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Everlyn had spent the week after seeing Kai wrapped up in a bubble with Noah. They had spent every day together so far, and Everylyn could tell that he was beginning to trust her more and more, and each second went by. She had been asking questions in such a way that Noah had been letting out little bits of his life without even realise. She has taught Willow her technique and was proud that Willow had also found more information on Luca. Alpha Jatix had called her burner earlier that day to let her know that they had found out who Luca was. She was disappointed to find that they had nothing on Noah, but that only made her want to find more information independently. "It's a full moon tomorrow," Noah mumbled into her hair as he held her from behind. His one arm was underneath her neck while the other one wrapped around her waist. It was late at night, and they were cuddling before Noah left for work. Everlyn completely forgot about the full moon coming up. She could feel her wolf grow restless at the thought. She hadn't turned fully on a full moon in what felt like months. She didn't feel the need for the month that she was at the castle, and now her wolf felt even more agitated. Only the King could turn into his pure wolf anytime he wanted, everyone else had to wait until the full moon, and that included other Alpha's. Every day other than the full moon, werewolves could only half-turn, they could force their claws out and teeth to elongate, but they could change into their wolf. Often werewolves would go for a long run that lasted hours to keep their wolves happy. "Why don't you come on a run with me?" Everlyn turned in his arms at his question and tilted her head to kiss him gently. Her mind subconsciously drifted to her King, and she cursed Kai for making her think about him every time she was kissed by Noah. It almost made her blow her cover. "I haven't been on a run since moving to the city." She replied, and Noah rose his brows at her confession. "And when was that?" He asked. She smiled and shrugged her shoulder shyly. Noah had realised that behind closed doors, she could either be dominant and sexy or shy and cute. He was growing to like both sides to her. "About 2 or 3 months ago." She admitted, still putting on an act. "That's it. You're coming on a run with me tomorrow." He demanded. The thought of going on a run got Everlyn excited, but wolves only ran with others when they were part of a pack, they were going with friends, or they were going with their significant other. Any other time they would be going by themselves. It was a bonding experience she had yet to share with Kai, and she felt somewhat guilty that she agreed to go with Noah as she nodded her head in agreement with the man holding her. "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to be my mate. Luca and a few others will be there too." She couldn't hide the relief that she felt as he said that. "I know running with someone like that is a bit more intimate than either of us are ready for." "So, where will we go?" She asked, taking the subject off that specific matter slightly. He was glad that she had. "There's this forest just out of the city, maybe 40 minutes away in the car. We usually drive up to save us running through the streets of New York." "God, that would be a disaster." She laughed and made a mental note to pay attention to where they were going the next day. "The forest isn't that busy, occasionally you might come across another rogue, but they usually don't bother us." She listened to him explain about the forest and how there was a stream they would stop by to drink from if they got thirsty. She had to internally scold herself from genuinely smiling at him as he explained how fun the run was going to be. He seemed so happy.   This was a job, not a time to bond with the enemy.  The worst that could happen in this situation was for her to actually catch feelings for this man only for him to then be killed, and her own plans to get revenge would be tarnished. She dropped her smile and pretended to listen to what he was saying when, in reality, she was thinking of Kai and her plan to kill Theo. Falling for the enemy was off-limits.
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