45 - 1 year later

822 Words
Daniel Things haven’t been the same round here for the past twelve months now. The girls haven’t returned to college after they had been kidnapped by Valentino Miller. They’ve been extremely distant with both me and Orlando. I guess they have right after all we did bring it upon them for sorting things out the way we knew how. Ty knew better than to question it. He was quite happy with the position we had given him. He and the girls were okay. I guess Kacey had distanced herself away from him at a guess she didn’t want to talk about what had happened. But who could blame her. Orlando was struggling too. It was a constant battle between him and Kacey but that’s his story to tell not mine. My story wasn’t much different. I felt like me and Milly were drifting apart. She's been so distant over this past year. I can't even touch her. I have tried so hard to take things slowly so much that we don't even share the same bed like we had before the s**t hit the pan. I don't even know where our relationship is at right now. She's going back to college it's been a year, a whole year of therapy as she struggled to get through all of her nightmares and physio to gain her strength back in her hands after countless procedures to re-connect her fingers and the nerve stems to infuse them back together. We were all losing hope, even Milly. She was losing hope that she would ever gain back her motor skills. I'm at a loose end not knowing what was for the best. I'm working today. Hopefully that will help me forget the predicament I'm in. I love her so much but there is only so much one person to take especially when they feel its a one way relationship and the feeling of you been rejected by their you love with every inch of you hurts it hurts so f*****g much when you don't know how to fix it and you feel like giving up and walking away that's how I feel right now. Abandoned and rejected. I feel so alone we had a great connection when we first met and it grew and grew into something very special and that asshole had to take that all away from her now I fear she is regretting ever meeting me. I love her so much but I don’t even know if it’s worth hanging onto anymore. I need to think what is best for the both of us right now instead of me. I love her so much I don’t even know if I can let go of her. I know one thing for certain they won’t like that they have chaperones to college and back. Orlando had planned it all out when decided it was best for them to change College with the Hemmings still being there. They had both agreed but he had chosen not to tell them our cousins would be there and followed them around knowing that it was going to piss them off no end. He decided to surprise them at the beginning of college, all hell is going to break loose. It could go one or two ways they could ever realise that we were doing it all with good intentions or take it really bad and flip out . I look at myself in the mirror. I haven’t shaved in weeks. I look older than I actually am, but right now I can’t be bothered. I look like I’ve been in a fight. My eyes are black and hollow. This is what loving does to you when the one person you have fallen in love with abandons you and refuses to have anything to do with you. I may as well give up now this s**t isn’t worth it. I am in a pinstripe suit. It's seen better days but what do I care? It’s just another business meeting. Orlando probably looks the same. Like he has no care in the world. I straighten my tie and sigh heavily before leaving the bedroom. I looked at Orlando and I was right. He looked at me with a grin expression. I could see this s**t getting to him as well. “You look like s**t bro.” “Thanks, love you too, by the way you look like s**t to.” “Shall we get going and get this over and done with?” “Yeah I’m in no mood for this today.” “Nor me, I just need time to forget what’s going on around here.” “Are we still going to Italy next month?” “We are. It will give me time to think about things.” “Do you really think she’s still your queen?” He sighed. I knew that feeling all too well.
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