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Kai slammed his phone onto the desk and heard a loud c***k; it was clear that the screen had been smashed. He was livid. He had just got off the phone with Alpha Jatix, who had now headed back to New York to be there in case anything went wrong with the mission. He had found no leads on who this Noah person might be. They had ran Luca's photo through the database and found out that Luca was, in fact, his real name. He was born rogue, and his family was shunned from a pack from Spain. His parents fled the country to live in America, where they moved from state to state up until they died in a fight with some other rogues. There weren't many details on what actually happened, but it was suspected that the rogues that killed his parents took him under their wing.   His parents were shunned because they had a child out of wedlock, which in Spain, at the time, was illegal for werewolves. Each country had its own leaders, and those said leaders had different rules and laws. It was why so many supernatural creatures moved to America in the first place; it was a more accepting country. Some countries didn't even have supernatural creatures at all, and others only had one or two species. Take Romania, for example, only humans and vampires lived in Romania, and the only werewolves and witches that were allowed to visit were royals and coven leaders. One law applied to every country, though, and that was that the unlawful killing of a human was punishable by death. Humans were weaker and couldn't fight for themselves even with the best of training. Vampires would feed off donations from humans, and it created a balance in the world. Malachi was happy with all the information they had on Luca, but that happiness didn't last long when Alpha Jatix explained there was no trace of Noah anywhere on the system. Kai couldn't understand how someone could have lived for so long off the radar, but he had. His parents had ensured that. Just thinking about it angered Kai. A part of him was worried for Everlyn, they didn't know who this man was, and god knows the type of things he was willing to do. He brushed the thoughts away before his mind started spirling, Everlyn had shown that she could fight for herself, and even if she couldn't, she had the help of her witch friend. The king decided to leave the room and retire to bed, it had been a long day, and the full moon was the next day meaning that some of the wolves were growing restless already. Along his way to his temporary room, Kai had bumped into the man he had been avoiding all his stay. He knew that if he ran into Theo that he would end up slashing his throat with his claws. Kai gave in to the temptation and shoved up against the wall. His forearm rested against his throat, cutting off his air supply. His eyes looked over the man before he gave him a dirty look that would have made any sane person s**t their pants, but Kai had learned pretty quickly that this man wasn't rational. Theo never moved his eyes off the man he was supposed to call king. If he was in anyone else's shoes, he would have cowered down until he showed a sign of submission, but his wolf wasn't one to cower away when threatened. He believed that the trait would come of use when he became Alpha himself. Kai was undoubtedly handsome. Men were jealous of his looks, and women wanted to be shown off his arm. Theo thought he was ugly. This was the man she left me for? He thought as his eyes scattered over his features in distaste. Kai had stubble, but he knew that Everlyn preferred a clean-shaven face. Kai had dark hair, but he knew that she preferred dirty blonde like himself… or at least he liked to believe that she did. "She's going to kill you, you know?" The king hissed and glared at the man, refusing to bow down. He wasn't surprised at the blatant disrespect being shown. "I'm going to stand there and watch as she rips you limb from limb." His words didn't affect Theo in the way he intended for them too. Theo cackled at the empty threat, which only angered Malachi. He pressed down on his neck with his forearm, further cutting off the man's laughter. "You don't love her." He stated after a moment of the two glaring at each other. "You're infatuated by her beauty and charm, but you don't love her." Only he could love Everlyn the way she wanted to be loved. "If you don't love her now, what makes you think you will love her when the truth comes out?" He taunted, his sinister smirk grew as the king's arm slacked ever so slightly. "The truth is that you're a piece a s**t that should have been killed years ago." "How well do you actually know her?" "I know her enough," Kai replied instantly. He knew the man was just trying to get into his head. "If you knew her enough, then you would know that she wouldn't need your permission to take my life. She would have already done it when she got the first chance to."
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