1937 Words
I jolted awake when I heard what I thought was a gun shot, my mind rushed to back when Quin broke into my house. I thought helping him would easy my consciousness but it didn’t. I got out of the bed, opened the drawer beside my bed and got the gun I bought a few weeks after what happened with Quin, I felt as though I wasn’t able to protect my son. I took it and started slowly and quietly walking towards the area I heard the sound. I entered the living room to find Nick drinking water which he almost choked on when he saw me with the gun. “What the hell mom?!” He yelled. “You wanted to shoot me?” He asked. “Don’t be ridiculous. I can’t shoot you, I heard something and I was coming to check it out.” I explained. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I just came to get some water and I accidentally toppled something over, I don’t even know what it was.” Nick explained. “When did you get a gun?” I looked at the gun in my hand, “none of your business young man, now go back to bed, you have school tomorrow.” I said as I shooed her from the living room to his bedroom. “You know I’m like 10 now. I can do things on my own.” Nick said pouting. “Says the kid who almost got shot by his mother.” I joked but he just shook his head, “too far?” I asked cringing at my little joke. “Too far.” Nick agreed as he switched off the lights and went to sleep. “Good night honey.” I said as I slowly closed his door. “Good night mom.” I heard him say before I closed the door. It has been a tough couple of years, with Quin in rehab, or wherever he is getting help from, I had to take care of Nick on my own and it was hard to answer whenever he asked where his father was. Wayne did try to help but it I didn’t want to have to dump fatherly duties on him considering he wasn’t Nick’s real father. But he has been a lot more supportive of me and Nick and a generally awesome boyfriend. I woke up the next morning to prepare breakfast for Nick, who no longer wanted his pancakes shaped like animals or shapes. I can’t believe my little baby is gone and is being replaced with a man. “What are you thinking about?” Nick asked as he took a seat on his designated chair on the dining table. “Why you are growing up so fast that you’re soon not going to need me anymore.” I said. “You’re my mom, everyone always needs their mom.” Nick said then he seemed to be lost in thought. “A penny for your thoughts?” I asked as I served him his pancake with pineapple juice. “I just realized, I’ve never seen your mom, where is she?” Nick asked. I chuckled, “the story with my mother is too complicated for you to understand little man. Now finish your breakfast, Wayne should be here any minute to take you to school.” I said as I sipped my coffee. Wayne had insisted on taking Nick to school everyday and he did make time for it, Nick seemed to like it so I wasn’t arguing about it. Immediately I finished my coffee the door bell rung, “that’s probably Wayne so finish it up.” I said to Nick as I walked past him to get the door. I opened the door and the first thing I felt was the smell of Wayne’s aftershave, he looked handsome as usual in his suit. He handed me a rose, “a beautiful rose for my beautiful rose.” He said pulling me into a kiss. “Good morning eager beaver.” I said when I pulled back from the kiss out of breath and blushing. “Good morning sweetheart.” Wayne said smiling, “your nightdress is so light, it’s leaving nothing to the imagination, I feel like ripping it off of you and claiming that body I’ve come to know so well.” He murmured the words in my ear and I couldn’t help but feel aroused. “You think you can do that?” I asked as I nibbled the bottom of his ear. “Is that an invitation?” He asked looking at me and I could see the desire in his eyes. “Mom, I’m done!” Nick yelled from the kitchen. I looked at Wayne and smirked, “I guess that will have to wait.” I said running my finger across his cheek to his chin then I walked away. “Well that’s just not fair.” I heard him say as he entered the house. Nick was coming back from his room to get his school bag, “you’re here.” Nick yelled excitedly when he saw Wayne. “I am. Are you ready to go?” Wayne asked. “Ready. Goodbye mom.” Nick yelled. “Bye sweetie have a nice day at school.” I said and Wayne walked towards me and kissed me. “Have a nice day at work. I’ll hold you on your invitation.” He said as he waved me at me and took Nick to school. I got ready and went to work, I had managed to get a promotion after working my ass off for over the year. I feel like Wayne being my boyfriend kind of influenced the boss’ decision but I wasn’t complaining, I wanted to get a promotion and I did that’s all that matters. “Miss Richmond, these files need your signature also you have a meeting with the boss to brief him about last months budget.” Ruby, my assistant, highlighted to me what I needed to do. I handed her a cup of coffee and she looked at it, “you want me to hold it for you?” She asked. I chuckled, “no, I brought you a cup of coffee.” I said walking into my office only to see Casey seated on my chair. “I have to say, you did well for yourself.” Casey suggested. I smiled at her, “what are you doing here?” I asked, I thanked Ruby then dismissed her. “I was hoping to chat with you but with the sound no of what your assistant is saying you seem to be having a long day.” Casey said standing up from my chair and I sat on it. “It’s the beginning of a new month so it is bound to be busy.” I said turning on my laptop. “The months is a few days in and it’s a Friday so we,” she said gesturing to the both of us, “are going out tonight.” I sucked my teeth, “that’s not going to happen.” I said disappointing her. “Plans with Wayne and Nick?” She asked “Actually, plans with just Wayne.” I said with a smile. “Come on Love, we barely see each other since you started being all lovey dovey with Wayne. Are you replacing us?” She asked pouting. I chuckled, “no, I’m not and I can never do that. I just this business thing that Wayne told me about weeks ago, I have to go.” I explained. Casey sighed, “I understand but you owe me now.” She said as she stood up and walked out. Ruby walked in right after her, “you need to go to a meeting right away.” She said. I looked at the time on my wrist watch 9.14am, “I didn’t think I had a meeting till 11am.” I said. “The boss said that he has time now and that the head of each department to go and brief him in the conference room on his floor.” Ruby said in panic. I sighed, “I don’t even have anything ready.” I said looking around my desk. “I have everything ready for you.” Ruby said placing three files on my desk. I looked at her and smiled, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I exclaimed as I picked the files and rushed to the meeting. I was one of the few people to join the meeting, everyone started presenting and this took much longer than what I thought it would. The meeting ended by 11.30 am and I wasn’t the only one who was glad to be leaving that conference room but now that was off the table and we can breathe easy until next month. I stopped by Ruby’s desk, “you saved my ass today and I want to take you out for lunch.” I said. She blushed, “I was just doing my job, Miss Richmond.” She said and I guess she couldn’t stop using that name no matter how much I told her not to. “I’m taking you out for lunch.” I said sternly and went to my office. I was working on a few budgets when my phone rung and I sub consciously picked it up, “Head of accounting, how may I help you?” I asked as I kept tying on my computer. “Hello sweetheart.” Wayne said, “I see you got promoted.” I chuckled, “no need to pretend I know you had something to do with this.” I said as I stopped typing. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Wayne said but I could hear the smile in his voice. “Mm hmm. How can I help you? I’m a busy lady now, you know.” I bragged with a smirk. “I bet you are. I know you’ll get mad at me for this but I saw this amazing dress and shoes that I bought for you to wear tonight.” Wayne said. “You saw it or you went shopping?” I asked. “I saw it, I was busy with my day and the dress was just there.” He said trying to make it seem like he didn’t just go shopping for a new dress. “Okay then.” I said. “I swear that… Wait what?” Wayne asked surprised, “you’re not going to argue with me about the dress?” “Do you want me to?” I asked. “No, no, I’ll take the win. I can’t wait to see you in it tonight.” Wayne said. “I have to get back to work.” I said with a chuckle. “Okay then.” Wayne said then he hanged up. I continued with my work, until it was lunch time. I took my purse and phone and left my office, “let’s go Ruby.” I said as I walked past her desk. We were walking sharing small talk when I saw him, Quin, standing on the other end of the curb. My eyes were glued to him that I bumped on to someone spilling their drink talking my attention away from Quin for a minute but when I looked back up he was gone. Did I just imagine him? I wondered.
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