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Willow finished reciting what she had seen to her friend. The two were sitting opposite each other on the floor, Willow had her legs tucked beneath her while Everlyn stretched hers out. Everlyn's frown only grew deeper the more Willow told her. She and Kai already figured that they were creating a pack, but she didn't know just how far along they were.  Noah already believed he was an Alpha, which meant that either he was insane or he genuinely thought he could pull this plan off. And then there was the whole mating situation he wanted with her. She needed to talk to Kai about what to do because the last thing she wanted was to be marked by another man that wasn't him, but then if she didn't mate with Noah, there was the chance he would never open up. Her mind swirled with all kinds of information, causing her to raise her fingers to her temple and rub small circles in an attempt to relieve stress. She knew she didn't have much time until the three months are up, and she still had no idea where the children are being kept. Another girl went missing just the day after meeting with her King. Noah was lucky that Kai didn't come after him personally. It was a girl from his kingdom- a daughter belonging to one of his soldiers who was away protecting another pack. Kai was livid, but somehow he managed to keep himself calm and level headed and contacted Everlyn to let her know of the news. "You look stressed. Let's go make some food before we get ready for tonight." Everlyn's eyes snapped up to her friend's before she gently nodded her head and lifted herself off the floor. The two made their way to the kitchen, and Everlyn started searching the cupboards for food to cook. "We've got tortillas. How does fajitas sound?" Everlyn grabbed them out of the cupboard and began cooking the chicken while Willow prepped some vegetables. Everything was going smoothly as the two cooked dinner until the smell of blood wafted up the Rogues nostrils. Her nostrils flared as she smelt the heavenly scent, and she felt her eyes deepen in colour as her other senses heightened. She had never spun around so fast to see her friend clutching her hand as blood trickled down and dripped on the floor. Willow couldn't believe that she had managed to cut herself so deep. She knew that a spell would be needed to heal it quicker. In her midst of figuring out what spell she was going to use, she forgot that Everlyn was standing in the same room as her. Willow could hear her heavy breathing coming from across the room, and her stomach dropped when she realised the situation she was in. "Everlyn, you need to calm down." She reached for the nearest towel and wrapped her hand up hastily, but Everlyn had already reached her within seconds. "It's been so long." She ground out. Everlyn's mind took her back to when Pierce had stopped her in the hallway in the palace. She could barely contain herself from ripping him apart the minute her claws dug into his neck and made him bleed. That had been months ago, and now she was even more depraved. Everlyn hated this part about her. Usually, she was able to keep it in the back of her mind, and it barely made it to the surface, but today the scent of Willow's blood made her want to give in to the temptation. All she wanted was a little taste. "When was the last time you fed?" Willow asked, even though she was sure she knew the answer. "The last time you gave me a blood bag." Everlyn took a step closer. A gasp left Willow's lips at the realisation that it was almost 6 months ago. She had warned her not to starve that side of her for too long, but of course, she didn't listen. Willow knew what she was about to do was risky, but if she didn't, then Everlyn would find someone else, and that would be a disaster. Not only would she be committing a crime from not drinking from blood donations, but she would also be announcing to the world what she really was...a hybrid. It would ruin this whole mission and probably her relationship with Kai. She would be left with nothing. Willow took the cloth off her hand and shakily held it up. She didn't need to say anything for Everlyn take the hint. Everlyn didn't have to think twice before she gripped her arm and brought it towards her lips. She felt her fangs elongate before biting into the soft flesh on her small wrist. Everlyn's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she gulped down the exquisite warm liquid. Her fingertips dug further into her arm, and from the wince that Willow made, she knew she was hurting her, but she couldn't stop. Not yet, at least.  Willow could feel the life draining out of her as pints of blood left her being, but she trusted Everlyn to stop before it became life-threatening. And she was right. As soon as everlyn heard her best friend's heartbeat slow down, she retracted her sharp fangs from her wrist and licked the remaining blood around her lips. She hated feeding on her friend and had only done it once when she had no access to a blood bag years before. She despised this side of herself. It made her feel like some kind of evil animal that needed locking away. She believed she was an abomination, although her mother would always tell her otherwise. Werewolves and vampires simply could not have children together. It was impossible, but she was a gift from the gods. She wasn't sure why she was created, but the head witch of Willow's coven had made it clear that she will know when the time is right. It was just a waiting game for her, so in the meantime, she focused on herself. And that meant becoming Queen and getting her revenge. Everlyn had never met her father. As soon as her mother found out she was pregnant, she left him and told people in the pack that it was a one night stand with a human. When everlyn began showing signs of both vampire and werewolf at the age of 16, her mother found a local witch to cast a spell to hide that side of her. It went well…for a while. But she was just a teenage girl, and like most teenage girls, she thought she had found the perfect one; the love of her life. He went by the name of Theo and was the Alpha's son. Theo was everything Everlyn could have dreamed of. He was smart and caring, and not to mention how good looking he was. All the girls at school drooled at the sight of him, and Everlyn was no exception. She caught his eye instantly, and the two began dating in secrecy. Everlyn wasn't very popular at school, and god forbid if the other girls found out that she was the one to have his heart. This secret relationship continued another year, and Everlyn finally thought she could trust Theo, so she told him who she was, and it was the biggest mistake of her life. She thought she knew him, but it was all a lie because the Theo that she knew was not the real Theo. The real Theo was a disgusting excuse of a werewolf and took things without consent. He convinced his friends to take something without consent, and just when Everlyn thought her pain couldn't get any worse, he sunk his teeth into her neck and marked her as his. So she did the only rational thing one could do in her situation. She ran, and she kept running until she bumped into a young witch that needed some help against some rogues. She bumped into her best friend, who protected her and took her in. Everlyn had sworn to never tell anyone the truth again until the time was right, so she pushed that side of her away. She pushed it so far away that she almost forgot about it, and that meant forgetting to feed, which was a dangerous move on her part. The realisation of what she had just done hit her like a ton of bricks, causing hot tears to rush down her cheeks. She hadn't cried for that long that she almost forgot how it felt to actually feel emotional pain. Instantly Willow wrapped her shaky arms around her friend, even though her arm was in agony and she was already feeling faint. She held her as they dropped on the floor, and her own tears slipped out for the pain that her friend was going through. She had no idea how this day had turned into this, but she knew that Everlyn needed this. She needed to give in to her emotions and let it all out because keeping it in was dangerous for everybody.
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