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Noah had gone to the toilet just after they finished their meals, and Everlyn took this as a perfect opportunity to ask her friend to use the location spell to spy on him. He had left his jacket on the back of the chair, but she knew that it would be too obvious if she took the key from him then. Willow's reply was instant, and she set up the space around her so that she could tap into the spell. She had to make sure that she was tapping into the spell placed on Noah and not Luca, so she imagined what he looked like. Instead of sitting cross-legged on the floor like the last time she used it, she lay back on the soft couch. After a moment of chanting, she felt a hum run through her body.  Once again, her eyes shot open, revealing white iris' as she drew power from the flames of the candles beside her. The world around her spun, and before she knew it, she was standing in the middle of a busy Italian restaurant. Willow glanced around the room and released a breath of air when she spotted Noah and Everlyn getting up from their table so they could leave. Willow walked towards the couple and placed her hand on his broad shoulder. She was creating an attachment to him so that she wouldn't have to follow him around. A shudder ran through his body, and he couldn't help but brush the dust off his shoulder. He was confused at the sudden drop in temperature and found it extremely strange considering that werewolves didn't get cold often. "What's the matter?" Everlyn rose her hand to his cheek and questioned what was up, but she could feel it too. She felt like they were being watched and knew instantly that it was Willow. She struggled to contain her smirk and turned it into a reassuring smile instead, making Willow chuckle at her friend's actions. "Just felt cold. You ready to leave?" She nodded her head and slipped into her coat before tying it at the waist. Noah had already paid for the meal and placed his hand on the small of her back as they walked briskly out of the building into the busy street of New York. Willow was closely behind and stared out into the crowd of different people as the two said their goodbyes. She was watching a group of teenagers bicker about which coven was the best. It was then that she realised they must have been young witches. They looked around the age she was when she chose her coven and knew that they would have to choose theirs soon if they wanted to gain access to their full powers. She felt a pull in her hand and knew that Noah and Everlyn had said their goodbyes and were now walking in different directions as each other. Noah's walk must have been less than a block away, and she found herself standing in front of his apartment building and quickly followed him inside. Her eyes scrutinised his every move, paying attention to every facial expression he had. She wasn't surprised to see Luca standing in the middle of his apartment when they finally entered the apartment, but she was surprised at the stoic look on his face. "You're late." Noah raised an eyebrow at his friend's tone and sat down in one of the chairs. Luca sat down opposite him. Willow contemplated staying where she was, but she knew she couldn't quite see Noah's face from this angle and sat down on the couch beside Luca. She almost forgot that they couldn't see her until she saw Noah pull out a key from his jacket pocket and throw it at his right-hand man. Luca caught it with ease. "Blair found this in my office earlier today." He explained, and Luca nodded his head slowly as he spun the key between his fingertips. "I don't think she suspected anything, but I want you to keep it instead. I can't risk her knowing the truth about what's really going on… not yet anyway." "When do you think she will be ready?" Willow drew her brows in confusion. Ready for what? "When she falls in love with me." The smug smile did not go unnoticed by the witch, and her frown deepened. "I'll tell her everything when I know the time is right, and I'm sure she will join our pack." Willow made note that Noah had claimed they were in a pack. A pack of rogues just didn't make sense, but now she understood why they were taking children…they were training them to be soldiers. "She's a rogue. How are you so sure she wants to join a pack?" Luca's question was valid, and Noah knew that he would ask that, so his reply was instant. "The system has failed her in more ways than one, my friend. Plus, if we can get the mating process started before telling her the truth, she will feel obliged to join me. You saw her wolf. She would be an amazing addition to the pack." Willow couldn't believe the words that were leaving his mouth. A pack needed an Alpha, and you couldn't just announce that you are one. You have to be accepted as one by the King or already be born into power. Did he really think that the Alpha King would allow him to create his own pack when he has kidnapped children and killed people in the process? "What happens to Sasha when her best friend leaves her?" Luca asked. He had grown quite fond of the woman and saw a future with her.  "You can be mated to a human, can you not?" Luca hummed in agreement, leaving Noah to continue. "And besides, if she really wanted to, a bite of an Alpha could turn her. That is if she would allow me to bite her, of course." Willow gasped loudly. Noah really thought that he was an Alpha. She knew that she had to return to her body and reveal this news to her friend so that they could notify the King.
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