Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: An Early Rejection A wolf can never love like he did his mate, never! It is not possible. _________________________ The zipper of my jeans almost gets ruined as I dress up faster than I have ever had to in my entire life. Being late for school was not an option today, not when Mrs Kimber's assignment had absolutely slipped my mind and her lesson conveniently happens to be the first of the day. I knew this would happen, even a fool could have foreseen me not doing the homework, from as early as when it was given to us. It did not help that my mom was making this so taunting for me. Being late was bad on its own, but hearing "I told you so!", "How many times did I wake you up after your alarm rang and you did not listen?" Was driving me nuts, more nuts than she actually knew. I grabbed all the books on my desk, shoved them into my bag and ran to the kitchen to find her casually going through her phone. "We have to go! Now!" I yelled as I searched for some stationery that I could have carelessly placed in the kitchen cupboards. "I hope you know that it is your fault if you end up being late!" She exclaimed and I groaned in frustration. "Mom! Please just get me to school, you are wasting time by even blaming me for being late!" I ran to the car as fast as I could after grabbing a pen that probably will not write if its life depended on it while my mom just trailed like a snail behind me. Parents! Why were they like this? Always feeling a need to teach you a lesson in one way or another, nevermind if the situation you are in was a whole lesson on its own. I pounded the steering wheel as soon as I sat in the front passenger seat and saw her through the rear view mirror walking like we have all the time in the world for me to get to school. The honking has her covering her ears but at least gets her to speed up. "Kacey! Have you lost your mind? There is no need to panic, we still have time. I know what I am doing!" She shook her head at me as she got into the car, sitting by my side. "There is no time, mom. Please understand!" She might know what she is doing but so do I. In the midst of all the fun and drama that I was creating in my life, I had forgotten about a few of the things that still mattered. Including Mrs Kimber's assignment, and from what Molly texted me right after I got out of a long, relaxing shower, I know s**t is going to hit the fan if I do not get to school and find a way to have the work in my book without doing it myself. "Because of you, Kacey, I am going to do something I have never wanted to do. If your grades do not reflect my effort, I really will not be happy." "I know you do not like to drive the car immediately after starting it, mom, but please!" The fact that I even have to beg my own mother for her to take me to school on time was appalling! I wish I could tell her in simple words, "take me to school so I can steal another student's hard work!" But I cannot, I would not be the future leader that her and dad see me as if I did that. "Fine! Fine! I'm driving, sweetheart." "Thank you!" I leaned my head against the seat and sighed, watching the clock. I never liked when anything school related turned into a race against time, school was the very description of stress on its own, it did not need to get any harder. About five minutes into the drive, I decide to check the assignment and give my rusty brain a chance. Maybe it won't be so hard, Kacey! Maybe you are not as dumb as you like to make it seem. Perhaps I could learn a bit of the topic and answer the starting questions, right? Wrong! And laughable, but still at least worth a shot. I reached for my bag that I had placed in the backseat and unzipped it, searching through the books. Where on earth is that workbook? I almost go insane, rummaging through my bag only to find nothing, not a single physics book in the bag. "Oh nooo!" I scream and hold the sides of my face in panic. "Stop the car, mom. You have to turn it around!" I tell her immediately and she steps on the brakes, slowing down in the middle of the road. "What? What are you talking about?" She questions with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "We have to go back! I left a few books behind!" She finally shakes her head and finds a way to turn the car around before complaining too much. "Oh mom, drive! There's no time!" She mocked. "Well there definitely is none right now!" She proceeds, going on about how it will all be my fault if I am punished for being late. I seriously have no time to hear it, my only focus is dashing into that house and grabbing those two physics books before I fail to complete the homework. I get a chance to run into the house, looking like a maniac, before finding the books in a disorganized heap on my bedroom couch. It is really no wonder I missed them, all the clothes I threw there may have as well dug them a proper grave to bury them. I make it to the car and my mom drives off without scolding me this time around. I thank her with a kiss on the cheek and grab my bag, running into the building like I was working on winning a marathon. It is chaos by the time I make it to class. With only five minutes before our dearest witch walks through the door, there is really no time to waste. That woman was always punctual, rather early than late and never missed a class. There was no way I could give myself false hope and believe that she would delay. I run to the first circle of clustered people at the left corner of the class. This is where the funny part of school was, the part that should show teachers just how unhelpful giving homework is. There was only a need for a few people to do the homework in this class, the rest obtained it by copying from the 'smart' kids. Now, I never bribed my way into getting homework from a brilliant student or ever bullied them to obtain it but I was nearly always guilty when it comes to huddling in a group to copy one book. I never had time to do homework okay! I did not want to create it. Besides, none of this mattered anyway if it was not contributing to the results that will get me to graduate. The monkey in my head, also known as my procrastination encouragement, at least wanted me to live in comfort believing that. I squeeze myself between the students and try as hard as I can to write down the answers while an argument about the answer to one question not being what someone else thinks goes on. I could not care any less what the answer was, as long as I had the workings to show, I was just perfect. A tap on my shoulder alarms me and I see Molly standing behind me. Goodness! Where has this girl been? "Use my book, it will be much quicker than what you are doing right now!" She pulls me over to her desk and hands me her workbook and I see her complete assignment. "When the f*****g hell did you do this?" I quirked my eyebrow at her before I started jotting down the answers. "This morning, Kacey! When I texted you, I had just finished." She explained and I shook my head at her. "And when you initially remembered, you never saw it as important to remind me that we had homework. And when the f**k did you study anyway?" "This morning!" She responds and I gasp even though I really should not be surprised. Molly was close to being a toxic best friend, just close. We practically did everything together, the parties, the slacking off during class but somehow she always emerges from the pits of hell like a Phoenix and still come out victorious with her schoolwork. It was an art, if you asked me. I had no idea how much time her day contained but it definitely must be longer that twenty four hours. Or she has mastered time control, no other explanation. Mrs Kimber walks in and every huddled student is forced to take a seat and act as though they were not just writing her homework a few seconds ago. I am at a greater disadvantage due to the time I arrived here so I have to keep copying Molly's homework safely on my thighs while Mrs Kimber trails on about how easy it must have been for everyone. Right! I am only able to copy three more answers out of the remaining thirteen before she announces that Deborah, her class rep, has to collect all the workbooks. Fuck! f**k! f**k! I panic as Deborah nears my desk and get super annoyed when she notices me writing, worse, copying the homework. "Ahem! Mrs Kimber?" She starts and I facepalm myself. "Yes, sweetheart? How can I help you?" The pet owner responds and I am already feeling sick to my stomach "Kacey is currently doing the homework, and she is actually copying it!" She remarks and I feel like slapping her across her pale face, leaving Mark to last long. "K-kay who?" Mrsk Kimber stands from her chair and walks towards Deborah and I. The stupid b***h that got me in trouble is eying me with such cockiness right now and I can't help but find her pathetic. For over a year now, this girl has hated me, I do not know just how much she loved her little boyfriend when I made out with him at a party and got him to leave her and start chasing me, but she has held on to the grudge since then, and I am guessing this moment right here is perfect for her revenge thirsty ass. "What is the meaning of this! K-kamen or whoever you are, do you know how much trouble you are in?" The class is in a fit of laughter now that she got my name wrong and only self-control has me resisting the urge to roll my eyes and tell Mrs Kimber to screw it! "It's Kacey." I blankly state since I already know she needs my name to mark me on her registry's naughty list. She grabs my workbook, as well as Molly's and eyes her with narrowed eyes. " you are in on this huh? You are promoting this kind of behaviour in my class?" She takes the books and holds then against her chest. I'm thinking it would have ben better to have just told her I forgot to bring my book to school rather than to be in this trash pile! "You two, see me in my office after school, do I make myself clear?" She declares before walking back to the front of the class and continuing with her lesson like nothing had just happened. I feel really bad that my lack of thinking has sunk Molly in the shithole with me. I turn to my side and apologize symbolically with puppy dog eyes. She shrugs, laughing at the situation instead and I am glad to have a best friend like her-one to stick with me through thick and thin. I am forced to go through the rest of my classes with a heavy burden of an after school confrontation but I am glad once they are all done with so I could get over whatever Mrs Kimber had in store soon. Molly was already waiting for me by the office when I arrived and I offered sorry to her once more for putting her through this. Yet again, she proved to be the best friend of the year by shrugging it off and turning it into a joke. "It's fine! I would not be okay if I knew you were going to be serving the punishment alone, just remember to remind your dad to come only later." She reminds me and I text him right before we knock on the door. "Enter!" A croaky voice of only a wicked witch calls from behind the closed door and I, being the braver one, twist the doorknob and push the door open. "Who even says enter when people knock anyways?!" I remark with a whisper as I continue to push the door open. "Shhhh!" Molly quiets me and I roll my eyes at the thought of serving punishment for s**t. Mrs Kimber does not even take the time to scold us like we expect her to before blatantly instructing us to clean her toilet, the one connected to her office. I am already nauseous thinking of it but to just put an end to my misery sooner, I suck it up and get cleaning equipment from the janitor's room, who I believe should be doing this instead of myself and Molly? I get back to the office to find Molly already taking advantage of Mrs Kimber's absence and sitting on her desk chair. Before starting with the cleaning, we do contemplate stealing something or planting something to use against her later but the culprits would be way too obvious. It's quite the shame, I was really hoping to find her fake qualifications and get her fired! "Ewwww!" Is the first word to leave mine and Molly's lips when the toilet door swings open. To say the entire thing looked appalling would be an understatement. There were smudges of brown and red on the walls, dirty toilet paper all over the floor, and a smell that would not get out of my mind easily. This had to be illegal! There was no way Mrs Kimber was using this toilet for real. I am even scared to step into the room at all. "What the bloody f**k? Who uses this dump?!" Molly questions in horror as she keeps her nose pinched between her index finger and thumb. "Where on earth are we supposed to start?" I was deeply perplexed by the state this toilet in . In fact, taking an even closer look at it only suggested one thing, it was all deliberate. The apparent period smudges, disgusting looking s**t marks on the wall and seat top had to be something Mrs Kimber intentionally did in preparation for a moment exactly like this. If not, then that woman has to die soon because there must be at least three hundred billion different species of bacteria and fungi in this toilet alone. Molly and I only scrub the walls a bit, use the toilet cleaner in the bowl before we are sick and fed up. We decide to throw all care to the wind and just throw a bucket of water over the whole toilet and end up in an even worse mess by doing so. The water, as expected, rushes quickly into the connected office and we have to rush with mops just to soak it up. After mopping up a considerably good amount of water, I text my father and let him know that he can start driving to the school. Enough was enough for the day. We took our gloves off and threw them into the already smelly bin in Mrs Kimber's office. Deciding to allow ourselves a rest, we stayed in her office and Molly sat on Mrs Kimber's desk chair again while I sifted all the papers on the desk and sat on top of it. I truly believed it was finally time for me to ask Molly a question I had actually been wanting to ask her for a long while now. The moment seemed perfect, the office was quiet but we were not home so I would not be stuck with her if things got awkward. "Molly, I have been meaning to ask you..." I start hesitantly, dreading carefully around this sensitive topic. "Uh-huh? Go ahead?" She narrowed her eyes at me and tried to read my face. "How would you uhmm... how would you feel about your father taking another woman to be his luna?" I ask in the way I best deem fit and notice the instant change in her facial expression. Oh no! Don't tell me it's still too soon to ask "No, never!" She finally responds and I see just how much she meant it. The emotions of disgust and slight rage are so raw. "Why though? Don't you think he could use another woman in his life?" I was only pushing it here, I had gotten my answer fair and clear from the beginning. "He does not need anyone else. He will never love anyone like he loved my mother. Besides, why would he take someone that is not his mate into our pack and make her his luna? A wolf can never love like he did his mate, never! It is not possible." She made me want to wince and beat myself up for even bringing the topic up. I was triggering more emotions than I knew still existed. "My father does not trust easily. Not after what happened with mom. He would never take an imposter into our pack and risk losing everything he built. Besides, I would strangle any b***h that dares to come near him, any at all. Nevermind who they are or how old they are!" She had this face that I just failed to put into words as she said her final declaration. It warned me to be careful of what I do around Martin from now on. "Calm down! It is not that deep, really Molly! I just wanted to get your opinion on something random. It's not like I even have a reason to ask you or anything!" I act like I meant what I said but in reality, I was feeling a bit let down. There has not been a promise at all from Martin that anything could happen but it feels like I've just been rejected. If only Molly knew that the b***h she had to strangle was me, I was the one trying to get near her father, I have no idea what she would do and I am not quite sure I want to find out at all.
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