s way too possessive. He'd have made sure that I went nowhere near that damn party. I just wanted to live a little, we go to college in September, and it’s all hard work from there on. I just wanted to enjoy it while I could I know me and Milly were probably not welcome there, but we chose to go any way Kyson and Shaw surprised us to even think the bad boys of the school wanted anything to do with us, they were usually hanging around with Dean and the Hemmings. For once we felt alive and wanted. if Orlando knew I lied so did Daniel and Ty f**k s**t this was not good The door edged open and I squinted as a pain shas ot across my forehead. s**t that hurt. Owe my f*****g head. "How are you feeling this morning?" He asked, walking in with a glass of water and pills. I looked at his fuzzy body. "I feel like shit." "That will teach you a valuable lesson: don't lie and don’t drink." Oh s**t. He sat on the bed. "Sit up Kacey you need to take something for your hangover and then we need to talk." I sighed. I already knew what was coming. He was angry that I lied to him and I shouldn’t be drinking under age, blah blah blah. I slowly pulled myself up and he passed me the glass of water and painkillers. I gladly took them off him and thanked him for taking them, swilling them back with water. He took it off me placing it down. He looked at me. Here it comes. "What the hell were you thinking Kacey? You lied to me when there was no need. I know what teenagers are like and you all want to fit in but that was not the way." "You would’ve tried to stop me from going." "You lied to me. To your brother and made Milly lie to Daniel." "I’m sorry." "Do you have any idea how stupid you were? Anything could’ve happened." "Well, it didn't." "It could’ve Kacey you were off your face and I’m not just on about shitfaced drunk you were f*****g stoned." My face pales. How could, that even be possible? "Are you sure?" "I’m positive Kacey. You were so high you didn’t even see me and Daniel; we brought you here and got the toxicologist to do some tests. You’d consumed more alcohol that one person could consume in a lifetime you’re lucky you didn’t have to have your stomach pumped." My mouth fell open. "I didn’t drink that much, I swear." "You drank ten times any normal person would. Also, there were traces of different types of drugs in your system, now is the time to tell me what you took, and don’t lie to me Kacey I’ve seen the report." "We may have smoked a little spliff but nothing else. What does it matter, you sell them don’t you?" "That’s our line of business Kacey nothing more." He looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you sure you didn’t take anything else?" "Yes. why?" "Cause the toxicology report came back as you taking LSD which was laced with Ecstasy." "No that’s not possible. I would’ve known." "You wouldn’t Kayce it was slipped in your drinks by the time it was given to you you were rat-arsed and as high as a kite. I’m so disappointed in you Kacey anything could’ve happened to you and you would never have known about it." Oh, s**t, I could’ve been raped or worse murdered and I would never have known about it. "I’m so sorry. I never meant to go that wild, I just wanted to fit in for one night." He placed his hand on my face. "I understand that more than anyone, but you need to be aware of your surroundings." I nodded shamefully the night was for me and Milly to have fun not to be s**t on. "I need the names of the boys you were with and I can find the suppliers from there. Okay?" "Okay." I sighed. "I love you Kacey and I will never let anything happen to you. Do you understand?" "Yes." He smiled and pressed his lips on mine kissing me passionately. He moved away. "They’ll be taught a lesson, Kacey, they lied to both me and Daniel that I will not forgive." I nodded. "Oh, a happy note are you going to your prom?" I shook my head as a no. "Well, you are now." "What?" "I’m your chaperone for the evening." "How’s that even possible, you don’t go to our school." "Your head teacher." "Of course." ‘Daniel will be there too so if we spot those boys we’ll make sure to take them somewhere quiet." I gulped I knew only too well how they dealt with those who went against them and this was no different. Milly. I slowly opened my eyes, they stung like hell and my head was pounding, squinting looking around where the hell was I? The last I remember was being at the party so how the hell did I get into bed in a room I didn’t know? My head was that bad I wish I’d never agreed to go to the goddamn party. All I remember was drinking with Kacey, then Shaw and Kyson from school came over to us and offered us drinks, and it all went foggy from that moment on. So how in the hell did I get in a bedroom in a house but whose house was it? s**t, where the hell am I? s**t, what did I do last night? I began to panic as a soft hand landed on my face caressing it. I looked up into his green eyes, was I dreaming? s**t, what if I wasn’t then he’d be mad at me for sure for lying. I’d never lied my whole life until last night when Kayce had begged, me to go to that stupid party. "Good morning Milly." "Daniel?" He smiled at me. How can he be so happy? I lied to him. "How are you feeling this morning?" He asked looking into my eyes and I looked at him through my blurred vision. "I feel like be been hit by a bus." "I hope last night taught you a valuable lesson one not to drink, two not to take drugs and three never to lie to me." Oh s**t. He was sitting on the bed looking at me internally. "Sit up, Milly. You need to take something for your hangover and then we need to talk." I sighed. I already knew what was coming. He didn’t seem angry but it was hard to tell but I knew what was coming nevertheless. he was disappointed at me for lying to him and I shouldn’t be drinking under age, blah blah blah. I slowly pulled myself up here and passed myself the glass of water and painkillers. I smiled at him to thank him as I took them off him, I took the pain killers, swilling them back with water. He took it off me placing it down. He looked at me. And here it is. "What the hell was going in in that head of yiurs Milly? You lied to me when there was no need. I know what teenagers are like and you all want to fit in but that was not the way." "I’m sorry, it was a last-minute decision. I didn’t want to go I swear, but you don’t know Kacey as I do, she wouldn’t stop bugging me until I gave in." "So you just gave in and went with the flow and lied to everyone." "I’m sorry," I said tearfully, a hard lump on my throat. "Do you have any idea how stupid you were? Anything could’ve happened." "It didn't though, did it?" 'It could’ve Milly, you were off your face and I’m not just on about shitfaced drunk you were f*****g stoned." My face paled. How could that even be possible? "Are you sure Daniel?" "I’m f*****g positive Milly. You were so high you didn’t even see either me or Orlando at the party and take you and Kacey out of there and back here. After we brought you both back here we got the toxicologist to do some tests. You’d consumed more alcohol than one person could consume in a lifetime you’re lucky that you didn’t have to have your stomach pumped." My mouth fell open. "I didn’t drink that much, I swear, Daniel.’" He nodded. "You drank more than any normal person whilst out drinking would. Also, there were traces of different types of drugs in your system, now this is the time to tell me what you took, and don’t lie to me Milly I’ve seen the report." "We were given a spliff. We were all smoking it, but we took nothing else. I swear." "Are you sure?" "Yes. why?" "Cause there were traces of LSD which was laced with Ecstasy in your blood system." "No that’s not possible. We would’ve known." "You wouldn't Milly, it was slipped in your drinks by the time it was given to you, you were rat-arsed and as high as a f*****g kite. I’m so disappointed in you Milly, anything could’ve happened to you and you would never have known about it." I swallowed hard feeling sick, I could’ve been raped or worse murdered and I would never have known about it. I can’t believe we let those two assholes play us like that. I wonder what jacey was thinking and feeling right now? I began to cry. I hate my life so much. "I’m so sorry I never meant to go to far, I just wanted to fit in for one night." He pulled me into a hug. "I understand, it’s okay you're safe now." "No, it’s not what if.." He pulled away, placing his hand on my face. "It's okay baby, we’ll find out who gave them to you both and we’ll go for their supplier and hit them hard." I nodded shamefully the night was for me and Kacey to have fun not to be s**t on. "I need the names of the boys you were with and Orlando can find the suppliers from there. Okay?" "Okay." I sighed. "I love you Milly and I will never let anything happen to you." "I love you too." He smiled and pressed his lips on mine kissing me passionately.
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