• C h a p t e r F o u r •

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The car slowed down near an old and dull apartment complex. It was approximately 10 floors high. It was surrounded by other buildings, making the whole picture seem closely packed. The car stopped in front of the building and the bodyguard opened the door for her. As soon as she stepped out, a wave of smoke hit her face. She ended up in a coughing fit while the bodyguard bowed to her once before climbing back into the car and driving away. Amelia looked at her surroundings and sighed. It wasn't anything new to her. She used to stay in apartments like this when she was still a college student. These kinds of closely-knit places aren't safe for staying in. A lot of things can happen, like getting robbed or getting harassed and, worst of all, getting kidnapped. Places like these weren't safe for kids to live in, especially. Even if they didn't have much money, they should have rented a much better place than this or at least in a better colony. Amelia thought in disgust, looking at the people standing in a dark alley beside the complex. They were looking at her from top to bottom, which upped her level of disgust even more. Never mind lawyers, she needed to get out of this complex first. Walking in a fast phase, she entered the building and stood in front of the lift. She was about to push the button when a piece of paper caught her attention. Out of service. Please use the stairs. "Ugh!" Amelia let out a cry of anguish. Turning towards her right, there was a narrow staircase from which a disgusting pungent smell hit her. Which floor did you say Amelia lives on again? She questioned with a slight hope of getting number 1. 9th floor Host. The system mercilessly shattered the thin glass of hope in her. ~.~ Huff~ Huff~ Huff~ Raising her leg to take one last step, She felt like falling on the ground with a big thump but the dirty floor kept her up. The disgusting smell was finally gone too. "Oh my god! I am never living in an apartment again." Amelia spoke breathing heavily. She just wanted to go into the house and have a long and hot shower. So which one of them is her house? She questioned. Room 318 host. But the kids are in the neighbor's house. The previous owner dropped them there while she hurried away to the male lead's house. The system responded. So the previous owner at least had the common sense to not leave her kids alone. Amelia weakly dragged herself towards the door and promptly knocked on it thrice. By the way, what's the neighbor's name? The name is Marie Carter. Her husband Noah Carter is working as a carpenter. They have a daughter who is in her teens. The original host liked to talk to her. The system answered informatively. "I already told you we don't need book coupons." An annoyed voice sounded behind the door followed by series of footsteps which came to a stop and click the door opened revealing a middle-aged woman with a grumpy face. "Oh, you are here? Amelia this will be the last time I help you take care of your kids. How could you just drop them in front of my door and walk away without saying where you were going or when you will come back?" Marie repented Amelia who smiled sheepishly. It isn't my fault auntie! She screamed inwardly. "Sorry, Auntie. But don't worry, I will be moving out soon. Thank you for taking care of my kids. I owe you a lot." Amelia bowed in respect while the woman looked at her in surprise. "You are moving away?" She questioned while a small series of footsteps sounded in the background and something soft hugged her knees with a small thump. "Mom!" The voice was cute with a slightly high pitched tone. Amelia looked down to see a blackhead sinking into her thighs. This unconsciously bought a smile on her face. Her hand reached out to pat him on the head. Although she wanted to hold that little guy, she wasn't sure how to do it. Since the system said it would help, she didn't need to worry about that for now. Host, this is Lucas Martin. He is 1 year and 2 months old. You also have a daughter named Ria Martin of the same age. The system reminded while Amelia mentally noted it in her brain. "Yes, Auntie. Actually, I was thinking of buying a home near the school, the kids are getting big. You know it would be much better that way." Thankfully Amelia could use this as an excuse. She didn't want to mention the divorce and get questioned about it. While Marie nodded her head thoughtfully. "That's true. Let me know when you move. I will come to see you off." The middle-aged woman spoke smiling at Lucas while Amelia nodded her head. "Let me bring Ria." Marie walked inside and a few moments later came out carrying a girl in her arms who looked exactly like Amelia with brown hair but a lot cuter. The only difference is her black eyes. She just looked at Amelia with doe eyes without making any noise, unlike the hyperactive Lucas who was still hanging on her knees. Shit! System help me. Amelia immediately sent an SOS seeing Marie get closer. Host it's not hard. You just need to support her with your forearm on her back and another forearm on her bum. The system read the words mechanically as if reading from a book. Amelia clenched her jaw as she reached out to take Ria into her arms. Ok, what did you say again? Forearm under her head and? Amelia moved her hands to Ria's head in panic when the system alerted her. No host forearm on her back. Her hand should rest on your shoulder. How can her hand rest on my shoulder? You must be kidding me? Are you sure you are giving me the right instructions? Amelia bought her hand below Ria's armpit before she stopped moving. I don't wanna hurt her. System!!!! She screamed in her head. "Amelia?" Marie looked at her with a face full of humor. "Put your arm like this." She pulled Amelia's arm under Ria's armpit in a way that her forearm rested against her back. "If you want you can hold her with the other arm or rest her on your hip like this. I suggest you lift her like this since it will be easier." Marie spoke while Amelia nodded her head as she held on to Ria tightly but not too much that it hurts. Thankfully Marie didn't ask her questions on how she forgot about how to hold a baby. It did make her wonder why didn't she? Isn't it perfectly normal to get such a doubt? But of course, she cannot deduce that the person inside was changed. "I will be leaving. Thank you, Auntie." Amelia spoke while Marie chuckled at her before waving her hand at Ria and Lucas. "Come to my house with your husband for dinner someday." She uttered while Amelia just smiled in return. We can think about it if I remarry. She thought inwardly before turning around. Amelia carefully walked towards door no 318 taking small steps while Lucas ran towards the door. "Mom! Go." He spoke pulling the door handle while Ria hid her face in Amelia's neck while hugging her with her small arms. Amelia who didn't know where the keys felt like hitting her head again. System where are the keys? She asked with a sigh. Under the flower pot Host. Amelia looked at the only potted plant beside the door and felt angry. How can the system expect her to bend when she is holding a baby for the first time in her arms? What if the baby falls? Host, you can ask Lucas to get them. The system replied in a glum way while Amelia sighed. "Lucas, can you take the keys out? Keys. Here." Amelia questioned while making a hand motion of opening the lock and then pointing to the flower pot. "Kelys?" Lucas tilted his head in confusion. "Silver color. Shiny shiny. Ching ching." Amelia felt as if she used every word in her little baby knowledge. How did I expect a year old to understand me again? She muttered to herself looking up at the ceiling. Her stomach made a grumbling sound. She was hungry. A shuffling sound was heard. And Lucas waved the key that he found below the pot. "Ching ching." He muttered with a wide smile while Amelia felt as if she was looking at a little angel from heaven. "Aw! My smart son." She praised heartily rubbing his head while Lucas smiled even wider if possible. He didn't know why his mother was smiling at him a lot more today than she used to. But it was really nice. Amelia took the key from him and opened the door. As soon as she did, Lucas ran inside without taking his shoes off. Amelia took her sandals off and placed a sleepy Ria on the small sofa in the living room. As much as she wanted to go drink water, she feared Ria would tumble down from the sofa. So she just sat on the arm of the sofa. Host, you could put pillows around her so she will not move around until you come back. The system suggested while Amelia silently tapped her thigh. That would work. "Lucas." She whispered to him who was busy playing with his blocks. "Mom!" He exclaimed while Amelia shushed him. "Talk slowly, your sister is sleeping." She gestured. Although Lucas didn't understand her, he imitated her by putting a finger on his lips. "Can you bring me a pillow?" She questioned. "Pio" He repeated. "Yes, pillow. Soft, soft." She emphasized the word pillow. "Pilwow" Lucas exclaimed clapping his hands while Amelia held his hands stopping him from making noise. "Yes, there." She gestured while Lucas ran to the bedroom. He returned later with a big pillow which almost covered him entirely. "Pilwow" He spoke while Amelia smiled. "Yes, pillow. And thank you, Lucas." She spoke kissing him on the cheek. It was a spur of the moment decision. He looked really cute with his black hair tousled around and huge black eyes staring at her intensely. Lucas giggled when she kissed him. He liked today's mom more. Amelia put the pillow in front of Ria and stood up. She checked it again before finally going to the small fridge to drink water. As she drank water, her stomach grumbled. Looking inside, there wasn't much to eat other than cereal, milk, and bread. There is no way she would eat that after coming back from death. Amelia closed the door shut and looked around the house. It didn't have any uplifting factor to it. Just plain white walls and two sofas, a small TV, a table, kitchen, and one bedroom. Nothing special. She found Amelia's phone lying on top of the fridge and immediately dialed up a chicken restaurant number. She needed to eat something before she decides what to do next. After ordering a large serving of chicken wings and french fries to go along with. Just as she sat down on the other sofa, she remembered. Ordering food requires money. Sulking she got up again in search of Amelia's purse which thankfully was found in the bedroom. She unzipped it and took out all the money, papers, and makeup items in it, and spread them on the bed. She then started counting the bills one by one and then counted the coins. She had almost 1054 dollars with her right now. She let out a scoff remember Liam's net worth was around $250 million dollars while all his wife had in hand were $1050? You must be kidding me! This revelation just made her steel her plan. Host, there should be money in the back account. You don't need to worry about it for now. The system informed while Amelia sighed before falling backward onto the bed. Now I can just relax. She thought closing her eyes. Host, I found three members suitable. The system interrupted her who opened her eyes with a pout in return. System, I will see that at night ok? I am a bit tired from all the drama from the morning. She muttered while the system retreated silently. Amelia smiled softly and closed her eyes again. "Waaaaaaaaaaa~ Mommy~" A cry shattered her dreams for a peaceful sleep. She sprung up on her feet and jogged to the living room to see Lucas and his blocks all messed up. "Wuuu Wuu~" He cried loudly while Amelia sat down next to him and patted his back. "Shhh, It's ok baby. What happened?" She questioned with a distressed expression while Lucas stood up and hugged her tightly. "Wuuu My- my" He pointed to the messed up blocks while Amelia sighed. What should she do now? Host, you should build it with him. Maybe then he would stop crying. The system suggested. And there goes her rest time. "It's alright. Let's build it again ok? Mom will build it with you." She muttered patting his back while Lucas looked at her blinking his tears. She made him sit on her lap and bought the blocks near her and started assembling them one by one at the same time urging him to build them with her. Thankfully Ria didn't wake up from this commotion or else she would have gone crazy. ~.~
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