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"Thank you for tonight." Everlyn thanked after she closed her front door behind them. Willow had gone to Luca's, so it was just the two alone in the apartment. Although both of them had spent the past several hours running in wolf form, neither of them felt tired. "The pleasure is all mine, Blaire." Noah slipped out of his shoes and hung his jacket up on the hook before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Your wolf is remarkable." He still couldn't get over how elegant her wolf looked among the others, but he also knew that she would have been able to rip anyone to shreds from the sharpness of her teeth. "So was yours." She complimented, and she meant it. She was surprised at Noah's wolf, if she didn't know any better, she would have suggested that he was from an Alpha bloodline, but Kai would have found him in the records when he ran his face in the database. "I've worked up an appetite after all that running, though." She felt herself relax on the couch and flicked on the TV, enjoying the comfiness of the soft cushions. She was enjoying it while it lasted. It's not like she would be able to do this when she was crowned queen. "I'll order us some take out. Shops tend to stay open later after a full moon because so many werewolves are hungry, plus it's New York." Everlyn sighed at the thought of sinking her teeth into a juicy burger. She had been eating the food Willow had been cooking since they arrived and craved some greasy take out food. "I could kill for a burger and fries." Noah pulled out his phone from his pocket before sitting beside the woman. He rested his feet on the coffee table as he scrolled through an online ordering app and smiled when he found his favourite place. "One burger and fries coming right up." He said and looked up to the screen to see that she had put on some kind of horror film. He loved horror films. "You know, Blaire." She turned her head from where it was resting on his chest and looked up to him in question. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" He was practically spending all his time with her when he wasn't working or doing other business, so he decided to take the plunge. He was, after all, infatuated with her. Everlyn smiled at him and nodded her head before leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. "I'd love to, Noah." She was glad that he had asked her because it meant her plan was working. Noah was slowly falling for her, well who he believed her to be, and it wouldn't be long before he would be spewing out all of his secrets. "I'll plan a date. How does Wednesday sound?" It was the only day the club wasn't open, and he usually spent the time with Luca and his security so that they could make come up with ideas for the next stage of their plan, but he supposed he could miss it for one night. After all, if he could get this girl on his side, it would make them even more powerful, and maybe he would finally be acknowledged for what he deserved. He already knew that she would come of use to the team, but he only confirmed it after seeing her wolf. His new plan was to make this woman fall for him so that he could use her to his advantage, and he didn't mind falling for her along the way. Hell, if things turned out well for them, they could even be mates by the end of this. Everlyn wasn't the only one hiding things, and one day the two would find out about each other's deception.
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