Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Intrigued by the mystery "The Alpha would like to speak with you." He shrieks and I have to blink my eyes slowly at him with raised brows just to be sure I had heard his exact words. _____________________________ I could already feel it in my blood and bones that this was not going to be a great day, I mean, any day where I have to go to school is not a great day but this one was going to be particularly worse. If my throbbing, aching head was not enough to make it clear then the fact that I had already missed my alarm by twenty minutes would suffice in convincing. I knew I had this coming, I knew I shouldn't have drank as many drinks as I did, but school was the last thing on my mind when I chugged all those shots. Now I was dealing with the consequences of taking in so much alcohol and sleeping before sobering up. Lord only knows I was glad my parents were not around to witness the kind of mess I had turned into, and now I have to act like I'm not so hung over. I throw the blankets off my body and get out of bed with a frown to my face and a slouch to my posture. I really did not want to do this. Why on earth did a place like school even exist? I was already frustrated by all I was anticipating for the day before it even begins, and I know I was right to think the absolute worst. I turn the water on cold as I take my shower, for some reason they always alleviate my pain, and if I was to ever indulge in the comfort of a warm shower, I would fall right asleep and wake up the next weekend. My shower only takes me a few minutes, less than fifteen, which is understandable seeing as I could not take my moment under freezing water. I pull out a cropped, lightweight fabric hoodie from my closet and pair it with a pair of my old, skinny jeans since I was stupid enough to stuff all my others in my suitcase, and now as Molly warned, they had wrinkled beyond an allowance for ignorance. I wore my hair in the messiest bun and covered it with the hood of my top as I prepared to face my mother, Stephanie. She was always the one to take me to school in the mornings, since for a reason only known to Martin, Molly always had to leave early for school. And being the kind of person I am, I would derail the poor girl's schedule for too many days in a week. I greet my mom with my eyes hidden deep below my hood. Her face is already calling bullshit before I even get near where she is standing by the island. "Good morning to you too, Mrs grumpy dumpy!" She replied. "I am not grumpy, mom!" I added to my defense but only proved what she was saying. "But you are! Just listen to how you just sounded right now. No positivity whatsoever." I really wish she would not push me to talk because when a slight movement of my face causes the pain in my head to shoot. "Well, it should be no surprise then, I am always grumpy on Mondays!" I countered her words as I took out a jar of instant coffee from the cupboards. I made no effort to even measure my intake as I used the jar itself to pour a heap of granules into my cup. I walk to my side to turn on the water kettle before noticing a look on my mother's face. It was a very inquisitive and accusatory look, so intense all I wanted to do was look away. Why was she doing that? Does she understand that I am trying to hide my state of being hung from her? "Did you drink?" She suddenly questions and my response is too instant to be true. "No!" I pause and calm myself before trying again. "Ew! Why would we do that?" I questioned as I rubbed the back of my neck and turned away from her to pour some water into my mug. "Mhm..because you are young, wild teenagers, Kacey. That's why." She chuckled a bit before proceeding. "That would explain the extra strong coffee you want to drink this morning. Since when do you even drink coffee in the morning, huh?" "Whenever I want, mom." Was all I could say in my defense. "It's okay...just don't let your father find out." She continues with the topic I was hoping she would end immediately. "And who will tell him, if you don't?" I turn around with my arms folded over my chest and she laughs, pointing a finger in my direction. "Got you! So you do admit that you were drinking?" I facepalm myself as I realize the trick she just played on me. "Let's just go to school, mom." I end the conversation there after taking a sip of my coffee. It was far stronger than I anticipated,and I did not want to have to deal with coffee breath all day. ______________________________ My day at school was as disastrous as I imagined. On top of all the long hours of teaching I had to endure with a throbbing headache because I refuse to buy any painkillers ever, I was asked to do three presentations in one f*****g class, without any heads up! That was s**t alright. Thank goodness it was only geography and I was already familiar with the topic that was being discussed. By some miracle, I had remembered things I read two years ago while my interest in school was not at a zero like it is now. I was currently searching through the pile in my suitcase for a nice, eye-catching outfit. After spending the day without motivation to do anything, I was deciding to at least take the clothes out and return them to my closet later. Who knew being able to see Martin was all I needed to gain energy and motivation for a day? As soon as my dad made me aware of a pack meeting that we were to have in under an hour, I felt all my worries fall off the table. That fine hunk of a man had eased all my weariness and gotten rid of all my body pains. I think it is high time we have meetings Every Day! I find my white tennis skirt, the exact one that Molly bought for me a few months back after seeing it as perfect for my body. I was yet to prove her right or wrong by trying it on for the first time since I had it. If she is right, this dress was just what I needed to keep Martin's memories of me full of juicy images only. "Oh my lawwwwd!" I exclaimed as I looked at myself in the mirror, my legs showing and figure perfectly highlighted in all the right areas. This was it, this skirt was perfect! My best friend knew me like the back of her hand! I pair the white skirt with a floral cropped blouse that has a deep v-neckline and short sleeves. If I do not get his attention in this outfit then I do not know what I will have to do to do it at last. Molly almost finds the fact that I changed weird enough to question my intentions with my clothing but I guess she does not have enough willpower to do so. We get to the pack house and it is already full. Sometimes I actually lost count of how many wolves my pack actually had, but seeing as I am only yet to turn eighteen, my involvement in the pack was not major. I was still just the beta's daughter and Molly had been just the Alpha's daughter for a long while. The meetings were usually short if they were held during the weekdays so I was already assuming the same for this one. The pack house was just two houses away from Molly's and no one actually lived there apart from the omegas and warriors who had to keep the house safe and be on standby in case the Alpha needed them. What a fine Alpha he was, I actually could not stop staring at him as he sat down on his designated chair. Alpha Martin was a man of very few words. He never even formally addressed us in these meetings, that was my father's job. He just sat on his seat most times and assessed us and our reactions. I knew he was always looking so had to be prepared and well groomed at all times. My dad started with a few announcements that concerned the pack business and since that was not quite my forte, my ears had deafened themselves and my eyes could only focus on one person and one person only-Alpha Martin Drummond. He was actually looking dreamier than I remember in his black suit. The way the suit jacket just enveloped his arms and highlighted his biceps was driving me crazy. I don't think I was even catching half of the words that were being said. All I felt like doing was pouncing on him and licking his skin straight up like he is ice cream. A nudge to my arm forces me out of my trance and Molly beckons for me to listen as my dad speaks. "Francine has finally found her mate, after years of searching. We are releasing her to join the Black Retrievers Pack, where her mate is, however she will always be welcome if ever she needs her fellow wolves. Everybody applauds for Francine, myself included because wow! That woman almost turned into fossils before she finally found her mate. Okay. I was exaggerating just a bit, she was only in her late twenties but to me that always felt like a very big age to still be without a mate. "Lastly, our future luna, Molly turned eighteen. Alpha Martin would like me to formally be her mentor, to prepare her for the difficult role of holding this pack firmly like he has on his own." My father adds and I cannot believe such an important aspect of being of high rank in this pack had slipped my mind. If your parent had an important rank in the pack, then you needed a mentor to train you to assume that role in future. I never imagined my father would be the one to actually coach Molly, but I am glad it's not anyone else seeing as he already loves her as my friend so much. The meeting actually concludes without me being told who my mentor is going to be and I cannot help but wonder why that is. My birthday was practicing two days away from now, there was actually no need for the delay in me knowing who would be training me. As I prepare to leave the house, my arm is suddenly grabbed by Fred, the son of one of the omegas in our pack. "Can I help you?" The question comes out more rudely than I actually intended so I have to change my face to look more welcoming. I mean, the boy had not done anything wrong except touch me. That was the only place where he went wrong. "The Alpha would like to speak with you." He shrieks and I have to blink my eyes slowly at him with raised brows just to be sure I had heard his exact words. "Who?" I have to ask because I am not sure this boy has enough sense or the correct age to even take instructions well. "Alpha Martin. He wants to have a talk with you." He dismissed himself, still intimidated by me and I am left without a variety of options. I must do as the Alpha says. With my nerves still pretty evident, I walked back to the interior of the house in search of him. His chair appears to be empty and everyone I ask about his whereabouts seems to think he has left the house. My phone vibrates and I unlock it to find two text messages from Molly. "Damien came and picked me up, I will only be coming back later during the night." "Please cover for me." I am left shaking my head as I read through the texts. Damien! Damien! Damien! Whatever black magic he was using on Molly was truly f*****g powerful. How was I even supposed to cover for her? How could she leave without letting her dad know where she would be and then expect me to take care of that? I headed to Martin's house before I ended up being too fearful to even communicate words clearly. I ring the doorbell as I fix my hair and seconds later the door opens and the most handsome face I know, attached to the sexiest body emerges from the front door. "Good evening, Alpha. You called for me?" My voice is squeakier than usual but I am actually proud of myself for not stuttering. "I did" he speaks the words with a deep voice, deep and monotone, always impossible to read. Now I am panicking. I have no idea why I have actually been summoned but my legs turn into spaghetti when he walks into the house and motions for me to do the same. I stand awkwardly in front of the door after closing it and I await his words. He was the one who called me after all. "I won't even keep you long. I need you to have a look at something." Uh-oh! What on this bloody planet could it be?! "Y-yes Alpha?" I question and he has me following him to the kitchen. I am certain he did not cook a meal and is seriously about to ask me to eat it with him, right? "Stand right there." He instructs me to stay with my body against the kitchen island while he goes to the fridge. My eyes go wide and my heart drops when his hand pulls out that very same packet of ham that I had dropped on the day that I slept over. "Do you recognize this?" He came closer to me and threw it on the counter top. "I..I uh...yes, Alpha. I do." I state with my eyes looking down at my feet and he chuckles almost inaudibly. "Good, good! And what did I tell you to do with it?" I gulp as I search for the real reason I did not carry through with his instruction to get rid of it. "You asked me to take it out of the fridge." I fidgeted with my nails and kept interlocking my legs repeatedly as I got more anxious. "Next time, listen to my instructions, clear?" I can only nod my head and agree to what he says. At this point my ability to talk has been thrown out to the wind. Martin was in full control of my feelings without even knowing it. "One more thing. Be sure to see me this Thursday when you get back from school." He added. "You may leave!" What?! What was actually going on? Why was he informing me of everything so hastily? Before I could even question, he was walking me outside and my legs were just following. The front door shut on me as soon as I was outside the house and my only worry was Molly. I had not covered for her and made up a perfect excuse to give Martin and I feel bad. Maybe if she knew just how intimidating and mysterious her father was, she wouldn't have sent me to his house to deal with by myself!
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