Entry 18

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22 Krishna So there I was, a gun to my face with Olivia looking like hell. She had her left arm in a sling that looked to have been made by tearing part of her skirt off. She looked like hell. Her face was covered in scratches, her normally neat hair was messy. “It’s me,” I said putting my hands up. “I notice if you threaten these things it starts flipping out, that’s how you can tell apparently.” Olivia put her gun down and let us in. I walked in with Eugene and William behind me. They both aimed their guns around and cleared the room. I also looked around making sure that there was none of those blob things hanging around. “It’s cleared Captain,” William said. “How are you holding up?” I asked. “Pull my arm,” Olivia said in pain squinting her eyes when she said that. I didn’t question it. I grabbed her arm that she had in her sling and in a swift motion pulled it. I heard a loud pop and Oliva screamed in pain. “f**k!” Olivia yelped. After a moment or two she started moving her left arm around. “Did you get ahold of the Colonel?” I asked. “No, she wasn’t answering. I also tried Heather.” Olivia said. “f**k,” I said. “Marxus what the hell are the Inklors doing here?” Olivia said. “You also thought about that?” I asked and Olivia nodded. She tilted her head towards a nearby corner. I looked over and saw a pile of mush on the floor. There was a gun wound on it. “Piece of s**t came at me when I was grabbing my gun.” Olivia said. “Inklors?” William asked. “Your talking about those blob things from Hydra?” Eugene said. “It’s the only thing that is like this,” I said. “I thought they were extinct,” Olivia said. “Wait how do you know about them?” I said to Eugene suddenly realizing what he had said. I wasn’t suspicious I was more wondering how it was that he knew about them. “My dad told me about them,” Eugene said. “When I was a kid, because it was big news back then when the Fakirs came, they told us about the Inklors and how they had been destroyed by whatever the bug things called the Zhiran.” “Oh, right that is what those bugs were called.” I said. The Zhiran were another group of aliens that the Fakirs knew about but never encountered. They were apparently these insect-like creatures that went around destroying s**t. Well at least they had destroyed the Inklors, or at least almost wiped them out. I walked over towards Olivia’s desk and started looking up these things called Inklors. I wanted to know if the Fakirs at least knew what these things looked like. I did the same thing I had earlier backtracking my steps. I was pretty sure that these things had attacked us because somehow Hunraken was involved and also Lorillard. If the Fakirs supposedly found some of their technology maybe they had found stuff that showed what their DNA sequence was like and that was how these things were around now. I actually was now starting to wonder if the M parasite might be something that they got from the Inklors. “The question is if they are the Inklors, then what the hell are they doing here?” Olivia asked. She still was moving her shoulder around. “How’s the shoulder?” I asked. “Hurts like hell,” Olivia said. “What are you looking for?” “I have a weird idea that the Fakirs, might have created the M parasite based on these Inklors.” I said. Olivia and the others looked shocked. “Why do you think that?” Olivia asked. “Call it a hunch,” I said. Actually, it was not a hunch. It was the f*****g Monkey had warned me of the f*****g attack. The thing we were talking about before was Project Rho. I had this f*****g suspicion that Fakirs might have been lying when the they said the Inklors were dead. The Inklors might have been a parasitic entity and had now weaponized them and created the M parasite. I found data about the Inklors. Surprisingly it was not redacted. I was right, they were blob-like creatures. That was actually the first f*****g sentence. Inklors, named by the Fakir Empire Exploratory Ship the Serpent Brotherhood I paused and read that a couple of times. I had no idea what that sounded familiar, but it did. I read the sentence again but dismissed the idea. The Inklors were named after the inky substance that the Fakirs found all over the place when they encountered one of the ships drifting not far from Ostrep, the planet the Fakirs made into the Universal Battle Tournament, and Universal Moto Tournament headquarters. The Inklors had an empire that expanded at least throughout 14 stars of the constellation of the hydra. Description: The Inklors are gelatinous-like creatures that are often considered to be an advanced on the evolutionary track of some sort of cephalopods similar to Sepiida that were discovered on Blito 3 of Sol 2. Though the exact description is based on translations from Inklor texts to standard Fakir version 384, the rough description of them describes them as large bulbous creatures with tentacle like arms and at the base of them. It is currently assumed that the Inklors can change their forms in some way. Similar to other known Cephalopods. “I didn’t see it have tentacles,” Eugene said after reading it. “Just because we didn’t see it doesn’t mean that they didn’t have them.” I said. There was a drawing that said, “Assumed look based on description from translations.” It was a sketch of a pretty big blob-like creature with tentacles at the base of them. It looked sort of purplish green, and it did not seem to have eyes. Well no noticeable ones. It could be one of those deals where its tentacles had sight sensing appendages on them or something. I could compare it to those things that were called Blue Bottles, they were deadly blue cephalopods that lived in the Galordian ocean of Namreds. “Question is if they are these things what the hell are they doing here?” Olivia said. “Good question,” I said. I looked through the article trying to find a way that these things could reproduce. I was starting to wonder if the people who were affected by the Sigmosis plague were, in fact, infected with whatever the Inklors used to reproduce and were using us as hosts. That idea scared me. The idea that Hunraken and the Black Empire, would do such a thing to us made me a bit sick to my stomach.  It could be that the Fakirs had brought their DNA code here and used it to create “super soldiers” and do whatever in god’s name was going on, on Rho. I continued looking through the file and eventually found a FAQ. I c****d my head and read through it quickly. There were some stupid questions like: Q: Are the Inklors giant squids? A: No, though they could be considered a type of Cephalopod the Inklors could not be considered a giant squid. Their intelligence was at least as high enough to develop interstellar travel. And even dumber questions followed: Q: Do female Inklors have breast? A: At this moment it is unknown if Inklors had any defining gender specific characteristics. The one thing that is known that since they are a type of Cephalopod and not a mammal it could then be safely assumed if there were females they would not have breast. And: Q: If I f****d a squid would they make an Inklor? “What the f**k kind of questions are these?” I asked. And found a question that made sense it said: Are the Inklors Parasitic? Q: Are the Inklors Parasitic. A: It has been often wondered how the Inklors reproduced considering their dubious reputation of going to a planet and taking it over, until they ran into an even more powerful race that they called the Zhiran, it was often thought that the Inklors are Parasitic in nature. Though current models do show the possibility that the Inklors could be parasitic, in a sense of them using a host species to gestate long enough to exit in a larva form. Not much else is known about their reproduction. “Look!” Eugene suddenly said when I was mid reading. I looked at where Eugene was pointing and at and I could not believe my eyes. Dr. Norman Hunraken had written this! My mouth gaped. “No f*****g way!” I said.  Well I was wondering when this was going to start to beep. So, you know what to do.
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