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Quin McDaniel I spent almost 2 years in rehab, it wasn’t easy I’ll tell you trying to go through anger management. Trying to control it made me want to snap more and I did often at people who didn’t deserve it. Gabriel kept me in touch with my son’s progress where he’d send me photos of him going to school or with Love sometimes with Wayne and that was what made me mad. I was stuck here and someone else was replacing me in my family, I wasn’t going to give up on Love. I loved her and I was willing to fight for our love and family, that’s why I was here to begin with. I almost became a cocaine addict, that prolonged my stay here as I was substituting one problem for another. But today I’m finally getting out of here, back to the world, to see my son and Love and I couldn’t help but feel excited. The facility did assign me a therapist of some sort, or a sponsor if you could call it, I was to report to her immediately I got out so they could help me in my journey. I dropped by her office, after waiting for a while she walked out of her office with a patient, she was beautiful. Her light brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, her beautiful face demanding of attention, her cheekbone firm and high, her rose colored lips moist as she spoke and her suit that fit her enough to extenuate her figure but still enabling her to look classy, it is going to be hard to keep my eyes off of her. She turned and looked at me, “Mr. McDaniel?” She asked with her soft and melodic voice. “Yes, I am.” I said standing up and adjusting my suit. She smiled, making her look even more beautiful, “Follow me.” She said as she walked back into her office and I walked in after her closing the door. She offered me a seat as she leaned on her desk, “I’m Ivy Hughes, I’ll be your therapist outside the rehab but I’d like you to consider me like a friend you can talk to about anything.” She said with a soft smile. I smiled back, “that’s nice of you but I doubt I’d be using much of your services.” I said politely. Ivy chuckled, then she walked around her desk and she took a seat, “I understand how you feel. I just wanted you to know that I’ll be here whenever you need me.” She said then she took a card and handed it to me, “if you need it you’ll use it if not you can just use it as a bookmark or something.” I nodded, “if that’s all I’ll be leaving now.” I said standing up and I took the card from her. “Have a nice day Mr. McDaniel.” Ivy said with a smile. “You too Miss Hughes.” I said then I walked out. I was feeling determined and hopeful to go and see my son and Love, Gabriel was able to get me Love’s new address so I was set to go. It was almost in the evening so Love should be back from work and Nick from school. I drove there and I parked on the other side of the road from her apartment, I sighed, “Quin you can do this. You just have to go and have a conversation with her like an adult.” I told myself. “all you have to do is go there and say, ‘Hello Love, long time no see. How about we talk about us?’ That’s not so hard, right?” I said confidently then I sighed, who am I kidding she would chase me away if I start with that I thought. I finally mastered enough courage to want to get out the car when she walked out of the house, with Wayne. She looked much more beautiful than I remembered, her hair that she had cut short was now longer which was something I preferred. She laughed about something she said and her infectious laughter landed on my ear and I couldn’t help but feel my feelings for her coming back stronger. She was a unique woman who helped me when I was on my death bed despite everything I put her through but I didn’t deserve her, but maybe she’d have me. Wayne got into his car and drove off but now I didn’t have the courage to talk to her while she was standing there on her own. I just drove off and went to my office, it was quite with no one in sight, I didn’t think people left that early it was just 5pm. I walked into the waiting area, “surprise!” a group of people yelled taking me by surprise. Gabriel walked towards me, “you didn’t think you’ll get out and I wouldn’t know did you?” He asked as he enveloped me in a hug. Before I could answer Elle came and hugged me, “I missed you around here boss. It’s good to have you back.” She said shaking my hand. “It’s glad to be back.” I said then a few other people came to great me then I turned to Gabriel, “I really I’m not ready for a party.” I said as I walked to my office and he followed me. “I’m sorry man. It wasn’t my place to do this behind your back.” Gabriel apologized. I sighed, “I know you meant well it’s just that… it feels different.” I said, “it’s like I was expecting to find everything the way I left it 2 years ago but everything is different. People moved on. She moved on.” I said whispering the last part. “You went to see her, didn’t you?” Gabriel asked. “Yes, I did and I saw him with Wayne Robinson.” I stated. “I guess you were bound to find out sooner or later, better sooner.” Gabriel said then he sat down, “I have an idea, there is this get together of people in the business world. We can go and you can make an entrance and people can know you’re back to running your business, how about that?” “I think that’s what I need. I could probably get myself a new suit or something.” I agreed with him. “Exactly. Now you’re getting it.” Gabriel cheered, he stood up, “it’s nice to have you back man.” He added then he went back to the party. I have had an eventful few hours and I would probably need to talk to someone about this I thought then chuckle when Ivy was the first person to come to mind. I left, went home the people were very understanding about me leaving, it felt nice to be back in my natural habitat or at least one I’m used to. I went took a shower and I was feeling a bit energetic so I made some food, after I had my meal I went and took the card Ivy gave me. It had both her work and home numbers, I didn’t think that was safe but I guess I won’t tell her how to run her practice. I called and she picked almost immediately, “Hello?” She spoke up. “Hello Miss Hughes.” I said as I rested on my couch. “Mr. McDaniel.” She said and I could hear the excitement in her voice. “I thought I was the special one who only got to have your home phone number, but I guess I’m not.” I said feigning sadness. “And I thought you wouldn’t be wanting my services.” She said and I could hear the smile in her voice. “I needed some professional help.” I said. “Talk to me.” She said softly. “I was married, or I am married as we never got to have a divorce. Her name is Love Richmond and we have a son Nick McDaniel, though I don’t know if Love let him keep my name.” I said with a chuckle. “I really love this girl but I feel like I don’t deserve her after everything I put her through.” “What did you put her through?” Ivy asked curiously. “A lot of things.” I admitted somberly, “a lot of bad things.” “She’s the reason you went to rehab?” Ivy asked. “I went for the sake of my son, I didn’t want him to remember me as a monster. But now while I was in rehab Love moved on and found another man, or a man that was already there.” I explained, “I saw them together today and I felt this urge of anger and jealousy.” “It’s normal to get such urges when you see someone you’re fond of with someone else but you should really avoid seeing her or your son at the moment.” Ivy said. “Why?” I asked curiously. “As you are just from rehab and exposing yourself to elements that might cause you to go back to a place you have been trying so hard to get out of isn’t healthy.” Ivy explained, “try and find your footing first before you can face her.” I sighed, “I guess I will need your help after all.” I said with a chuckle. Ivy laughed softly, “and I’ll always be here for you.” She said, “have a good night Mr. McDaniel.” She added then she hanged up. I took a deep breath, as long as I don’t see Love for a few weeks until I find my stable ground I should be fine. That shouldn’t be hard as she doesn’t know I’m out yet, I hope Nick will understand why I spent so much time away from him I thought as I went to bed. The next morning, I booked an appointment with my personal tailor to get myself a suit for the party in the evening. I went to the office where Elle and Gabriel were to bring me up to speed with how the business and any changes they might have made. I left the business in such a bad state when I went on my little stalker period but now I was ready to pick up the good work Elle and Gabriel had done. I read through some reports that were done and by the time I was done it was time for my appointment with the tailor. I drove there and after he took a few measurements he brought me a few suits for me to check as the party was too soon for him to start making the suit afresh. I picked one and he assured me he’ll have it delivered to my house by evening and I left to grab something to eat. I was walking with my head on my phone when I turned the corner, I looked up and my eyes met with Love’s. I froze, I wasn’t able to move and she seemed to be walking towards me, she bumped on to someone and when she turned her head to the person, I took off, entered my car and drove off. What was happening to me? Why can’t I face her? I wondered.
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